How will NVidia counter the release of HD5xxx?

What will NVidia do to counter the release of HD5xxx-series?

  • GT300 Performance Preview Articles

    Votes: 29 19.7%
  • New card based on the previous architecture

    Votes: 18 12.2%
  • New and Faster Drivers

    Votes: 6 4.1%
  • Something PhysX related

    Votes: 11 7.5%
  • Powerpoint slides

    Votes: 61 41.5%
  • They'll just sit back and watch

    Votes: 12 8.2%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 10 6.8%

  • Total voters
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See post #87

I Think Theo missed the point that the first batch of GT300's hasn't left TSMC yet.

And you know this how? Oh, thats right, you believe the "I couldn't predict a gold mine find by Nvidia" Charlie reports. The man has NEVER and histry supports it, NEVER gotten anything related to an Nvidia product launch right ever.
There's still no "confuse the hell out of everyone" option and "other" is too vague for me.

By the way who's following the latest Forceware problems under Vista for GT200?
And you know this how? Oh, thats right, you believe the "I couldn't predict a gold mine find by Nvidia" Charlie reports. The man has NEVER and histry supports it, NEVER gotten anything related to an Nvidia product launch right ever.

Charlie has certainly been more correct generally than Theo however. ;)

Charlie has certainly been more correct generally than Theo however. ;)


Shall we recount?

G80 vs R600
Charlie said R600 first to launch, First to be United Sader, G80 was gonna be very late, Would use G80 as a floor mop. What did happen however was G80 launched first, G80 was first unified Shader chip, R600 was very late and R600 got used as the floor mop. 4 here he got wrong.

G200 vs R770
Rince and recycle what he said for R600 vs G80 minus of course the US part. What actualy happened tho was different. 3 this time around

And now here we are at the time for G300 vs R870 and he is making the same predictions all over again. So far he is 0 for 7 with his launch predictions and he has yet again rince and recycled his previous predictions for this generation. You really want to listen to a dunce like him for your launch info? Thus far he has predicted:
1. R870 to launch first, this will propably happen
2. R870 gonna wipe the floor with G300 in performance
3. G300 gonna be very late

Of those, he has propably 1 right.
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In terms of accuracy regarding rumors, Charlie has more "hits" then "misses" compared to Fudo. Lets not even bring Theo into discussion, meanwhile he's busy emailing CJ. :LOL:
Shall we recount?

G80 vs R600
Charlie said R600 first to launch, First to be United Sader, G80 was gonna be very late, Would use G80 as a floor mop. What did happen however was G80 launched first, G80 was first unified Shader chip, R600 was very late and R600 got used as the floor mop. 4 here he got wrong.

G200 vs R770
Rince and recycle what he said for R600 vs G80 minus of course the US part. What actualy happened tho was different. 3 this time around

And now here we are at the time for G300 vs R870 and he is making the same predictions all over again. So far he is 0 for 7 with his launch predictions and he has yet again rince and recycled his previous predictions for this generation. You really want to listen to a dunce like him for your launch info? Thus far he has predicted:
1. R870 to launch first, this will propably happen
2. R870 gonna wipe the floor with G300 in performance
3. G300 gonna be very late

Of those, he has propably 1 right.

Sure if you want to just cherry pick instances where someone is wrong, you can prove everyone in the world is 100% wrong.

That's why I said he's generally been more correct than Fuad.

Heck pick 3 statements by Einstein during his lifetime. And if you choose 3 where he was wrong, boom, instantly Einstein was wrong pretty much about everything he said. ;)

Shall we recount?

G80 vs R600
Charlie said R600 first to launch, First to be United Sader, G80 was gonna be very late, Would use G80 as a floor mop. What did happen however was G80 launched first, G80 was first unified Shader chip, R600 was very late and R600 got used as the floor mop. 4 here he got wrong.

G200 vs R770
Rince and recycle what he said for R600 vs G80 minus of course the US part. What actualy happened tho was different. 3 this time around

And now here we are at the time for G300 vs R870 and he is making the same predictions all over again. So far he is 0 for 7 with his launch predictions and he has yet again rince and recycled his previous predictions for this generation. You really want to listen to a dunce like him for your launch info? Thus far he has predicted:
1. R870 to launch first, this will propably happen
2. R870 gonna wipe the floor with G300 in performance
3. G300 gonna be very late

Of those, he has propably 1 right.

It don't remember Charlie ever saying RV770 would be more powerful than GT200, he said it would be close, and R700 (dual RV770) would be much more powerful. Both claims turned out to be true.

And he never said Cypress would wipe the floor with GT300 in pure performance, just that it would have a much higher performance/cost ratio. As for GT300 being late, it seems like a safe assumption, if only for the fact that NVIDIA hasn't demonstrated anything yet.
He did specify product launches. And his record is pretty darn poor in regard to that. In fact it does seem that he does worse than if he just randomly guessed on who would be first and fastest. Of course maybe that is precisely what he does with such a small sample size even given complete randomness one could easily have such a bad record at predicting outcomes.
Perhaps, but it doesn't take a lot to delay a launch: you find a problem somewhere, and there goes your launch date.

By the way, I must be blind, but where's the edit button?
Perhaps, but it doesn't take a lot to delay a launch: you find a problem somewhere, and there goes your launch date.

By the way, I must be blind, but where's the edit button?

Welcome! You need more posts before you can edit/delete yours.
Thanks. That's a strange rule, but I guess I'll just have to be more careful about spelling and grammar. :)
How hard can it be to predict GT300 to be late?

It is common knowledge that GT300 is a larger Chip then the ATI counterpart, it is common knowledge that TSMC has or had some serious problems with the 40nm process.

Both ATI and NV had some serious problems making their smaller DX10 parts work on that process. So how hard can it be to predict that the biggest Chip planed on that process could be delayed.
Sure if you want to just cherry pick instances where someone is wrong, you can prove everyone in the world is 100% wrong.

That's why I said he's generally been more correct than Fuad.

Heck pick 3 statements by Einstein during his lifetime. And if you choose 3 where he was wrong, boom, instantly Einstein was wrong pretty much about everything he said. ;)


Charlie's comments that are specifically geared towards nV are generally wrong, and then you if we look at Faud's record with Inq that was bad after the Inq, much more acurrate, during Faud's Inq stay, his article style was very similiar to Charlie's is now, coicidence I don't think so.
He did specify product launches. And his record is pretty darn poor in regard to that. In fact it does seem that he does worse than if he just randomly guessed on who would be first and fastest. Of course maybe that is precisely what he does with such a small sample size even given complete randomness one could easily have such a bad record at predicting outcomes.

It's hard for anyone to be correct about product launches. It's easy enough to get information from an inside source about when they hope to or plan to release a product.

Release that information and then the product gets delayed. And voila your prediction from a trust source inside said company is now wrong. But your information was never wrong in the first place.

The thing you have to remember about news hacks like Charlie, Fuad, Theo, etc... What they report is most likely what they got directly from some horses mouth that actually is in the know.

What they can't do, just like people at ATI and Nvidia can't do is predict whether they will hit any snags along the way that will either delay or change entirely something that was 100% true at the time the information was divulged. The difference is. The people at ATI/Nvidia won't go on the record about something until they have a more definite idea of when something is going to happen. Charlie, Fuad, Theo, etc... are more interested in releasing any information they can latch onto.

Looking at R600 as a prime candidate. That chip was delayed so many times and hit so many problems, it doesn't matter how often you managed to get correct info. It was all going to be wrong by the time the thing actually launched.

It don't remember Charlie ever saying RV770 would be more powerful than GT200, he said it would be close, and R700 (dual RV770) would be much more powerful. Both claims turned out to be true.

And he never said Cypress would wipe the floor with GT300 in pure performance, just that it would have a much higher performance/cost ratio. As for GT300 being late, it seems like a safe assumption, if only for the fact that NVIDIA hasn't demonstrated anything yet.

No, do a search of Theinquirer before the R770 lanch, he said the R770 would be much faster than G200 and the R700 even more so. And if memory serves correctly, Nvidia didn't demo a thing prior to G80 launching either so that isn't anything to go on. Charlie just simply sucks at predicting Nvidia launches.

"Last year, the mere suggestion of ATI doing well was laughed at, but the firm took the outright lead with the X2 cards and forced NV into the reactionary GX2. ATI can do three and four-way adequately, albeit with the the Broken OS, while NV can only do it in name. Same with the bucket called 'hybrid' for both power and frame rate.

ATI has been plotting a comeback, and the R770/R700 parts should take the outright lead once again. The trick to the cards is what we told you almost two years ago"

taken from this article:

Says R770/R700 should take outright performance lead, only r700 did that. He also claims TRi and Quad SLi to be broken which was and still is also pure BS.
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How hard can it be to predict GT300 to be late?

It is common knowledge that GT300 is a larger Chip then the ATI counterpart, it is common knowledge that TSMC has or had some serious problems with the 40nm process.

Both ATI and NV had some serious problems making their smaller DX10 parts work on that process. So how hard can it be to predict that the biggest Chip planed on that process could be delayed.

Common Knowledge? I'm pretty sure only Charlie mentioned a 23.8x23.8mm die size and no one else..
No, do a search of Theinquirer before the R770 lanch, he said the R770 would be much faster than G200 and the R700 even more so. And if memory serves correctly, Nvidia didn't demo a thing prior to G80 launching either so that isn't anything to go on. Charlie just simply sucks at predicting Nvidia launches.

"Last year, the mere suggestion of ATI doing well was laughed at, but the firm took the outright lead with the X2 cards and forced NV into the reactionary GX2. ATI can do three and four-way adequately, albeit with the the Broken OS, while NV can only do it in name. Same with the bucket called 'hybrid' for both power and frame rate.

ATI has been plotting a comeback, and the R770/R700 parts should take the outright lead once again. The trick to the cards is what we told you almost two years ago"

taken from this article:

Says R770/R700 should take outright performance lead, only r700 did that. He also claims TRi and Quad SLi to be broken which was and still is also pure BS.

I don't understand this as "R770 will take the outright lead, and R700 will be even further ahead" but as "across different market segments, R770 and R700 parts will take the outright lead over their respective opponents" which would be 9800 GTX(+), GTX 260 and 280. Knowing Charlie, if he had meant the first possibility, he would have said something like "Even R770 will kick GT200 in the nuts, so you can imagine that when R700 will be done with it, even its mother won't be able to recognize that poor green sad excuse for a GPU" :D

I can't find it, but I remember an article by Charlie basically saying that RV770 would come close to GT200 and that R700 would do much better. I think it was a month or so before launch.
I don't understand this as "R770 will take the outright lead, and R700 will be even further ahead" but as "across different market segments, R770 and R700 parts will take the outright lead over their respective opponents" which would be 9800 GTX(+), GTX 260 and 280. Knowing Charlie, if he had meant the first possibility, he would have said something like "Even R770 will kick GT200 in the nuts, so you can imagine that when R700 will be done with it, even its mother won't be able to recognize that poor green sad excuse for a GPU" :D

I can't find it, but I remember an article by Charlie basically saying that RV770 would come close to GT200 and that R700 would do much better. I think it was a month or so before launch.

The problem you have tho is that GT200 was out first and some time before the R7xx line launched so his comments only had one target in mind, the GT200 line. They were out for 2-3 months before R770/700 launched or have your fergotten the 400 and 650 dollar price tags for GTX260 and GTX280 for like 2-3m until R770 launched?
The problem you have tho is that GT200 was out first and some time before the R7xx line launched so his comments only had one target in mind, the GT200 line. They were out for 2-3 months before R770/700 launched or have your fergotten the 400 and 650 dollar price tags for GTX260 and GTX280 for like 2-3m until R770 launched?

I can't remember the exact dates, but I'm 99.99% sure that GT200 and RV770 launches were within a week of each other
If my quick googling was right, GT200 released June 16th or 17th, RV770 June 25th (with HD4850's out in the shops earlier than that)
The problem you have tho is that GT200 was out first and some time before the R7xx line launched so his comments only had one target in mind, the GT200 line. They were out for 2-3 months before R770/700 launched or have your fergotten the 400 and 650 dollar price tags for GTX260 and GTX280 for like 2-3m until R770 launched?


However, the HD 4870x2 was out few good months before the GTX290.
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