I see that you really enjoyed The Force Unleashed series... even though that series deviated (and violated the rules) greatly from how Jedi/Sith force powers were supposed to be used, not to mention how it became a mindless repetitive gameplay that makes Dynasty Warriors look like the holy grail of gameplay... (which it is

That is a bad, awful analogy or comparison... if you actually read comics you would be aware that just in the marvel universe there are actually more superheros/villains than there are Jedi/Sith in the Star Wars films.
I understand that you did not try to read the thread... nor did you seem to actually play any non-Jedi Star Wars games, I hope you someday realize that with your kind of thinking you are limiting what can be made out of the franchise.
Please go and read the earlier posts and give Republic Commando single player a try... just don't go playing thinking like you are in Call of Duty one man army mentality or you will keep dying.
Also I already mentioned why a first person Jedi game is a bad idea, and I understand your comparison to Fallout 3/Oblivion/Skyrim however you also need to understand that those games are not TRUE first person, they offer third person for a reason... and Jedi combat is supposed to be faster, more intense instead of derivative and cookie cutter.
Could you tell me which Star Wars franchise games you played and which did you actually prefer or enjoy? besides the films did you watch or read any of the extended universe stuff?
I really don't want to turn this into a Star Wars franchise discussion but I did want to mention something about KOTOR 1 and 2.
Basically that I remember people complaining that you could not control the Jedi in real time... and later after playing Mass Effect series I still resent the gameplay system that despite having RPG elements, makes you control your characters gun play in real time instead of a traditional RPG system. I feel that people who complain about the KOTOR games just love to complain and don't really play the games... they keep demanding too much action out of a genre that has a different form of action gameplay...
Also I was getting back into some Rogue Squadron III on GameCube, its hard to believe that those games were made last gen.
Every time a new console generation happens, new games usually get made, some get revisited in the form of sequels and some get retooled... this current gen has been a bit chaotic because people/gamers did not realize that physics, A.I. and resolution (among other things) became such huge walls to overcome... and then you had online play which throws a wrench into the game dev/pub budget because just look at what the dominant genre has been this gen, and then look at the games that have sold the most... even though that is the case that should not prevent game pubs/devs from funding/making either a sequel to an previous gen game or a different take.
Battlefront 3 could have been made no problem... however the big decision lies with the top brass in charge (not George Lucas), Battlefront 1 and 2 set some tall sales records in their day, as far as gameplay the games had huge flaws and bugs... but gamers still enjoyed it, a sequel basically being a pretty HD evolution could have been made with no need for complex current gen physics... or A.I. although that would have been preferred and then there is online play... game devs and publisher imho have no excuse to claim on why such games were not made given that this gen has lasted for over 7 years... in fact I believe the Xbox 360 is gonna be eight years old this coming November.
Game dev tools usually improve, game devs usually get better... it just seems like this gen has not only gotten expensive but fearful of a single game tearing the sales potential of any other game attempt.