Kameo comparison shots

I think DOF is a godsend for next-gen. You can get away with lower detail models and textures and scrap AA if the graphics are to be blurred out. :D

Regards Kameo I took a peep at the army anim from E3 (gamestrailers.com). I'm sorry to say I was unimpressed. Yes, there were LOTS of monsters, but the simplicity of the animations...it look like a real-time strategy to me with uniform clusters of cloned troops running through an animation sequence at different intervals. And the 'riding through the army on a horse' got my goat (ignoring the impossibility of sucha feat!) as again it was very unrealistic the way monsters fell out the way.

Personally I'd rather confront 100 monsters at a go with all the trimmings of fluid and realistic animations, shading and so forth, than a battlefield of 5000 monsters with limited animation, detail, and where most of the time you're not going to see all those monsters. Switch to a cutscene engine for the 'army rushing over the hill' animation, and use a more detailed, fewer characters engine for close-up player combat.

NOTE: This is a commentary on what i'd prefer to see in relation to the existing WIP images. I'm in no way dishing Kameo as a game, nor suggesting these WIP images are indicative of final quality, nor making any claims about XB360's capabilities. Just voicing an opinion on how I'd like the game to develop in terms of visuals and where I'd place emphasis.
Shifty Geezer said:
NOTE: This is a commentary on what i'd prefer to see in relation to the existing WIP images. I'm in no way dishing Kameo as a game, nor suggesting these WIP images are indicative of final quality, nor making any claims about XB360's capabilities. Just voicing an opinion on how I'd like the game to develop in terms of visuals and where I'd place emphasis.

:D that's awesome.

that should be everyone's standard sig disclaimer for the next 4 -5 months. ;)
Shifty Geezer said:
Personally I'd rather confront 100 monsters at a go with all the trimmings of fluid and realistic animations, shading and so forth, than a battlefield of 5000 monsters with limited animation, detail, and where most of the time you're not going to see all those monsters. Switch to a cutscene engine for the 'army rushing over the hill' animation, and use a more detailed, fewer characters engine for close-up player combat.

Practically speaking, how would a hero character deal with 100 enemies at a time, never mind 5000?

No human could defeat 100 enemies attacking him simultaneously. Of course, in a video game, you have special moves or spells to knock out a whole bunch at once.

Do you have 100 enemies on the screen at once and then once the hero dispatches them with some super move, you get another 100? Because if he has to kill each one by button mashing, your hands would get sore before you have to face more. So if the point of having that many characters at once is to knock them out fairly quickly, then their life on the screen is short and maybe they don't need to be as detailed or have complex behavior.

To show 5000 on screen at once, you'd have to be pretty zoomed out, wouldn't you?
I don't mean to troll, but honestly it looks bleh in every shot. X360 should be able to do much more than this!
Bohdy said:
I don't mean to troll, but honestly it looks bleh in every shot. X360 should be able to do much more than this!

Yep, that's what i said in a post in one of the threads that got locked.

Rare are not the people we should look at when searching for eye-candy, compared to other companies. They never were, on any platform, and i don't expect them to make the best looking games on X360 either.

Still it looks quite cool nontheless.

I still think Heavenly Sword is the best looking "real" game i've seen out of the next gen ones.
london-boy said:
Rare are not the people we should look at when searching for eye-candy, compared to other companies. They never were, on any platform, and i don't expect them to make the best looking games on X360 either.

Now that I can't quite agree with. In the past, Rare has been on the very forefront in terms of Eyecandy imo. Just look at SFA, the original Conker, even going back to their NES and Arcade games. They have really been letting me down with first PD0, and then Kameo360, though.
wco81 said:
No human could defeat 100 enemies attacking him simultaneously. Of course, in a video game, you have special moves or spells to knock out a whole bunch at once.
Well I concur, and certanliy wasn't making a point for 100 monster combat woes per se. Mostly I was saying more != always better. There'll be a limit when adding more monsters adds nothing to the gameplay, and resources would be better spent on eye-candy.

Regards multi-foe combat, existing games allow for stupidly-powerful super-human heros that only take a small nick with a Great War Axe to the skull. I know there's plenty of gamers out there who'd love to go up against a horde of orcs and cut through them all with an indomitable character, though I find that rather unappealing.
Bohdy said:
london-boy said:
Rare are not the people we should look at when searching for eye-candy, compared to other companies. They never were, on any platform, and i don't expect them to make the best looking games on X360 either.

Now that I can't quite agree with. In the past, Rare has been on the very forefront in terms of Eyecandy imo. Just look at SFA, the original Conker, even going back to their NES and Arcade games. They have really been letting me down with first PD0, and then Kameo360, though.

Then again, Conker's Bad Fur Day on Xbox is looking very nice.

Also, PD0 would have fully destructible enviroments, and Kameo is still being ported. There's still quite some time left for improvements. This explains for the 'lack' of eye-candy (IMO, it looks good enough, more curious about playability, content and smoothness)
wco81 said:
Shifty Geezer said:
Personally I'd rather confront 100 monsters at a go with all the trimmings of fluid and realistic animations, shading and so forth, than a battlefield of 5000 monsters with limited animation, detail, and where most of the time you're not going to see all those monsters. Switch to a cutscene engine for the 'army rushing over the hill' animation, and use a more detailed, fewer characters engine for close-up player combat.

Practically speaking, how would a hero character deal with 100 enemies at a time, never mind 5000?

No human could defeat 100 enemies attacking him simultaneously. Of course, in a video game, you have special moves or spells to knock out a whole bunch at once.

Do you have 100 enemies on the screen at once and then once the hero dispatches them with some super move, you get another 100? Because if he has to kill each one by button mashing, your hands would get sore before you have to face more. So if the point of having that many characters at once is to knock them out fairly quickly, then their life on the screen is short and maybe they don't need to be as detailed or have complex behavior.

To show 5000 on screen at once, you'd have to be pretty zoomed out, wouldn't you?

It would be great to ride your steed into 5000 trolls and start attacking them and using your powerfull attacks to take out as many as you can .

But even past that . It would be great if you aren't alone in your quest. Where you can have your own troups that charge in with you so you feel like your in an epic battle .
I have a good question. If you kill 250 people out of 1000, do they disappear you do they just lay there until you leave the stage?
mckmas8808 said:
I have a good question. If you kill 250 people out of 1000, do they disappear you do they just lay there until you leave the stage?

Haha goog question. That would be awesome (standing on a pile of dead trolls a la the Maxx standing on his pile of Isz).

Don't think it'll happen though, but it's good to dream!
They could do it . At that point with them dead they could use instancing for it , i don't know if they would leave 500 bodys on the ground but mabye enough bodys to give the apearance of a bloody war going on . Though i doubt this would be in a first gen game
I'm not a fan of the main character design. It reminds me of the early PSX cinematics where the characters looked detailed but plastic. They ought to slap a little cel shading on her face atleast for a cartoony game like this.
Haven't you caught on, yet? All is forgiven as long as it is 4000 wack-looking creatures walking into the distant horizon. ;)
Personally, I don't simply want more of what we already have, I want it to look better. But maybe that's just me, though! I mean seriously, the screens we've seen from Kameo looks comparable to games like Strangers Wrath or Conker on Xbox (which both look great for what they are - games from this generation).
blakjedi said:
Why is every one dancing around the fact that Kameo just looks wack... and probabaly wont get better... sorry.

probably won't get better?

Conker was just released and got 10/10 for graphics on Gamespot, Kameo graphics right now are comporable to Conker, and yest somehow you think they're NOT going to get better for the X360?

Trust me, they'll get WAY better.

Rare has a proven tracked record, and have earned a certain amount of respect for their graphics. So, I think most people are giving them the benefit of the doubt on this one.