The plan was for Egmon83 to have two grey anniversary PS4s - one to use and one to preserve to sell at a later date for Crazy Money. He agreed with his cousin that his cousin would win an Anniversary PS4 and swap for Egmon83's current, normal, plain, vanilla, black PS4. Thereby his cuz would get a free PS4 and Egmon83 would get his two grey PS4s. But the cuz was a thievin' back-stabbin' deal whincer so Egmon83 missed out on one grey PS4. Which, considering all he did was run around with a paper bag on his head where other people had to go to great lengths to get their anniversary PS4s, is probably fair.So if you won 2 ps4's you would swap a black one for a grey one plus your cousin had to win one for you so you would end up with 3 ps4's
The plan was for Egmon83 to have two grey anniversary PS4s - one to use and one to preserve to sell at a later date for Crazy Money. He agreed with his cousin that his cousin would win an Anniversary PS4 and swap for Egmon83's current, normal, plain, vanilla, black PS4. Thereby his cuz would get a free PS4 and Egmon83 would get his two grey PS4s. But the cuz was a thievin' back-stabbin' deal whincer so Egmon83 missed out on one grey PS4. Which, considering all he did was run around with a paper bag on his head where other people had to go to great lengths to get their anniversary PS4s, is probably fair.
The plan was for Egmon83 to have two grey anniversary PS4s - one to use and one to preserve to sell at a later date for Crazy Money. He agreed with his cousin that his cousin would win an Anniversary PS4 and swap for Egmon83's current, normal, plain, vanilla, black PS4. Thereby his cuz would get a free PS4 and Egmon83 would get his two grey PS4s. But the cuz was a thievin' back-stabbin' deal whincer so Egmon83 missed out on one grey PS4. Which, considering all he did was run around with a paper bag on his head where other people had to go to great lengths to get their anniversary PS4s, is probably fair.
The paper bag was to hide the shame................the confusing thing is why would anyone buy a PS4?
OT: just sell the gray Ps4 at a cray price anyway, technically it's just a Ps4 with a paint job...
It was before I was able to brag about my victory told my mom about it when everybody left her house. She had to laugh hard though. She even said: "don't you have enough PlayStations?" (I have boxes of PlayStations stored at her house in the attic )Did they not know you won one 'also'?
I just saw the word "cray" somewhere here. Now I want to die.
For emaxlpe, it deson’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod aepapr, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm.
S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17
When in correct form, it's parsable and you could get something out that a French speaker might be able to understand.Par empexle, il n'a pas d'iptromcane dnas qeul odrre les lertets d'un mot apsasaiprent ...
Par exemple, il n'a pas d'importance dans quel ordre les lettres d'un mot apparaissent ...
NerdOnly when you've learnt how to read and are well practiced in it. Your brain then does sufficient pattern matching with expected results. It'd be impossible to learn to read with messed up material like that*. Nor could you successfully read some other language. eg. try to read this (don't have to understand it, just need to pronounce it)
When in correct form, it's parsable and you could get something out that a French speaker might be able to understand.
* Okay, not impossible if you had enough people giving lots of examples of reading mixed letters. You'd learn to recognise them eventually, only making your life a hell of a lot harder! However, you'd have no means to learn new words, so when presented with a scientific term like hxorontdphynhyleyeal, you'd never be able to interpret that as hydroxyphenylethanol which is otherwise a doddle to read because it conforms to the rules of English phonetic construction.
Teaching of English went very "whole word" for a long time, and it was crap. Now we focus more on phonetics and it's much better, although whole-word recognition is still part of reading strategy (it's natural after all, as per your example of how we can use image recognition to read gibberish).