Kameo comparison shots

I just found some nice GameCube footage of Kameo:



For it's age, it looks very good. :)
jvd said:
what i posted above was to enlighten you

You said

I don't really understand how this works but those characters look like they are sharing the same textures, and probably most of them don't have their on AI, I guess they must be some kind of instances, and I would almost bet that the characters that are most far away are rendered differently than the ones that are closer.
and my quotes from ign was to inform you.

This isn't really explaining how it works ;)

The technique used to do this is obviously limited in some respects - yes, the objects share a lot of the same assets. But you can add some variety and do some clever tricks to introduce some variation. But there are limits of course.

I expect this to be used a lot as a quick way to make games look "impressive" or "next-gen"..the new lens flare, perhaps. There's already a few games that make heavy use of it (Off the top of my head : 99 Nights, Capcom's Zombie game, HS & of course Kameo). You can get an idea of how it works from this: http://download.nvidia.com/develope...D_Day/D3DTutorial05_Instancing_FPSpecials.pdf although I remember reading a better paper on it a while back but can't seem to put my fingers on it!
Ok.. my thoughts were, I got here, I saw the shots and they didn't look like next gen to me even with all the characters on screen because they look all the same, and as I said this is only my opinion about the shots in this thread, just that
Well this is a thread with posts in it. You did understand that the pictures were cut in half and some was from the xbox and the other side was from the x360 right ?

As for the rest you stated a claim before you started editing and I asked for proof of the claim that is all. Then you stated you didn't understand things and I explained it to you .

Do you have a problem with being informed when you state you don't understand ?
For it's age, it looks very good.

yea it did , i was watching that video awhile ago .

This isn't really explaining how it works

The technique used to do this is obviously limited in some respects - yes, the objects share a lot of the same assets. But you can add some variety and do some clever tricks to introduce some variation. But there are limits of course.
There are limits . Of course fighting an army of trolls with slight variations that each have thier own a.i is a step foward from not having an army of trolls in the first place .

expect this to be used a lot as a quick way to make games look "impressive" or "next-gen"..the new lens flare, perhaps. There's already a few games that make heavy use of it (Off the top of my head : 99 Nights, Capcom's Zombie game, HS & of course Kameo). You can get an idea of how it works from this:

Perhaps , unlike lens flair though this does add to the game .

Think of how crappy kill bill would be if when she was fighting that group of 99 they would all come at her in groups of 4 and you never saw all 99 of them at once and the amount of characters were allways limited to a few .

Or lord of the rings , return of the king when they are surrounded at the end of the movie by thousands of trolls ... what if it was only 20 ? Not as epic huh .

although I remember reading a better paper on it a while back but can't seem to put my fingers on it!
Instancing wouldn't work great on this as the characters have thier own a.i and will be moving on thier own interacting with others . Instancing is great for batches of things that are the same . I.e the vegitation in far cry . These things don't change and are static .
jvd said:
Ok.. my thoughts were, I got here, I saw the shots and they didn't look like next gen to me even with all the characters on screen because they look all the same, and as I said this is only my opinion about the shots in this thread, just that
Well this is a thread with posts in it. You did understand that the pictures were cut in half and some was from the xbox and the other side was from the x360 right ?

As for the rest you stated a claim before you started editing and I asked for proof of the claim that is all. Then you stated you didn't understand things and I explained it to you .

Do you have a problem with being informed when you state you don't understand ?

yes, I did understand that one side was from xbox and the other one was from x360.. why do you ask that? is it so hard to believe that someone may not like how this game looks? I understand now how technically good it might be, but does that has to equate to how good I think it looks? it's like you saying I don't like x game.. and I say to you.. You do realize that there are millions of shaders in this game don't you?
jvd said:
Instancing wouldn't work great on this as the characters have thier own a.i and will be moving on thier own interacting with others . Instancing is great for batches of things that are the same . I.e the vegitation in far cry . These things don't change and are static .

Most certainly instancing is being used here. You can have instanced models with their own AI, with non-static models I think. ATi had a demo with many many soldiers on screen at once, all running across a terrain. I doubt the AI was sophisticated in that particular demo, if there was any at all, but I don't think there's anything to preclude plugging AI into them. The internal "model" of the character, it's AI etc. can and should be completely seperate from how it's rendered, which is where instancing kicks in. They can each have their own representation as far as AI goes etc. (though I'm sure there can be some sharing there too), but from a rendering point of view they all don't have their own individual geometrical representation etc.

And anyway, the repetition of models etc. is a dead giveaway ;)

DeanoC might be able to enlighten more accurately and more precisely, since it again is a technique obviously being used in HS also.
yes, I did understand that one side was from xbox and the other one was from x360.. why do you ask that? is it so hard to believe that someone may not like how this game looks? I understand now how technically good it might be, but does that has to equate to how good I think it looks? it's like you saying I don't like x game.. and I say to you.. You do realize that there are millions of shaders in this game don't you?

I wasn't sure , you've admited to just looking at pictures . I wasn't sure if you read any part of the thread even the topic.

However there is no reason to continue as you change your posts after each response .
Most certainly instancing is being used here. You can have instanced models with their own AI, with non-static models I think. ATi had a demo with many many soldiers on screen at onece, all running across a terrain. I doubt the AI was sophisticated in that particular demo, but I don't think there's anything to preclude plugging AI into them. The internal "model" of the character, it's AI etc. can and should be completely seperate from how it's rendered, which is where instancing kicks in.

Ah but if u look at that demo they are all doing the same exact thing , they are all on predetermend (Sp?) paths that never change. So they are scripted. There was no a.i

However i don't think g.i will work on this as at any moment those creautres will be called opon to interact with the main character or in some instances mabye another army each doing unscripted things . I don't believe g.i would work here .

Another feature is the possibility to loop a number of times over the same vertex buffer, and this allows you to create multiple instances of the same object without driver overhead. For example, a forest can be created by supplying the base tree position in the slow stream, the fast stream contains the actual tree model and is looped through for each element of the slow stream.

I think this breaks when the models are moving and have skeletal animations
jvd said:
yes, I did understand that one side was from xbox and the other one was from x360.. why do you ask that? is it so hard to believe that someone may not like how this game looks? I understand now how technically good it might be, but does that has to equate to how good I think it looks? it's like you saying I don't like x game.. and I say to you.. You do realize that there are millions of shaders in this game don't you?

I wasn't sure , you've admited to just looking at pictures . I wasn't sure if you read any part of the thread even the topic.

However there is no reason to continue as you change your posts after each response .

It was just a simple way of saying it, I didn't just clicked in a thread with my eyes closed and then start posting after I saw the first image.

I'm sorry for all the edits, I explained a few posts ago why I did it, if that doesn't sound reasonable I don't know any other way to correct my errors.
jvd said:
Ah but if u look at that demo they are all doing the same exact thing , they are all on predetermend (Sp?) paths that never change. So they are scripted. There was no a.i

However i don't think g.i will work on this as at any moment those creautres will be called opon to interact with the main character or in some instances mabye another army each doing unscripted things . I don't believe g.i would work here .

If GI can't be used in such situations, then one wonders why there is so much repetition. Unless there's a subtly different definition for geometry instancing and geometry sharing.

Again, I'm not sure how having seperate internal representations of a character of whatever can't be divided from its external representation (rendering). I think just because neither ATi or NVidia demoed the technique using AI doesn't mean it isn't possible (afterall, their only concern is the graphics side).
If GI can't be used in such situations, then one wonders why there is so much repetition. Unless there's a subtly different definition for geometry instancing and geometry sharing.
because a few texturs used over an over again is less demanding than fetching 4 thousand diffrent textures ?

Again, I'm not sure how having seperate internal representations of a character of whatever can't be divided from its external representation (rendering). I think just because neither ATi or NVidia demoed the technique using AI doesn't mean it isn't possible (afterall, their only concern is the graphics side).
I'm not sure and we need someone that knows to step in . I only know what i've read . It seems like its a great feature for citys , forests and other expansive things . Like grass swaying in the wind. You can group say 1 thousand blades of grass swaying left in the wind and save alot of over head with that g.i .

I don't know creature wise though as it sounds like all it is , is mirrior images of it , basicly clones and if suddenly clone 10 out of 100 decides to jump into a roll its no longer a group being rendered teh same
I agree with [Brick_top] in that the game doesn't sing out next-gen. I'm used to (used to?! Expecting, but not seeing much of) heavily shaded next-gen graphics like the GOW pics and side by side, these Kameo pics don't look advanced. Of course to accomodate lots of critters perhaps they have to scale back on the effects. And in that respect these are next-gen in terms of scope, rather than in terms of artisitic effects. But at first glance and without thinking what's going on (not considering the technical aspects) these visuals don't look too far removed from current games - just 'more' and some decent AA!


When to use instancing

Scene contains many instances of the same model

forest of trees , sprites , particles .

Not no mention of things that would require a.i
Just to make a few points.

1- Each troll has an individual AI (sorry no link but I think I saw on www.1up.com)

2- (the old one) devkits...1/3...

3- This is one of the few dev how really bother more with gameplay than gfx, so they let that for last and you complain already, I will wait till see close final ss/movies.

BTW, I dont remember a Rare game with bad gfx (probably exist but I dont remember), normaly they are a showcase of the HW, GE/PD/K(N64/XB)/KI/BK... and the list goes on, they are really good looking games, so be patient :D
jvd said:


When to use instancing

Scene contains many instances of the same model

forest of trees , sprites , particles .

Not no mention of things that would require a.i

Titanio said:
I think just because neither ATi or NVidia demoed the technique using AI doesn't mean it isn't possible (afterall, their only concern is the graphics side).

Also, re. different animation for different models, IIRC, there are two streams, one that's shared by all models, one that provides per-instance data. Couldn't the different animation frames to be used be passed in the latter? The "unique" AI representations would determine the animation to be passed.

I agree it'd be nice to have the input of someone who's working on this kind of stuff.
Titanio said:
DeanoC might be able to enlighten more accurately and more precisely, since it again is a technique obviously being used in HS also.

Actually for the E3 demo instancing is turned off for HS...

O.K. lets start at the beginning.

For the transform engine, there is some constant state (i.e. each vertex has the same data) and some per vertex variable state (vertex data etc.). What instancing allows is you to loop the vertex streams. So you have 1 vertex rendered N times, this by itself is useless as it would produce EXACTLY the same vertex N times. However instancing allows different streams to be accessed at different rates. So while the main vertex data (position & normal etc.) is repeated N times, some other data (instance data) isn't. This allows you to render an object N times in N different places.

However is much more complicated with skinned animations. In a skinned animation, the matrices that determine the pose you see is encoded in the constant state. Which isn't effected by instancing at all. I.e. in other words instancing a skinned character would produce N EXACT copies just in N different places.

For proper instanced character, you need some way of varying the pose per instance. That proves to be a much harder problem, its sometimes possible (IIRC as the ATI demo does) to store M complete poses in constant space and then each instance can choose one of M poses. However this is much harder if each character has blended animation state (i.e. you need a pose per character), which is what HS has.

At this point PC start running out of steam, the only real method is to store each characters pose in a vertex texture and lookup that in the vertex shader. However NV40 vertex texture fetchs are so slow that you lose any benefits instancing gives you.

On X360 you can go out to main RAM fairly arbitarly so the main problem is likely bandwidth.

A Cell SPE could do it fairly easily, arbitary DMA request could gather the data at will. Bandwidth and latency hiding will be the main bottleneck (you have to do enough work to cover 16 Quadwords (4 4x4 matrices) per vertex).

With no public data on RSX, there is nothing to say.

Of course once people have had longer to play, there will likely be better ways of doing this stuff (i.e. compressed poses or evaluating the animations on the GPU etc.)
Enlightenment! Thank you Deano.

A couple of Qs..

Is it intended that HS might migrate to instancing further along in development? I'm wondering because it looks like just a few models are being used over and over, perhaps in anticipation of having to use instancing later (?) - if that's not the case perhaps some more models could be mixed in to help trick the eye into accepting this as a varied army?

That's pretty impressive you were getting so many characters in the scene with no instancing (despite the smoothed-out framerate ;))..I was sure you were using it! I guess you have some pretty good LOD in there?

I guess I'm also slightly confused as to the difference between instancing and just sharing data (which I'm sure HS is using!), I'll have to look into it..
Titanio said:
Is it intended that HS might migrate to instancing further along in development? I'm wondering because it looks like just a few models are being used over and over, perhaps in anticipation of having to use instancing later (?) - if that's not the case perhaps some more models could be mixed in to help trick the eye into accepting this as a varied army?
Yep we will be using instancing as soon as we find a method thats works well with the hardware. Our current instancing was written back in the R9700 days and was actually slower, so we turned it off. When we have final hardware we will come back to the problem.

Titanio said:
That's pretty impressive you were getting so many characters in the scene with no instancing (despite the smoothed-out framerate ;))..I was sure you were using it! I guess you have some pretty good LOD in there?
We have a simple LOD system, that appears to do a reasonable job.