If FPSs were so popular this gen online why no Star Wars franchise fps made?

Yup it works fine on X1950 and presumably everything older down to Radeon 8500. I have X1950 and X800 and they worked with the newest D3D9 legacy driver. Radeon HD works too as long as you run Catalyst 7.12 or older. I do have a RV670 card and this is how I tested 7.12 and found it to work. All later releases I tried crash if bump mapping is >low.

Thats very interesting. I always meant to get a Radeon 3850 agp version but driver support in the long run broke the deal for me...will still try to get one used though....I almost got.the current card too but waiting is better for now..

about the bump mapping though i seem to remember being diminished in impact at higher resolutions but this just proves the point even more so as to the game needing a major sequel or remake witj current or next gen hardware.
Oh it is certainly a game of its time. Bump maps are not used everywhere but where they are used it is decent eye candy. It is most obvious on character models and the occasional floor. Turning them off is definitely a loss.
BTW, be wary of those AGP Radeons. The driver support was iffy. I seem to remember a lot of problems specifically with Cat 7.x because I had a X800XL with the RIALTO chip back then.
I was and still am wary of buying those old AGP Radeons... I gotta go back and do some research but honestly if there are issues thats an ATI/AMD problem for not targeting or solving them. Nvidia is not perfect either but the only reason I even considered an AGP card was to build a maxed out Win 98/XP machine... so far I did it with the GTS 250 but I just haven't tested games yet, haven't had the time for it but on that system I need more cpu power than an Athlon X2 6400+ even though its still sufficient.

I wanna play this Jedi FPS. It looks so life like.

It's not a game?! So it's REAL?!! LOL

Tommy McClain

There are just way too many problems with that video of some fan proposed gameplay video.

It will just lead to the development of The Force Unleashed type game and the loads of Star Wars violating force powers and story.

The video claims the main character is a Jedi but the video makers/fans were too busy trying to get attention at being "cool" looking that they forgot what a Jedi in Star Wars is supposed to be like.

Jedi in the films are not supposed to be going around on mindless killing sprees by directly killing opponents, the lightsaber is supposed to be used to deflect laser gun fire AND Force Lightning used by Sith, not just waving your hand like you all of a sudden have mastery supreme over the force like Yoda and not to cause havok and destruction.

If a Jedi is to take down an opponent, it is only supposed to be by cutting of the hand with the weapons... its spelled out in all the films... using a gun or a blaster is considered a crude way of doing things and only for a no option last resort.

Going on a mass murder spree of living beings, even if you are escaping will currupt a Jedi down to the dark side, they can only do so again as either a last resort or if the odds are severely stacked against them... if anything a true Jedi way game (if you pay attention to the films) would be more of a stealth action or almost Metal Gear Solid like in that you should avoid detection and stun opponents.

Dueling a Sith in the film was supposed to be for the purpose of capturing them and bringing them to the Jedi council to be questioned... when it became clear that certain Sith were running wild in RotS then the only option was to kill them due to the circumstances.

The Final Fantasy like or = background music does not fit.

Basically videos like that and games based on videos like that or worse games like The Force Unleashed that treat the light side and dark side like a childs swing game where a supposed trained since childhood mass murdering Force user who also becomes selfishly attached to a woman and all of a sudden resists all that sith rage curruption from all the mass murdering is basically treating the force (and lightsaber combat) like a joke for the sake of "looking cool" or "bad ass" and simply becoming part of the cookie cutter machine of derivate ideas that destroy originality in videogames.

A Sith only game would make more sense for mindless violence but even still a Sith would have to play by stealth rules because they are not omnipotent either but thats why in my opening post I completely avoided any type of force/jedi/sith videogame because eventually videogame formulas and mechanics would cause the game to violate the rules set in the films by the creative teams of said franchises and why franchises that start out as videogame only like halo get away with anything they set as rules in their games (specially considering that Halo is really more like a fanboy's fanfic wet dream of the Alien franchise films and other stuff only no obligation to follow any film/comic franchise established rules)

The Clone Wars campaigns and Empire vs Rebellion conflicts work well as long as clone troopers or rebels are not forced into a silly force/jedi/sith user hunt.

Halo got away with using laser/plasma weapons in a FPS, I really do not believe that players every trully complained about such weapons as long as the game devs made proper rules when using them... Resistance series alien/chimera weapons were a bit hard considering that for the most part only enhanced humans were capable of using them effectively but at least Resistance devs made proper rules and the weapons made sense, I never had a problem with them.

There is the on going joke with OT troopers not being so accurate... but then again in those scenes they were aiming at the main characters...not the nameless ones that got killed if you go back and watch the films but only focus on the shooting battles, you might gain an appreciation for how it could be used properly in a videogame.

The Star Wars Revenge of the Sith videogame on PS2 was much more faithful to the films when it came to combat minus the part where Anakin/Vader was throwing force lighting because he really was not supposed to and as Vader it was impossible for him to do.


Theres also another non-Jedi Star Wars game that was severly limited by the tech of back then that could use some revisiting.


I'm basically saying that any SW game that features Jedi/Sith as playable or even opponent characters in a videogame has to handle it (specially with the current gen consoles and next) very carefully...

The Rogue Squadron games on GameCube were amazingly excellent when it came to space combat... I personally don't care much for online modes although I enjoyed Jedi Knight II online back in the day years ago, my main frustration was that if I was using a cool mod character, chances were high that the other online players saw only a generic skin because they did not have that character in their game folder.

I dont want to be too harsh on the fans that made that video just wanted to say that.
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Disney needs to license out the Rogue Squadron license out to Factor 5 again, and make it multiplatform this time... I'm sure they aren't doing anything else as important ;)

I'd love to see X-wings in classic trilogy battle theatres all over again. It will be two generations since Rogue Squadron 3... I won't believe how good the Death Star and Star Wars capital ships and Star Destroyers could look until I see it before my eyes...

And even flight arcade games have been absent for most of this generation. If Star Wars could come back here, I think they could fill a void. The only available games on consoles are HAWX series and Ace Combat, and I think both series only hit twice this generation. There's also Lair and Afterburner Climax, but that's still not enough.
I'd even go so far to say it'd look better than the original movies. I expect photorealistic rendering for spacships in space with no complex lighting or shaders to worry about (all processing power can be diverted to IQ - I don't want any jaggies getting through!), and there'll be far more going on to give the impression of a real big space battle than the laughable half-dozen ships of the rebellion attack against the Death Star.
You certainly do have to worry about complex lighting and shaders in space
No organic materials or need for subsurface scattering effects. No concerns about GI/AO as there are just two major lightsources and you can bake the illumination. Okay, rechecking the original movie battle there are point-lights for blaster shots from the turbo-laser towers, but no cast lights from blaster shots. There's certainly no more than one shadow casting light in effect. No mesh animation. Probably no displacement mapping as geometry of suitably size will be modelled and there isn't any need for close detail (was anyone adding ornate trimming to the military-grey surface of the Death Star?). What's so complex about that?

The requirements to hit photorealism that surpasses the original movie external shots are well below the challenges faced in recreating a general city view (COD/Battlefields/Killzone) or even a racer. I think there are only four space-craft that need modelling and texturing, and the Death Star, which is mostly randomised blocks chunked together, all with simple metal+paint shaders.
every single laser shot that comes close to a surface will emit light, every engine will emit light. Nebulas will too although environment maps can account from that.
No need for close detail!!!! cockpits....
I think there are only four space-craft that need modelling and texturing, and the Death Star
Oh, yes because the entirety of space battles in the starwars universe consists of exactly 1 mission the trench run....
ps: You cant say can be better than the movies and then pull out a checklist "the film didnt have that effect therefore its not needed in a game"
Star Citizen should bring the visuals and it'll be free from license nonsense.
every single laser shot that comes close to a surface will emit light
Not necessary to surpass the movies which didn't have point lights for ever blaster shot.
But okay, put them in. How is that taxing on the shaders?
Nebulas will too although environment maps can account from that.
No need for close detail!!!! cockpits....
:???: I'm talking about an environment where you never get close to surfaces, so you don't need detail as you do in other games where you get close to doors and mugs and wall details. cockpit details will be static at the viewing distance, so you don't need detail beyond a fixed view.

ps: You cant say can be better than the movies and then pull out a checklist "the film didnt have that effect therefore its not needed in a game"
If the target is to surpass the movie visuals, than the checklist is whatever the movie had +1. If the movies don't have point lights on every blaster shot, it's not needed in game to surpass the movie. Beyond those light sources though, which are solved by deferred rendering (and that'd give us our +1), what are the rendering complexities facing a space combat game in the SW universe? Do you need displacement mapping/POM like you want in a fantasy game? Do you need dynamic GI that works for out-doors and indoors? How's about detailed facial animation level mesh deformations? Subsurface shaders of any sort as you need in anything looking at people's faces or greenery? Megatexturing? Do the materials seen in SW on the space craft exhibit any form of Fresnel effect, or indeed any complex illumination qualities that are going to make a modern GPU sweat a little?
I'm talking about an environment where you never get close to surfaces,
you get close to surfaces in the outside view ( a few feet) and close to surfaces in the cockpit view (a few inches) and cockipit interiors can be very detailed and certainly do move in regard to the viewpoint if a padlock target view is enabled

Do you need displacement mapping/POM
freespace 2 has normal mapping it improves the visuals
If the target is to surpass the movie visuals, than the checklist is whatever the movie had +1.
Thats your viewpoint, mine = looks better than the movies.
Been thinking a lot about lighting systems and such needed for Freespace and GI solution similar to enlighten and such could work incredibly well.
Especially if one would use good screenspace reflections to add high frequency specular reflections.

Proper artist controlled volumetrics and lighting for nebulas with lights/shadows with scattering from lightsources and emissive materials and the effect would be tremendous. ;)
Yes, Disney contracting Electronics Arts which has has funded Visceral (Deadspace series), BIOWARE (KOTOR 1), and DICE (Frostbite 2/3 engines) and somehow in there CryTek with their CryEngine 3.5

Note that all of those devs are known for RPGs, action adventure and FPSs and Battlefront was basically based on the old Battlefield style games and then factor the next gen consoles...

Makes me really look forward to what they can do... A true Republic Commado remake/sequel, Battlefront, with Killzone 2/3 and Battlefield 3/4 volumetric smoke/shadows plus more destruction physics dedicated Star Wars Starfighter/Rogue Squadron simulator remake/sequels where single player lets you battle on planets and space...Bioware could go back to making a new KOTOR sequel or remake... That leaves Visceral and Crytek...
And any other dev that works under EA banner...

Perhaps we could see a dedicated Episode I pod racer simulator benefiting from the Frostbite 3 tech and more...

Of course I am looking forward to single player campaigns...the online multiplayer is the real challenge because what we think will work...may actually need a lot to make it work.

could gamers handle the speed of the pod racers at 60 fps?

could they handle true zero gravity starfighter assaults where fire comes from any degree?
I really hope they take advantage of not making it a focus to use only celebrity characters...it would be sweet to just be a clone trooper or imperial and seeing Anakin/Vader assist during missions not just playing as them in their custom fighters...
perhaps a fighting game or a light saber combat game that is buttons controlled with no hand waggle...damn I should be their advisor if they could use me lol.
Crytek is not a EA proprietary studio AFAIK.
EA could work with them as much as with any other independent developer.
Just to be clear on this, as no-one posted a link or news story, EA has licensed SW from Disney. A multi-year contract to make SW games for console+PC, whereas Disney owns rights to mobile, social and online games.
EA labels president Frank Gibeau noted that Dead Space developer Visceral and Battlefield developer DICE will be making Star Wars titles, as will BioWare, which already handled the [Knight of] The Old Republic series.
Dice SW shooter seems highly plausible. I hope we see an early SWBF3 so we're not waiting too long for one. Obviously don't rush it, but the design of the games was simple and that'd work as a download title for an early cash in prior to a full-on RPG real-time tactical MMO super-shooter that someone somewhere is probably envisaging at what the modern gamer wants.