Those FF-images are nice but we´re pretty much seeing about the same quailty with Mass Effect and this game is a Q1 2007 game..
Then we have some people saying that PS3 will win just because it have MGS4 and FF as exclusive.. yeah, in Japan maybe but if we look at worldwide sales, at least Halo is a much better system seller than both of these (in the west).
And besides, there are bound to be other system sellers on 360 as well, that can help out a lot. Gears of War seems to be that kind of game, we will have Mass Effect in Q1 2007, BioShock, Alan Wake.. to name a few..
So, in my mind, every "exclusive" the PS3 has so far, 360 either matches it or exceeds it...
Xbox 360: We Don't Need No Stinking Hair!