Perhaps veering off-optic but I would be happy if they would just let us use the dynamic themes as a screen saver. The $3 I spent on the Afrika theme seems like a waste since I can't change the lame icons without losing the background and there is no way to view it independently of the XMB. And a big wet raspberry for the huge "Afrika" logo and Sony copyright marring the screen.
Would be cooler if the LwP channels can be run standalone as a dynamic theme. I
I cannot help but feeling that the same folks that make the UI decisions for products with 2 x 24 LCD displays are deciding what we get with the PS3 GUI and built in apps.
For example, why not embed a user configurable RSS feeder into Life with Playstation? Presumably they have all the code sitting around for their existing feeds and this could be trivially combined with a GEOIP database to map it to the globe. At the very least they should let users enter their own weather locations (or pull them from the profile data).
Yap ! The channel UI needs some improvement. They should also allow the channels to share data and presentation, if possible.
This application also desperately needs to be optimized, the start up time is brutal and also requires user interaction to get by the "oh noes, don't turn me off!" prompt which means you are forced to sit and wait around after launching it.
I think that's the Folding@Home part. It's probably syncing with the server, scheduling and exchanging data. To make it start faster, I'd say give us an option to drop F@H !
We can move on to other topics like clean environment. Let us update and change the big picture.
The new camera channel would be cool if you actually had any control over display times. As it is, the tiles are shown for far too short a time. It also sucks that the times are shown without dates or timezones which makes them pointless.
Haven't checked that out yet....