LOTR: Return of the King.

London Geezer

Anyone seen this yet? (I take it it's out at least in New Zealand)

No spoilers please, and is it REALLY true that Sauramon (sp?) makes no appereance in the last movie (I read it some time ago on the papers)? That's not right is it?!

I guess, since it is the first one, this could be the official LOTR:ROTK thread until we get bored of the thing.

(Or until someone comes out with his view of God and Good and Evil cough*Natoma*cough and/or the thread falls into a political discussion like they all do) :LOL: >only teasing!!<
RussSchultz said:
Well, the story is an allegory for the cold war, isn't it? ;)

:LOL: Now now...

And PLEASE PLEASE let's leave the almost-gay-involvement between Frodo and Sam, and subsequent discussions about Gay marriage and all that to other threads!! :LOL: >again, only teasing!<
london-boy said:
RussSchultz said:
The hobbits do seem to be just a little bit homo-erotic, don't they?

Do they? Sorry, but i never liked short men with big hairy feet... ;)
No no. Between themselves. I mean, I fully support them doing whatever they want in their little shire, but do we need to see it in public?
RussSchultz said:
london-boy said:
RussSchultz said:
The hobbits do seem to be just a little bit homo-erotic, don't they?

Do they? Sorry, but i never liked short men with big hairy feet... ;)
No no. Between themselves. I mean, I fully support them doing whatever they want in their little shire, but do we need to see it in public?

HAHAHAHA u know what's funny... this morning i just changed my signature Locations entry to "The Shire" HAHAHA

Still, they do seem to live in a more advanced society than ours, weed is completely legal there and they all seem to enjoy it quite a lot! Also inter-personal relationships are very... uhm... civil!! and friendly!!... :LOL:
Well sam ends up marrying the girl he was scared to dance with in the first one (not in the movie btw) The orgiinal version was 4hours and 10 mins long. Its been cut down to 3 hours and 20 mins I believe. He has said if he gets his way the dvd extended version will be something like 5 hours long .

He also said if any company can get the rights to the hobbit he would make it and get gandolf and bilbo to come back for that movie. That way they would all look the same and it would give nice back story for the triolgy (not to mention a few more million in his pocket)

edit ... oh yea the whole part where pipin and merry go back to the shire and beat the bullys is not in the movie. There was a huge deal about it . Aparrently many people were very pissed off about this .

Heh he could make a 2 hour film about all that though :rolleyes:
jvd said:
Well sam ends up marrying the girl he was scared to dance with in the first one (not in the movie btw) The orgiinal version was 4hours and 10 mins long. Its been cut down to 3 hours and 20 mins I believe. He has said if he gets his way the dvd extended version will be something like 5 hours long .

He also said if any company can get the rights to the hobbit he would make it and get gandolf and bilbo to come back for that movie. That way they would all look the same and it would give nice back story for the triolgy (not to mention a few more million in his pocket)

edit ... oh yea the whole part where pipin and merry go back to the shire and beat the bullys is not in the movie. There was a huge deal about it . Aparrently many people were very pissed off about this .

Heh he could make a 2 hour film about all that though :rolleyes:

Thanx! Who is "HE" though? Also, any word on Sauramon's absence and especially the Gandalf-VS-Sauramon duel? That's pretty much my most awaited moment in the whole series...
Got my tickets for ROTK over 6 weeks ago, can't wait till next wednesday!

I assume HE is Peter Jackson, you know him, fat little NZ director with hairy feet who spent the last 7 years of his life bringing the LOTR to the big screen? ;)

I assume by Gandalf vs. Saruman duel you refer to the infamous "Saruman's voice" scene. it was already cut at last minute from TTT and didn't even make it onto the extended version as PJ hoped to open ROTK with it. Unfortunatelly it was part of the 1 hour of material that had to be cut in the end from the theatrical version. It sure is a bummer and I would have loved to see it in the theater, but its almost 10 minutes of pure talk wrapping up the story of TTT, so I can understand the decision to save that part for the extended cut. While I am one of those who was a bit annoyed by the small and not so small changes to the book in TTT, in the end I think it made sense for the movies and the TTT extended cut really is a lot better movie. ROTK is supposed to be a LOT stronger movie in itself than even the extended TTT though plus supposed to remain very close to the book, so I can't wait to see it! And for missing scenes there'll always be the extended cut next year. There simply is only so much you can put in a movie on the big screen before the audience goes numb and leaves, and 200 minutes is already damn long for a theatrical movie anyway.

Rumors about Lee's outrage at the missing scene seem to be greatly exxagerated by fans BTW, he sure wasn't thrilled to learn it, but all the outrage mentioned in the media is mostly noise created by fans.
Gollum said:
There simply is only so much you can put in a movie on the big screen before the audience goes numb and leaves, and 200 minutes is already damn long for a theatrical movie anyway.

Yea my chair already develops serrious ass groves by then :)
I believe in the foreward in the fellowship of the ring, Tolkien says he doesn't like Allegories and his work isn't that, it is "applicable", however.
Yes he is peter jackson. I have my trilogy tickets. There will be food and games to be played during my 10 hour journy to middle earth on tuesday.
ROTK has a 100% fresh rating at rotten tomatoes after 16 reviews. :oops:

About half of those reviews are talking MOTY at the Oscars for it. Wow........
Hey Gollum is Isengard a German word or is it made up by Tolkien? Just wondering as his father was German.

ROTK has no homoeroticism in it. Its platonic love as we cant have it anymore unfortunelty because of current social conventions.

I see it as an inspiration of the industrial revolution, ww1 & 2, the biblical apocalypse and nordic mythology. As Tolkein himself said among other inspirations...

Its def not a allegory for any war tho... in the evil vs good sense. Whether the old conflicts tween east and west or even ww2. At least from what Ive read Tolkein rejected these ideas...
LOL, I take it you don't really dig Tolkien, eh John? Let me guess, you didn't ever get beyond Tom Bombadil? At least that's the part everybody I knew struggled with. ;)

pax, Isengard is not a german word directly, but Tolkien wouldn't be so obvious, would he? From what I heard Isengard and several other names of locations and such in LOTR were definitely meant to be pronounced in a german way. Christopher Lee (who's probably the biggest Tolkien nut in the entire LOTR crew, and that's saying quite a lot!) insisted on this repeatedly. Isengard in particular sounds pretty close to something that would translate into "Iron Guard" from German, if that is what Tolkien had in mind I have no idea, but it sounds fitting...