Played with the sixaxis and the game flowed smoothly like a river. The game really grips u when it wants to
! Love the father-son mechanics, always bring a wide smile on my face
I will continue with sixaxis ! I am missing the well implemented vibration, but I feel controller is what the interface was designed around. Feels very very natural and effortless. With Move, it feels as if I am not the character but the puppeteer who picking up and moving the character around, making him sit and get up n all. Movements of the hand for the sake of movements , a lot of times.
@patsu: yes, I can reposition my hand n all, but that is where it all starts feeling forced and uncomfortable. A lot of times you don't know which movement is required next in combo with the present one.
Anyways, thats the way I feel. I had bought Move particularly for HR, but the way I feel, the smoothnes with which the control scheme fits with the sixaxis has not got transferred equally to Move. Its understandable as it must have taken years to get the sixaxis implementation right while they just got a few months for Move implementation. Also, if they had known about Move earlier they might have had us controlling different things in scenes than what is now.
Also, had I not had experienced the sixaxis controls in the demo, maybe I wouldn't have complained about Move. I would have just played the game without knowing how effortless and smooth the sixaxis implementation was. So, I think its more a matter of choice. I am preferring sixaxis over Move for HR, as I feel it fits better and most importantly, lets me dive in the story better. In other games, where Move is supported, Move felt better.