I was and still am wary of buying those old AGP Radeons... I gotta go back and do some research but honestly if there are issues thats an ATI/AMD problem for not targeting or solving them. Nvidia is not perfect either but the only reason I even considered an AGP card was to build a maxed out Win 98/XP machine... so far I did it with the GTS 250 but I just haven't tested games yet, haven't had the time for it but on that system I need more cpu power than an Athlon X2 6400+ even though its still sufficient.
I wanna play this Jedi FPS. It looks so life like.
It's not a game?! So it's REAL?!! LOL
Tommy McClain
There are just way too many problems with that video of some fan proposed gameplay video.
It will just lead to the development of The Force Unleashed type game and the loads of Star Wars violating force powers and story.
The video claims the main character is a Jedi but the video makers/fans were too busy trying to get attention at being "cool" looking that they forgot what a Jedi in Star Wars is supposed to be like.
Jedi in the films are not supposed to be going around on mindless killing sprees by directly killing opponents, the lightsaber is supposed to be used to deflect laser gun fire AND Force Lightning used by Sith, not just waving your hand like you all of a sudden have mastery supreme over the force like Yoda and not to cause havok and destruction.
If a Jedi is to take down an opponent, it is only supposed to be by cutting of the hand with the weapons... its spelled out in all the films... using a gun or a blaster is considered a crude way of doing things and only for a no option last resort.
Going on a mass murder spree of living beings, even if you are escaping will currupt a Jedi down to the dark side, they can only do so again as either a last resort or if the odds are severely stacked against them... if anything a true Jedi way game (if you pay attention to the films) would be more of a stealth action or almost Metal Gear Solid like in that you should avoid detection and stun opponents.
Dueling a Sith in the film was supposed to be for the purpose of capturing them and bringing them to the Jedi council to be questioned... when it became clear that certain Sith were running wild in RotS then the only option was to kill them due to the circumstances.
The Final Fantasy like or = background music does not fit.
Basically videos like that and games based on videos like that or worse games like The Force Unleashed that treat the light side and dark side like a childs swing game where a supposed trained since childhood mass murdering Force user who also becomes selfishly attached to a woman and all of a sudden resists all that sith rage curruption from all the mass murdering is basically treating the force (and lightsaber combat) like a joke for the sake of "looking cool" or "bad ass" and simply becoming part of the cookie cutter machine of derivate ideas that destroy originality in videogames.
A Sith only game would make more sense for mindless violence but even still a Sith would have to play by stealth rules because they are not omnipotent either but thats why in my opening post I completely avoided any type of force/jedi/sith videogame because eventually videogame formulas and mechanics would cause the game to violate the rules set in the films by the creative teams of said franchises and why franchises that start out as videogame only like halo get away with anything they set as rules in their games (specially considering that Halo is really more like a fanboy's fanfic wet dream of the Alien franchise films and other stuff only no obligation to follow any film/comic franchise established rules)
The Clone Wars campaigns and Empire vs Rebellion conflicts work well as long as clone troopers or rebels are not forced into a silly force/jedi/sith user hunt.
Halo got away with using laser/plasma weapons in a FPS, I really do not believe that players every trully complained about such weapons as long as the game devs made proper rules when using them... Resistance series alien/chimera weapons were a bit hard considering that for the most part only enhanced humans were capable of using them effectively but at least Resistance devs made proper rules and the weapons made sense, I never had a problem with them.
There is the on going joke with OT troopers not being so accurate... but then again in those scenes they were aiming at the main characters...not the nameless ones that got killed if you go back and watch the films but only focus on the shooting battles, you might gain an appreciation for how it could be used properly in a videogame.
The Star Wars Revenge of the Sith videogame on PS2 was much more faithful to the films when it came to combat minus the part where Anakin/Vader was throwing force lighting because he really was not supposed to and as Vader it was impossible for him to do.
Theres also another non-Jedi Star Wars game that was severly limited by the tech of back then that could use some revisiting.
I'm basically saying that any SW game that features Jedi/Sith as playable or even opponent characters in a videogame has to handle it (specially with the current gen consoles and next) very carefully...
The Rogue Squadron games on GameCube were amazingly excellent when it came to space combat... I personally don't care much for online modes although I enjoyed Jedi Knight II online back in the day years ago, my main frustration was that if I was using a cool mod character, chances were high that the other online players saw only a generic skin because they did not have that character in their game folder.
I dont want to be too harsh on the fans that made that video just wanted to say that.