Last of Us [PS4]

It will explode into a "cube" of fog.

Enemies will lose their line of sight if you're in the smoke or on the other side.

You can charge into the smoke and still see the enemies (slightly blurred).

If you open fire, they will shoot randomly.

Lasts for 5 seconds ? I didn't time.

Oh I only used it on the humans. May not have any effect on the Clickers.
Yeah but I think ND is trying to make everything in the world as realistic as possible, would added real grenade and mines be hard? They can have special grenade made by NDI (Naughty Dog industry) that react the same.
Yeah but I think ND is trying to make everything in the world as realistic as possible, would added real grenade and mines be hard? They can have special grenade made by NDI (Naughty Dog industry) that react the same.

You cannot really craft grenades with household items, though. Here's what I would've done: Make the things explode on impact no matter what they hit. If you want to use them as traps instead, you'd just have to place them on the floor carefully. The part that makes them a little hard to believe is how you can throw them anywhere and nothing will happen unless an enemy is close.
On my 5.0 surround system at least I can hear very clearly where sounds are coming from, and it definitely adds to the experience (and helps make Listen Mode irrelevant for me - I'm so used to rely on my ears for this type of thing in real life as well)

Same for me. On my 5.1 speaker setup it's quite easy to pick out where sounds are coming from.

I was in a back room waiting for some goons to step out into an alleyway when I heard footsteps behind me. Quickly turned around, mashed the square button, and it was say hello to steel pipe w/ scissors time :)
i dont think the crafting gameplay are meant to be realistic....
its meant to be "gamey".

maybe on their playtest, people prefer to play "gamey" gameplay mechanic rather than realistic.

btw i reached 50% now :D
'im not a father and already can relate to joel's feeling, confusion for ellie. wow ND wow.

Too bad this game is PS3 exclusive. The picture quality really hurts. So many jagged edges, blurry textures. especially those that about more than 0.5m in front of Joel. Only use bilinear filtering? o_O

thanks to my tv motion interpolation, the frame rate feels good :D

cant imagine what ND can do with PS4 :D
i dont think the crafting gameplay are meant to be The picture quality really hurts. So many jagged edges, blurry textures. especially those that about more than 0.5m in front of Joel. Only use bilinear filtering? o_O
If The Last of Us looks bad to you, most other games must surely make your eyes bleed.
Im surprise so many complain for the IQ, while it isnt great but not horrible and they are able to keep it at 720p native Texture filter is a bit weak but I don't find aliasing a big issue beside a few areas. I am actually quite surprise that they have tweek the AA to work better and even all the foliage looks clean. People must be playing on TV with high over scan.
Although I agree IQ isn't flawless in some sections, you have to respect that some people returned to PS3 for this game after a long period of playing games at very high res/AA combo, and that's quite a step back at times.
Although I agree IQ isn't flawless in some sections, you have to respect that some people returned to PS3 for this game after a long period of playing games at very high res/AA combo, and that's quite a step back at times.

My main gaming platoform is the PC, and I just finished Metro last light in max 1080p setting. Don't have a lot of problem with the way LOU turn out.
I'm sorry but Metro can't tie the shoelaces of this game's visuals.

Although I never really understood the hype around that game; granted, the tech is good, but the art is not really outstanding. This one, on the other hand, is a real piece of beauty.
I've heard the game supports sub surface scattering plus some oscillating waves. It's amazing how many things this game is doing given the hardware it's running on. Although everything isn't done at the same time.
For the Nth time... It's not subsurface scattering, it's a fake effect that sort of approximates it. Looks good in many cases but it's still not the full thing.
thanks arwin, i think thats the reason why i feel the IQ on TLoU disappointing. Last time i play PS3 game was Uncharted 3, since that i always plays on PC with SMAA or FXAA + SMAA. Filtering set at 16x aniso, etc, etc, etc. and since i change GPU to radeon 7770, at minimum i runs at 2xMSAA+SMAA.

i keep seeing the aliasing, the low res transparencies
ellie ride raft mechanic,the waves that hit stone/ships
, the blurry texture, etc.
If i play 2 meter from TV it looks good but i prefer playing closer to TV :D

with tv "game mode" the picture looks more blurrier and judder-ey. Looks like the game running on 20 fps or something...

TV need to put SMAA or FXAA inside their GAME MODE :)

i dont mean the game does not look good. On the contrary, it looks awesome complete with nice animation but it have problem on the IQ