Mass Effect 3

Dat lighting and skin shading. Minor spoilers if you don't want any knowledge of locations or enemies. But damn.

Probably PC version being shown. I'm sure I'll get that when it hits bargain bin since I'll be spending time with the 3 characters I've had since ME1 on 360 instead. (Don't much feel like replaying ME1 and 2 three times each again).

Dat lighting and skin shading. Minor spoilers if you don't want any knowledge of locations or enemies. But damn.

Probably PC version being shown. I'm sure I'll get that when it hits bargain bin since I'll be spending time with the 3 characters I've had since ME1 on 360 instead. (Don't much feel like replaying ME1 and 2 three times each again).

Cool video!

I'll be getting this for the 360 as well. I tried to make a switch to PC just before the second came out, but just couldn't play the first one with KB and mouse. The lack of pad support was quite a big disappointment and I learned this after I had already bought ME 1 and 2 for the PC also. I still have the second game wrapped in plastic.
Jessica Chobot from IGN is going to be in Mass Effect 3! Buy your copy now.

Oh? That's sad. The only other franchise I've come across that has even remotely the storytelling chops that Bioware games display is the Assassin's Creed franchise. There is no way I couldn't finish the Mass Effect saga.
Yeah, they've been seriously going downhill, IMO. Ever since mangling ME2, and then absolutely destroying the Dragon Age franchise with that abomination called Dragon Age 2. I've pretty much written them off as a dead company for me.

I might watch a friend play ME3 just to see how the story ends (assuming it ends as a trilogy), but I highly doubt they'll go back to the RPG roots of the game as they seem intent to making it a FPS so I'm not terribly interested. As well with the trend towards dialog and character choices making absolutely F-all difference in the game (ME2).

Well... DA is a completely different team and I think they've realized by now that it was a bad idea to rush the sequel and they've probably already spent more time on DA3 because of the bad reception.

ME2 was also a far better gameplay experience altogether, and they've apparently spent a lot of time on expanding the RPG features. ME3 looks like it's going to be a very good game.

Edit: oh and just to clear it up, making a teaser trailer for ME3 won't get me or my employer any royalties from the sales of the game ;)
ME2 was also a far better gameplay experience altogether, and they've apparently spent a lot of time on expanding the RPG features. ME3 looks like it's going to be a very good game.

ME2 was an FPS focused game and not an RPG focused game like the first one. Likewise with Dialog and NPC relations actually being meaningful in the first versus not making any sense whatsoever in the second. Bleh, I could go on and on about how ME2 sucks balls for any fan of RPGs, but I think that path has been well trodden.

It certainly improved quite a bit as a mindless and cinematic shooter but in the pursuit of that gave up virtually any semblance of being an RPG with meaningful dialog.

Perhaps ME3 or DA3 will renew my faith in the company's ability to make a good game. But I highly doubt it, and as such Bioware remains a dead company to me.

ME2 was an FPS focused game and not an RPG focused game like the first one. Likewise with Dialog and NPC relations actually being meaningful in the first versus not making any sense whatsoever in the second. Bleh, I could go on and on about how ME2 sucks balls for any fan of RPGs, but I think that path has been well trodden.

It certainly improved quite a bit as a mindless and cinematic shooter but in the pursuit of that gave up virtually any semblance of being an RPG with meaningful dialog.

Perhaps ME3 or DA3 will renew my faith in the company's ability to make a good game. But I highly doubt it, and as such Bioware remains a dead company to me.


Sorry not all RPG fan think like you, ME1 with is incredible huge inventory who destroy immersion, Sheppard is strong but not to care all this things.
And ME is an Action RPG so ME1 got lot of defaults in gameplay, ME2 correct some, ME3 seem to improve also this part, good.
And I want the return of the elevators!! With their squad members conversations and galaxy news!! ;)
I'm going to throw in for the majority so far. ME2 > ME1. I didn't like every change, but the vast majority of them were improvements imo.
ME2 gameplay >> ME1 gameplay
ME2 gfx > ME1 gfx
ME2 story << ME1 story
ME2 immersiveness < ME1 immersiveness (the first makes you feel like the universe is a big place)
ME2 inventory > ME1 inventory (simplification is nice, but Crysis weapon customization system would have been way better)

Each game is much better than the other in different respect, if they can merge both strengths, it could be quite an incredible game.

Also kudos to them for having put the gameplay in different classes, each player can pick-up the gameplay he likes by picking up the right class, makes the game enjoyable to way more people.
The ME2 story gets a bit too much criticism IMHO.

The only really good part in ME1 is the story structure, it's raising the stakes at a very good pace, and there's also a feel of actually chasing Saren through the galaxy (even though there are no timed events and you can spend months browsing around the starmap if you want to).
But the plot itself isn't really original or clever, and a lot of the important revelations are told through long conversations, or even just monologues. The supposedly big emotional moment on Virmire doesn't work that well either, because both characters involved in it are rather boring and most players aren't really attached to them. I'd say that Joker made a far more significant impression, or Tali and Garrus.
And yes, the size of the world was overwhelming, but that also had to do with getting dropped into it after the Eden Prime mission - on the second round, it inevitably felt more familiar and so the sense of wonder had to go away.

The second game's most important problems are that there are too many characters with their own little stories, drawing you away from the main storyline; and that there's no constant threat or main antagonist that you'd get to deal with at the end. I personally think that Harbinger was a good character with its attitude towards every living creature, but I can see why Bioware did not want another fight with a real Reaper. I sure hope Shepard gets to kick its ass in ME3 though ;)

But I really think that some of the individual stories of the team members were better than most of ME1; Mordin and the genophage issue in particular stand out as a really big achievement in video game writing. I also liked the way they elaborated the Quarian storyline: the geth in ME1 were simple mindless robotic monsters rebelling against their creators, but the addition of Legion and the insight to the fleet's politics made it far more complex and interesting. One can even understand the geth fraction that worships the Reapers and hopes to join them, at least to some level.

Garrus becoming the "turian Batman" was also cool, as well as Wrex trying to unite the krogan clans, and Tali becoming a strong, mature person. I also really liked how they developed Liara in the Shadow Broker dlc, the character was pretty annoying in ME1 (pretty much an oversimplified geek ideal of what a girl should be) but now she's one of the best team members and her friendship with Shepard works well even without any romance subplot.

Samara and Thane were interesting too, but their stories were more about talking, I would've liked to see some of the stuff instead. I'm not a big fan of Jack, but I know a lot of people liked her story a lot, too.

On the other hand I felt that Jacob, Miranda and the Illusive Man could have provided for some more depth in exploring Cerberus and humanity's role in the galaxy. After all, that's the biggest underlying theme in Mass Effect, at least in my opinion - how our race tries to find its place in this new, larger world, and how all the aliens view us and relate to us. And of course Shepard's part in it all.

So, in the end I agree with everyone that ME2 has it's flaws as well - they should've cut some of the party members, or combine them together, to have fewer recruitment and loyalty missions, and put more emphasis on the Collector threat and how it's related to the Reapers. And they should've found a better way to integrate the - otherwise interesting - idea of creating a new reaper from humanity's genetic material, instead of just dropping an oversized terminator on top of the player and having a lame boss fight with it.
For example the player could have started inside the thing, exploring around and slowly realizing what it is, so that there would have been some buildup to the fight... The 'embrio' should have looked more alien and disturbing, too, and some communication with it would have been good.

But all in all, the quality of the writing, the characters, the emotional response, were all at least somewhat better, and in some cases, definitely superior, to ME1. That game feels a little cold and more distant, at least to me.
For example the player could have started inside the thing, exploring around and slowly realizing what it is, so that there would have been some buildup to the fight... The 'embrio' should have looked more alien and disturbing, too, and some communication with it would have been good.

that would have been amazing, like it wakes up and you had a god of war style fight on this giant living reaper.

that wouldve been crazy.