Kutaragi Ken interview on PSP

Paul said:
UMD is smaller than a Gamecube Disk.

I was talking about the size...dimensions, it will be a crucial factor for any handheld....is UMD smaller than a GC OD or DVD?? Another reason not to opt for DVD??
imagine the PSP with a full blown dvd drive (same size as a ps2 with built in tft screen) whoha :p
Wouldn't be very portable now would it?

**Evil flashbacks of Penny Arcade XB controller parodies appears in my head**

Grall said:
Wouldn't be very portable now would it?

**Evil flashbacks of Penny Arcade XB controller parodies appears in my head**

They can easily make a portable with a dvd drive . It be just a little bit bigger than a disc man and with my 310 dvds i think i would buy it :)
They can easily make a portable with a dvd drive . It be just a little bit bigger than a disc man and with my 310 dvds i think i would buy it

isn't that a little large for a pocket size portable.
notAFanB said:
They can easily make a portable with a dvd drive . It be just a little bit bigger than a disc man and with my 310 dvds i think i would buy it

isn't that a little large for a pocket size portable.
Yea but still smaller than a portable dvd player. So i could live with it . Esp if it played standard dvds.
It would be very large, heavy and unweildy to hold in your hands and use as a gaming device, especially for kids.

That's exactly why they *don't* use DVD-sized discs in PSP.

Grall said:
It would be very large, heavy and unweildy to hold in your hands and use as a gaming device, especially for kids.

That's exactly why they *don't* use DVD-sized discs in PSP.


jvd...kid... :LOL: :LOL:
Indeed, nice to think about, but a bit unwieldy for a portable gaming device, one would imagine.

But hey, even this is pretty cool! :D
Deepak said:
Grall said:
It would be very large, heavy and unweildy to hold in your hands and use as a gaming device, especially for kids.

That's exactly why they *don't* use DVD-sized discs in PSP.


jvd...kid... :LOL: :LOL:

well most of the women in my life call me a big baby. All 6'4 260 pounds of me :) Ever wonder why i hate the ps2 and xbox controllers ? Buttons are to close together .
What made you think that?

Why should it? Kids is mass-market, and kids are far FAR more likely to play games on a portable device.

The movie and to some extent music capabilities are to entice older users, but if one in a HUNDRED adults would be likely to play games in public on a portable I'd be surprised.

Sony won't reach a very large market penetration without getting the kiddies on-board. Look at who plays them gameboys man.

If the unit looks cool and the games show-off the graphics capabilities of the machine, then teenagers will not wait a second to play it outside their house ( and the other can play it by themselves :p ).

Sony will reach kids and hardcore gamers, but the devce will be mainly targeted at the 14-28 age group which is where their core fanbase resides.

Targeting straight at kids would turn off their usual fanbase and it is easier to get kids to play with a more teenager oriented device than to get teenagers to play with a kids' toy.
Grall said:
What made you think that?

Why should it? Kids is mass-market, and kids are far FAR more likely to play games on a portable device.

The movie and to some extent music capabilities are to entice older users, but if one in a HUNDRED adults would be likely to play games in public on a portable I'd be surprised.

let's see, 1:100, given ~3G adults on the planet, equals ~30M potential customer base. not bad.

Sony won't reach a very large market penetration without getting the kiddies on-board. Look at who plays them gameboys man.

above statement of yours basically says 'look who's playing the largely kids-targeted device known as GBA'. answer: kids. so?

i'm completely with Vince in this thread. if you guys don't see the era of the personal enterntainment+comm handhelds coming then you're on the wrong site.

apropos, after the recent statement by Kutaragi that the PSP will be having cell phone add-on, i decided to wait with the purchase of my next nokia ;)
I figure that particular add-on will enable easy web browsing and probably patch you through a headset for voice, which while handy does not quite seem like a great cell phone replacement. You really want to whip out a PSP every time you get a call and put on a headset? What about during business meetings? ;) It COULD be very phone-like and connect to the PSP wirelessly, but why wouldn't they just make sure their commercial phones have this capability instead?
cthellis42 said:
I figure that particular add-on will enable easy web browsing and probably patch you through a headset for voice, which while handy does not quite seem like a great cell phone replacement. You really want to whip out a PSP every time you get a call and put on a headset? What about during business meetings? ;) It COULD be very phone-like and connect to the PSP wirelessly, but why wouldn't they just make sure their commercial phones have this capability instead?

well, you surely have a point that a PSP may not be the most comfortable of cell phones, but with a headset things get even with the cell phones - if you take a look at the whole visual ad campain of the upcoming nokia 6600 (their best upcoming model for this q4) you'll see that everywhere the device is depicted as being used with a headset (probably nokia don't consider the phone unit itself to be sexy enough, i guess). with the wide adoption of bluetooth headsets, soon you won't need to perform a phone pulling action at all, and in this reagard a PSP sitting in your pocket (or backpack) is just as good as every other cell phone. apropos, for anybody who think the general trend in cellulars is miniaturisation - nope, it used to be a generation ago (when phones reached sizes bordering ridiculously small). now it's max funcionality in a sensible size.

> Gee they've only been smarting over the Game Boy for more than a
> decade...

So? Ultimately business is about money. Money takes precedent over pride. I doubt Sony's ability to make money on PSP.

> Sony sells more "software" than Nintendo does (unless you are just
> counting games)

It think it goes without saying that I'm talking about games. Though, I'm curious... what is this other software you allude to?

> thus really isn't comparable in that regard...

Even when you look at Sony's gaming business isolated from the rest of the company it is clear that Nintendo runs a tighter business. With portable gaming I see a number of issues that makes me question the soundness of Sony's decision:

1. Sony won't be able to profit on the hardware to the same degree as Nintendo, if at all.
2. Sony will have to rely on third parties for software. As such they won't be able to profit on software to the same degree as Nintendo (who is incidentally the #1 publisher of handheld games by far) and unlike Game Boy which compliments Nintendo's home consoles the PSP's focus on 3d, third party software and gimmicky features places it in direct competion with PS2/3.
3. Handheld tie ratios are significantly lower than console tie ratios. There is simply less money to be made in this market. Unless you are Nintendo who dominates both hardware and software of course.


> Very. Ask someone like Tag or Sage how small they were.

No point in that. Since you are the one making the argument you should be able to defend it.

> What ever they're doing to get there is insignificant

Not if it comes at the cost of battery life.

> In 1998/1999, contemporary was an nVidia TNT2 and a Voodoo2/3.

Please. PS2 was launched in 2000. The design may have been finished for a while at that point but that goes for any hardware.

> Again, you don't know.

But based on what has been revealed I can make informed speculation. And the screen size alone sets a lower limit for how small the unit can be. As such I can say without a doubt that the PSP will be significantly larger than a modern portable music player.

> look at the latest Clies

Which are significantly larger than even an MD Walkman.

> Consoles in particular...

PDAs and consoles are two entirely different entities.

> Hell no, but it's amazingly openended and that's what's great about it
> and what will make it tomorrows Walkmen

Except noone but the most extreme Sony fans will use it for music, movies, photography, gps, whatever.


> I have to agree with Deadmeat on the issue of UMD appeal for content
> providers due to the ROM only format

Of course you do. :rolleyes:


> is UMD smaller than a GC OD or DVD??


UMD: 6 cm
GOD: 8 cm
DVD: 8/12 cm

> Another reason not to opt for DVD??

That and inflated egos.
True. PSP will just be bulkier in general, which even considering the headset makes it more unattractive than using current phones. Likely be a bit too bulky for comfortable riding in one's front pocket, which either means an equally bulky belt holder... or a purse. ;)
DeadmeatGA said:
...PSP will come with a full-blown library to insulate the hardware. Leave the hardware banging to CELL developers(straight from Kutaragi's mouth)

ouch for the small devs out there, but Renderware could make even further inroads in the middleware marketplace if they can get their suite up and ready in time for the ps3.