...coz then I'll still be shooting chickens when u'll be plucking out headshots in MGO when it comes (Like in that Resistance session! Man, you singlehandedly won that round, even with me messing around and dying like sh!t
My roomate was laughing like hell that you were still winning! the only time I could kill someone was when I got that sniper rifle !
took three headshots, I guess, and then they mowed me down again.Miss my days of Quake3 when I ruled my college
Me and My friend Koshi used to arrange Q3 tournaments in college and collect all the entry money as we knew that we would be the top2 in the end!
Selfish Bast@rds we were! He! He! Sometimes we didn't even bother about arranging the last match, and would run off for a party with the prize money!
Man, the good old days of college! Ok! back to reality! i suck with the controller!
I have been playing BF:BC demo for two days! real FUN!)