So if somebody likes it, there is something wrong with them? Most people I know enjoyed Heavy Rain, so it wasn't perfect, but there is nobody stopping you from making a perfect game or maybe CoD is your idea of a perfect game?
With CoD, there is at least a semi-descent game in there, no matter how much the mechanics are dumbed-down.and skill ceiling lowered. Maybe you are thinking tha HR is more "artful" game than CoD?

Same goes for some of the pretentious indie games which are mechanically/design-wise inferior (see: Flower, flow, Limbo etc.) A lot of people seem to be trying to elevate those types of games as some kind of artistic ones and shit, while in reality they have no idea what the hell they are talking about. And are trying to divorce the terms "art" and "fun" which comes from the enjoymment, i.e.
pleasure of the challenge and design/mechanical complexity of the game, which is hilarious.
The medium seems to have been hijacked by a bunch of failed bards who couldn't cut it in other mediums and so thought a bunch of myopic geeks would be easy to muscle in on.
This is like a bizarre meta game version of the Emperor's New Clothes, where everyone claims how it's a revolutionary new thin that's totally amazing, and people are like no, the dude's just naked, and then they burned for being heretics.
There is nothing "mature" about a a game with a horrendously poorly written story (in a game which is almost nothing but the story), bad characterization and voice acting, facial animation which leads to characters looking like dolls, and the most important thing of all - extremely dumbed-downed interactivity. If you want a really really good plot-heavy game, go play Planescape:Torment. You pretty much won't find better interactive storytelling (which Cage desperately wants to claims its own) in the industry. Or maybe Deus Ex, from a more accessible first person viewpoint, but highly immersive experience you won't find anywhere else.
Look at
this intervirew for example, in which Mr. Cage confuses the term MacGuffin with red herring.
When you're playing as Ethan, you get the choice of killing the drug dealer or sparing his life. I was curious as to why, when you kill the drug dealer, there didn't seem to be a consequence at the end. You get the code, but shouldn't Ethan go to jail?
Well, there is no reason for him to go to jail if the drug dealer is found dead. Nothing leads directly to him.
Doesn't he throw up next to the body?
That's not enough to get him in trouble?
... Why?
DC even dares comparing himself to the likes of Hitchcock,
Fincher and Kubrick. And finally,
Shakespeare .
Seriously though if some people are so scared of a change in gaming, and the ideology behind the reasons why people engage with it, that they have to resort to base criticism to belittle it, then their opinions are worth nothing. Until that is, they go out and produce the game that is the antithesis of what they are saying is wrong.
What change? For something much worse and inferior in almost every way?
HR is "adult" and "mature" while first person shooters are stupid "dudebro" shit.

What is the innovative concept in Heavy Rain? What kind of innovative feature/mechanic was introduced that wasn't introduced in previous games such as Cage's own Indigo Prophecy? Not to mention countless of other games in the inveractive movie / visual novel subgenres: From the acient Zork series, through the QTEs of Dragon's Lairs and the likes, to more open world games like Shenmue?
It's funny seeing Molyneux praising the use of QTEs, which speaks volumes btw.