When looked at on it's own, I can see why you'd say that, but looking at the context of what data is represented is what leads me to present cautious tones.
We are talking about a relatively high texture on leaves for a game that isn't limited to just a forest. I don't think it's a coincidence that Crysis2 left the island for the console focused game.
I don't expect to be able to read the spines of magazines in games targeted for xb360/ps3 with only 512mb ram because the systems have to render the rest of the game world.
Who knows, I could be wrong here and maybe Sony will really push streaming and fully utilize the BRD.
But Crysis 1 is on the consoles and can be downloaded from PSN or XBLA, go check. Of course the vegetation texture fidelity is not as high in that game as in the pic above, which of course is your point, but i also see your Crysis 2 and raise you Uncharted Drake's Fortune (and the forest levels of U2) for a game with leaves and foliage of a similar texture fidelity.
Deus Ex human revolution is another game that has relatively high res textures on pretty much everything. I mean i could read the front page of magazines, and see the remnants of tattered images left over from torn posters. I definitely expect to see textures of that particular fidelity almost everywhere on consoles as it's simply not all that high fidelity anyway.
Still it's useless speculating how high the texture quality of the entire gameworld for this game will be until we actually know more about the game world itself ;-)