Kameo comparison shots

Sean*O said:
Ugly. I have seen 360 shots of Kameo that look much better.



Personaly the game looks amazing with the amount of creatures on screen at once

Randy are you suggesting that the resolution issues were used as a way to make the Xbox 360 version of Kameo look better in comparison to the Xbox version?

I could definately see that happening... then again we've been lied to for so long the thought of a company telling the truth might make our heads pop.

Personally, I can imagine that's the case since they essentially finished it on the Xbox (according to Rare) then moved to the Xbox 360. That would kinda explain the lower poly count on the characters and rather than waste time redoing all the art to utilize the Xbox 360's (good lord, thats too long a name... we need a good concatenation (sp) for it) power.

I should probably take off the tin foil hat, but I can't think that way anymore.
To clarify, I was simply replying to an earlier post that suggested that the right side of the pix may be from XB1 (not attempting to point out any motivations for the discrepency) . Hence, the question arises why bother presenting a 720-ish sized frame then (with the side implification that the right side might be XB2 in HD-esque resolution mode). They could have just went with 480 on both image halves (assuming the "right side is XB1" scenario).

I guess we are left with a bit of a conundrum- the right side doesn't look so hot for XB2, but if it is actually XB1 on the rightside, why the 720-ish sized frame?
Randy , i believe its simple .

The xbox 1 version never had thousands of creatures on screen at once . The x360 version however does . So while the x360 version only looks as good as a enhnaced xbox games , the sheer scope of the game makes up for that . As you can see from my shots above there is no way an xbox can put out those graphics with that amount of creatures on the screen at once , let alone at 720p
That screen looks way to pixelated though and if the two screens are at different resolutions (one 720 the other 480) then if one WAS stretched to match the other then the one that was strethed would pixelate. The reason that has to be is because I don't believe Kameo (for the Xbox) wasn't as pixelated as the picture show to the right (in the side by side pictures)
Tap In said:

Xbox1 Kameo pic

MUCH better shot. Notice how the HUD is not so pixelated. As a previous poster stated...the image on the right had to have been stretched to match the other screen shot...
And there you go.

Thanks, kindly, Tap.

Seeing that picture I definately get the feeling that what we're seeing on the Xbox 360 is just slightly enhanced Xbox screens, with many more characters.

By the way anyone know exactly how many characters we'll see on screen at once in the Xbox 360 version??

P.S. My bad, Randy, I got it now.
This pic really makes the first/second pic in the topic quite the anomaly. When I resize them to 640x480 on my screen, first/second both contain aliasing noticeably different from the one given just above (which looks quite alias free). So I guess there are a number of factors that are running around not-normalized here (...and maybe even the presence of some post-processing?).

Getting really extreme...when I shrink the first/second pix down to 320x240, the aliasing seems to become comparable to the latest pic...but what in the world could possibly have been the motivation to source something from 320x240 to make an XB/XB2 comparo frame??? Naturally, chalk this one up to "extremely left-field" theory. I just thought it would be interesting to mention what happens at 320x240. ;)
Hang on people. Those XB1 shots - is all that AA in game, or are these the usual hyper-AA'd promo pics? The Rare pics for Kameo 360 show the difference in that (hopefully) the game is that AA'd while you play. Plus a lot of trolls :oops: . Though hopefully they'll jazz up the incidenting so they don't all look like clones, t's good to see another titles pitting one-against-army!
Personally I look at these screenshots and they look worse than almost any pc title out there at the moment. I guess it must be because of what jvd said about the number of characters in the screen
[Brick_top said:
]Personally I look at these screenshots and they look worse than almost any pc title out there at the moment.

Yea then prove it . Find me a pc game that has 4 k characters on screen at once that looks as good as this .
jvd said:
[Brick_top said:
]Personally I look at these screenshots and they look worse than almost any pc title out there at the moment.

Yea then prove it . Find me a pc game that has 4 k characters on screen at once that looks as good as this .

I only saw this post after I edited my last one :) but still I keep my opinion that it doesn't look very nextgen, maybe it's because of the gears of wars pics that look too good. I don't really understand how this works but those characters look like they are sharing the same textures, and probably most of them don't have their on AI, I guess they must be some kind of instances, and I would almost bet that the characters that are most far away are rendered differently than the ones that are closer.
When we saw it before, we thought there were one hundred or so creatures on screens. Rare can actually show 3,000 trolls on screen simultaneously. We saw them. They were clamoring around, swinging their weapons, charging opponents, and grunting in their most special way.

Andreas said that they could potentially push 4,000 to 9,000 creatures on-screen if the final kit is as powerful as Microsoft says it is. That's in addition to the full movement of grass, swaying trees, moving water, flying creatures, and giant fiery balls of fire shooting across the sky from the volcano.

saw Chilla doing his thing, smashing enemies, sending down ice chards, and transforming into a rolling destructo-ball of pain. In the scene we're all very familiar with, a scene at the front of a dark castle on a stone opening, we watched giant balls of fire fly out of a volcano, every so often landing on next to you. You can clearly see the volcano, too. It's actually 100 miles away.
Look, I'm only giving *my* opinion of what I'm seeing from those shots. I can't argue about the technical details of the game, I guess in motion it would look better to *me* and to other people that may think like me, am I allowed to not like how a game looks? I'm sorry if my post was understood like some sort of attack to those that may like this game, I was only confused because I don't like how it looks.
[Brick_top said:
]Look, I'm only giving *my* opinion of what I'm seeing from those shots. I can't argue about the technical details of the game, I guess in motion it would look better to *me* and other ones that may think like me.

Alright then. Its your opinon that it looks worse than pc titles yet your unable to tell us one pc title that is doing the things this game is able to do .

I asked you a simple question. Tell me what pc games looks this good and provides the same lvl of characters on screen at once and I will go buy that game . You don't even have to show one better looking . Just as good .

That is my question .

what i posted above was to enlighten you

You said

I don't really understand how this works but those characters look like they are sharing the same textures, and probably most of them don't have their on AI, I guess they must be some kind of instances, and I would almost bet that the characters that are most far away are rendered differently than the ones that are closer.
and my quotes from ign was to inform you.
jvd said:
[Brick_top said:
]Look, I'm only giving *my* opinion of what I'm seeing from those shots. I can't argue about the technical details of the game, I guess in motion it would look better to *me* and other ones that may think like me.

Alright then. Its your opinon that it looks worse than pc titles yet your unable to tell us one pc title that is doing the things this game is able to do .

I asked you a simple question. Tell me what pc games looks this good and provides the same lvl of characters on screen at once and I will go buy that game . You don't even have to show one better looking . Just as good .

That is my question .

what i posted above was to enlighten you

You said

I don't really understand how this works but those characters look like they are sharing the same textures, and probably most of them don't have their on AI, I guess they must be some kind of instances, and I would almost bet that the characters that are most far away are rendered differently than the ones that are closer.
and my quotes from ign was to inform you.

What I saw was some quotes about some people that obviously like the game, and probably have a lot more info than I have, and have seen a lot more than I did.. but I'm not talking about that.. I can only talk about what I'm seeing in these shots, I'm sure it is amazing how these new consoles can push a lot of polys, I wasn't talking about that either... I'm not able to show you a pc game that has that many characters on screen because I don't know one, and as I said I wasn't refering to that, I was just saying that I think it doesn't look good to me, of course a game with more characters will have to compromise quality... I am not trying to offend all the technical details of the game, because I wouldn't know of any reason for me to do that.
What I saw was some quotes about some people that obviously like the game, and probably have a lot more info than I have, and have seen a lot more than I did.. but I'm not talking about that.. I
actualyl what you saw were quotes explaining the screen shots and what goes on in the game .

not able to show you a pc game that has that many characters on screen because I don't know one, and as I said I wasn't refering to that, I was just saying that I think it doesn't look good to me, of course a game with more characters will have to compromise quality... I am not trying to offend all the technical details of the game, because I wouldn't know of any reason for me to do that.
Yet clearly in the shots posted in this thread there are hundreds of characters on screen at once. So why make your comment ?

You can easily see in the screen shots the shear scope of the game. Yet you went on to say it looked worse than any pc title out at the moment . And when asked to back it up you started giving attiude and then saying how you didn't understand .

I am mearly informing you of what you don't understand , yet you still arguee . I don't see why you are still argueing . Its very interesting to me that you keep editing your posts . You do know we can see u editing the posts right ?
Ok.. my thoughts were, I got here, I saw the shots and they didn't look like next gen to me even with all the characters on screen because they look all the same, and as I said this is only my opinion about the shots in this thread, just that. The comment about thinking that there are games in PC right now that look better than this one to *me* was mostly because the shots look disapointing to me.. I was expecting games that look as good as at least FarCry and to have this number of characters. But this is was just *my* expectation... I'm sorry if you have an emotional attachment to this game, It wasn't meant to be an attack of any sort.

Yes I know you can see me editing my posts, what is wrong with editing my posts? I'm portuguese I don't write or speak english all day.. and I think I'm allowed to add something to my opinions am I not? isn't that why the edit option exists? maybe I'm missing something.. and I truly mean this.. don't understand this as "attitude" as you say.