As this thread probably has the most relevance to DXVK on here atm, worth nothing that a recent large update has been released:
DXVK 2.0
DXVK 2.0 Async
Lots of changes listed on their respective github pages. The most relevant improvement for users of DXVK on Windows though, is that it resolves a number of issues with it not working on some DX11 games. Two in particular I always couldn't get it working in DX11 mode with that really needed its improvements were two Batman games: Arkham City and Batman: Origins. They both now launch and run with DXVK in DX11, and as it improved them with DX9, it now s
ignificantly improves their framerate consistency in their DX11 modes as well.
While I can't say it's 100%, never-ever-ever deviating from 60fps lock as you still might experience the odd judder when flying across the city, Arkham City with DXVK now has now come as close as to eliminating the traversal stutters as possible. Running on my 3060 at 4K, MSAA 2X, all settings maxxed (exception tesselation at normal instead of high), physx high, running from a sata SSD - gliding/boosting across Arkham City is far smoother in DX11 under Vulkan than it was under native DX9.
Batman: Origins also had some frame pacing issues under DX11 when gliding that weren't tied to framerate, this also fixes them and it's pretty much a perfect 60fps lock now. If you're using a fixed refresh display, both games also benefit from Vulkan's vsync being triple-buffered by default, City and Origins always had a hard double-buffer implementation in DX11 which would plummet your framerate to 30fps if it ever dipped under 60, DXVK also fixes this so if you do drop due to GPU load, it will only drop in the single digits.
As always, I recommend using the Async version which really cuts down on those initial compilation stutters. DXVK 2.0 non-async is much better in this regard mind you than 1.10, but the async version is still better.
Recommended as well to delete your .dxvk.cache file if you're upgrading from a previous version, which is located in the same folder as where you placed the dll's alongside the game's exe if the game you're running is from a storefront other than Steam, or have Steam's shader caching disabled. If it's a Steam version and you have shader caching enabled, you can find dxvk's created pipeline caches in \<drive where game is installed>\SteamLibrary\Shadercache\GameID\dxvk_state_cache. I experienced some additional stutter when just dumping the 2.0 dll's files into a game that I had run with dxvk 1.10 which were cleared up once I started with a fresh cache.
Also, I've still encountered the issue with some games where they would launch the game's process, but it would remain stuck in task manager if Geforce Experience overlay was enabled, so keep that in mind.
Speaking of Arkham City btw, I was looking for its version of the
Arkham Reborn texture pack/launcher, and eventually came into the developers discord. They've been plugging away at the Arkham City version of this for a while and apparently it's within weeks of release. So new launcher with ability to upgrade shadows/lod's, alongside a texture pack integrated - that means it's actually installable so you don't need to use texmod and wait 5+ minutes while it injects like with older texture mods for City. So if you're going to replay Arkham City anytime soon, keep an eye out for that.