Hitler wasn't allied with the Turks. They there were some half-hearted tries but this time the Turks were smarter than in WW1. Turkey was sort of neutral in WW2, so neutral that it became a major playground for secret service spooks of all sides - and it stayed that way til well into the Cold War.
There were Nazi colonization plans - in the east. Two main tenets of Nazism were "Blood" and "Soil". Blood refers racial "purity" and "soil" to living space in the east. Conquer eastern Europe, get rid of the Jews, enslave the slavs.
According to Nazi ideology slavs are a "slave race", i.e. inferior but still worthy enough to be kept alive as uneducated, menial work force. That's why the SS murdered thousands of intellectuals, politicians, artists and clerics in eastern Europe.
Hitler's interest in areas outside of Europe was low. Germany only became involved in northern Africa because the Italians (who were trying to ressurect the glory of ancient Rome by conquering their own little mediterranean empire) fucked up. Same with Greece and the Balkans.
So what akira888 wrote is basically true. Racial purity was not something to be enforced on the whole human race but rather something that was supposed to be the norm in all areas that were supposed to become part of the Thousand Year Reich.
He was allied with the Soviets until that became inconenvient.
That was because Stalin was an idiot. There we had Hitler, raving like a lunatic about living space in the east, being completely staight forward about it and Stalin still believed it was nothing but tough talk.
The fact remains though that Nazi ideology never voiced even a smidgeon of interest on areas outside Europe. So it is unlikey that he would have turned on the Japanese. It was never part of Nazi ideology.