They should really look a this fan made flowchart seems like something i can appreciate and expected the ending to flow in ME3. It's a shame bioware themselves couldn't make it.
Edit:*Does contain spoilers*
Yeah, that's almost what I was expecting. :/ At least in one of my runs
I got to kill jack as a phantom. 
I think the only part I didn't really like about that flow chart was the need for
the quarians to prevent the reapers from turning the geth. In that regard, I think you should just require Legion alive from ME2, just like you needed the original Rachni Queen to keep Rachni support.
I expect more MP Maps.What i expect to get is dlc before cerberus base which drop on a unknown planet or the citadel where you get exposed to the Vent-kid for like 3 mission. So it seems like vent kid didn't come out of no where.
Did the child actually exist?