But i die enough now with Listen mode, i'll be totally useless without!
If you have a pair of ears and headphones, you will be fine
! J/k
No, but , theres no problem in playing without it. With Listen on, its basically a wall hack cheat. There is no fear, no understanding of enemy AI, no fear of 'will I survive this fight?' You know everything, the game leads you by the nose ,you just press buttons and move on to the next area to repeat. Its a non-game with listen on.
If u turn it off, then the game begins ! Its a terrible world out there, where each shot needs to be saved for a later fight. 'How do I get thru this by using minimum supplies?' Your plan will almost always failand your quick thinking is what will always save you. The spike in tension/danger that occurs when u get spotted is something so addicting and unique to this game.
Once you get invested in
surviving in that world , your scavenging becomes a hunt ! and those exploration times are when the actual magic happens. You feel the relief after super tense "I might die anytime" sequences where you survived because of quick thinking and that supply you had saved. Each fight will leave you empty again or with some supplies left if you applied some strategy in a fight. This game is all about gameplay and has very limited number of cutscenes( max story happens durnig gameplay and exploration ) and has a variety to what you can do and how you want to clear a particular hurdle.
But, yes, that will happen only when u r invested in gameplay, which doesn't happen with Listen turned on. Also,a lot of hidden themes of the game come to the fore if you play without the Listen mode. That was my experience, but I won't spoil it for you. its something you feel over time and is constant undercurrent theme of the game.
I think its all in ur mind, if u start the game without it, you will never miss it. The game provides a
LOT of audio cues to play the game without it. Just move slowly, push the left stick only halfway, and actually 'listen' ! Try not to use Shivs anywhere else except for doors, unless of course it is unavoidable.Use the bow for Clicker headshots. Use Molotovs and clear groups in one go. Use nail bombs as traps and throw a bottle near it to attract as many infected as possible.There's a audio cue that always kicks in if you are about to be spotted. Just tread back as soon as you hear it. Listen mode makes you think its an actin game, when it is actually not ND had stated in an interview that they feared it would review very badly. I am sure Listen mode is just a tool to make sure everyone gets to play it, action gamers and new gamers, who are used to super easy games ,included.