just called sony and... guess what they say?
"do you want this to be delivered or picked up on our store?" <--- O_O how many times i have stated to them that i want it delivered to me
"Okay, so we will call you on Saturday about the delivery cost because we have not weighted the PS4, then we also need to look for the cost for the insurance and wood packaging" <--- what the... then why you give me the shipping cost on previous email complete with insurance and wood packaging.
i also just called other sony for my Vaio Tap 11 that has been in their hand since Dec 2014.
"please wait" *long silence*
*in background* "so how should we tell him" *long silence*
"hello, it will be ready next week" <--- O_O is this their standard answer or something...
"we're still waiting for the WLAN".
"yeah its an approximation but should come in next wednesday".
im dead curious, do any of you guys have ever in talks with sony's service? good experience?
although i guess im still lucky that they still consider me as the winner for buying ps4 20th anniversary. That case in japan is a total facepalm.