But i quickly realized it is a good idea within few days. Affordable, good enough, easy entry, sustained business.
Then please stick to that, don't demans progress or higher quality graphics or abythi graphics else.
We enthusiast PC gamers are the opposite here, we want to run games at their highest fidelity, highest effects, best fps, we even mod our games to add more graphics to old titles, we run old titles using extreme levels of AA or super resolution, we do it all, and we want more, we have several orders of magnitude more power hardware than consoles, and we want it to work to achieve that goal.
So what has been happening during the last 7 to 10 years? Stagnation, developers have done nothing but deliver us console ports with the bare minimum of visual upgrades .. 4k visuals? I've had 4K on PC for years before any deveopers started branding their graphics 4K! Unlocked AF to 16X, pathetic increases in draw distance, pathetic increases in the resolution of shadows or lighting or reflections, all pretty substandard stuff, to the poibt that Ultra settings became a joke, our hardware is setting idle running games that don't look any different than consoles, games that often are fps locked, or CPU limited in most scenes. Our massive GPUs and massive mult core CPUs are doing practically nothing.
Ray Tracing changes that, PC games can finally get this extra layers of immersion they so badly needed, reflections can go beyond the pathetic resolution bumb, can be dynamic and accurate and scene wide with diminshed ugly screen space artifacts, shadows can now be numerous in numbers, with small objects casting and recieving shadows, lighting can be massively more dynamic, responding to the actions of the player .. etc.
This isn't about cost, this is about the soul of PC gaming, a soul that is thriving more than ever now with the capabilities of the hardware being put to use effectively more.
If the soul of PC gaming is not important to you, the consoles should serve you more.