So I can go by what people on forums claim, or I can go by what natives have been telling me for years. On the one hand I'd like to not believe it. On the other hand Japan is also the only nation I know of where there are entire areas in which foreigners are not even allowed to go in. Does Saudi Arabia even have that? Not sure. But ultimately it's really telling when a Japanese friend will warn me that if I visit Japan that I need to avoid such and such areas because they don't allow foreigners, or to avoid such and such restaurants because I'll sit there forever since they don't serve foreigners, etc... Hence the xenophobia claims really don't seem all that far fetched to me.
It's interesting you bring up the no-foreigners allowed parts of Japan. It's quite true even to this day. Although, here's the kicker. Foreign workers are allowed in some of those areas as long as they are either menial workers (cooks, janitors, etc.), young and attractive women who will do whatever is asked, and older women who run the establishments employing the just mentioned workers.
My mother ran one of those exclusive High Class companion karaoke bars. in the mid 80's through the late 90's and still has contacts in that area. That's where I got to drink with many Japanese businessmen (construction company owners, etc.) and CEO's (Konica, Toshiba, Minolta, Sony to name a few). I got a lot of free product from those companies also as they tried to win favor with my mother.
As well there's certainly more low class areas that can be quite dangerous for foreigners.
Anyway, the disdain for Foreigners, especially other Asians, permeates the society from the top to the bottom. Interestingly as time has gone on, the greatest acceptance of non-Japanese Asians as anything other than lower lifeforms is in the manual labor job segment.
It's to the point where some Japanese workers can admit that other Asians work just as hard as Japanese workers (in manual labor), but still won't allow them to be in charge even if they are regarded as the best worker for that particular job. And non-Japanese Asians are more common in the labor industry (construction, recycling, etc.) now than they were in the 80's (almost non-existant).
And that thinking extends to product purchasing also. Just like they can accept some exceptional foreigners as almost equals, they can occasionally accept exceptional non-iconic foreign product as worthy of purchase.