Panajev2001a said:GBA does not seem to be a system where all third parties are screaming about HUGE profit margins.
Only THQ and a handful of others
Panajev2001a said:GBA does not seem to be a system where all third parties are screaming about HUGE profit margins.
Paul said:UMD is smaller than a Gamecube Disk.
They can easily make a portable with a dvd drive . It be just a little bit bigger than a disc man and with my 310 dvds i think i would buy itGrall said:Wouldn't be very portable now would it?
**Evil flashbacks of Penny Arcade XB controller parodies appears in my head**
They can easily make a portable with a dvd drive . It be just a little bit bigger than a disc man and with my 310 dvds i think i would buy it
Yea but still smaller than a portable dvd player. So i could live with it . Esp if it played standard dvds.notAFanB said:They can easily make a portable with a dvd drive . It be just a little bit bigger than a disc man and with my 310 dvds i think i would buy it
isn't that a little large for a pocket size portable.
Grall said:J,
It would be very large, heavy and unweildy to hold in your hands and use as a gaming device, especially for kids.
That's exactly why they *don't* use DVD-sized discs in PSP.
Deepak said:Grall said:J,
It would be very large, heavy and unweildy to hold in your hands and use as a gaming device, especially for kids.
That's exactly why they *don't* use DVD-sized discs in PSP.
Grall said:What made you think that?
Why should it? Kids is mass-market, and kids are far FAR more likely to play games on a portable device.
The movie and to some extent music capabilities are to entice older users, but if one in a HUNDRED adults would be likely to play games in public on a portable I'd be surprised.
Sony won't reach a very large market penetration without getting the kiddies on-board. Look at who plays them gameboys man.
cthellis42 said:I figure that particular add-on will enable easy web browsing and probably patch you through a headset for voice, which while handy does not quite seem like a great cell phone replacement. You really want to whip out a PSP every time you get a call and put on a headset? What about during business meetings? It COULD be very phone-like and connect to the PSP wirelessly, but why wouldn't they just make sure their commercial phones have this capability instead?
DeadmeatGA said:...PSP will come with a full-blown library to insulate the hardware. Leave the hardware banging to CELL developers(straight from Kutaragi's mouth)