Metal Gear Solid: Remake

Listen to noone here, all that is known is that there is a GC Metal Gear game on the way, it will be shown at E3.

what it is, whether its exclusive or not, none of that is known at this point, the fact that one is coming is the only information that exists at this time.
Konami is the queen of milking, next to the king Capcom.

The ace though would be Nintendo.

Nintendo the worst for overusing game franchises? They certainly have released loads of games based on franchises like Mario and Zelda. But all of them are absolute top quality and most of them are totally fresh games even though the franchise itself is not new. Also they've been spread over lots of years. These games only come out once or twice per Nintendo console, that's not that often. Add to that totally new Nintendo games like Pikmin and ED and there's no way Nintendo can be accused of overusing franchises AFAICS. IMO a franchise is only overused when little change occurs (when the series gets stale).

I agree with Natoi, EA are the gods of milking! I mean the FIFA series alone gets them that crown :LOL: Now that is an overused franchise! There's been a new version released every year since 1995 and its been stale since 1997 :LOL: