I think the idea with scooby's post is that this is the trend we're already seeing happen today, not something based on 'ifs'.
I already explained that many developers are better suited to support multiple platforms than ever before. But the 360 was first to market this time, which makes this point in time not comparable to the previous console race, where the PS2 was first to market and the Xbox came second.
Its clear this time around that a lot more titles will be multiplatform and there will be AAA exclusives on both platforms. The PS3 will probably still have an edge because of the long running franchises but i think its clear there will be plenty of good, top games for both systems and the library wont be near the differentiator it was last gen.
There were a lot of good games available on the XBox and the PS2 already last gen also. I don't think the library is all that matters in that respect, and it is equally hard to predict what will happen. People consider games like Halo and GTA really important, but these weren't huge franchises yet in the generation before that. You might as well infer that the biggest sellers in the next-generation will be completely new games we haven't heard of yet.
Next-gen will be interesting though, I am curious of MS can really leverage the PC space to effectively swing even more support their way in terms of software.
I don't know. PC Space isn't all that relevant. I rather think that so far, PC Games and Xbox games have been competing with each other more than helping each other out. It only takes a few years before the standard desktop does the same game better than the 360, I predict. Meanwhile, the PS3 will get more and more unique games thanks to its unique configuration. The position of the PS3 vs the 360 reminds me a lot of the Atari ST vs the Commodore Amiga days, and the Atari 800 vs Commodore 64 days before.
I don't know. I'm very much an all platform guy. I tend to buy everything that sufficiently interests me. Right now though, the PS3 is all I really care for. The 360 has been a huge let-down - I couldn't even be bothered to get one, which is unique. Maybe once the PS3 is actually out there I'll be hugely disappointed and change my mind, or not buy any consoles whatsoever and stick to the PSP, or spend all my free time coding the 3D Forum Browser
Right now though, the PS3 has all the features I'm interested in, all the technology I care for, and I can't wait to see it all come together.
(But who knows it never will! I've been wrong before - once, buying a Falcon 030, which had a programmable DSP, way ahead of its time, but at that point in time the PC was just getting a great boost with the arrival of CD-ROMs, and I was still too lame a coder to support the DSP properly myself