Hello! You can find my opinion of Heavy Rain earlier in the thread.
Even though I agree with many of your points (just as the story is bad, the ego of Mr. Cage seems as gigantic and sometimes I fear that the success of Heavy Rain will give us another bad story game from Quantic Dream), I disagree that the game is bad. Why?
Because people, IMO, get constantly mixed up into peripheral things like QTEs! But, IMO, it is all about these things:
a) immersion (how many times, especially us who played hundreds of games (me since playing H.E.R.O. as a kid in 198x, have started to loose the immersion many times and play mechanically; same thing with movies where you often know all the tricks of the screenwriters etc.), in my case the QTEs were great for being immersed and "forgetting the controls" and finally not thinking about playing part/level xy perfectly; also for a newbie in video games I do not see ANY game that is better than Heavy Rain
b) No "normal" ending/branching (as I see you mentioned the masterpiece and "more than a game" Planescape: Torment you maybe also remember e.g. Wing Commander etc. who all had branchings and changing storylines, but in time because of cost issues and "designer decisions" it was used more and more seldomly)
c) feelings, yes games should give you and leave you with feelings; we can forget about a new "What can change the nature of man?", but Heavy Rain has some fantastic moments, some hyped up games left me really cold (ok, maybe that's a feeling too
) on the other end
b is the best thing for me, because finally replays are not only disencouraged, but also you have your personal story (strangely I love Demon's Souls with a "bit" different approach
). So character x gets killed, no problem, the story goes on. Of course, Heavy Rain cannot simulate it perfectly, because it then would be a life simulator, not a game, but IMO it is a start. I'd trade a game like Fahrenheit/Heavy Rain for the n-th shooter et al any day... But I digress... This is the very same thing I adored with Planescape, you had your own story/character etc., so my ending is not the same as yours, my thoughts and path is not the same as yours and this is what I really hope PC and video games will go to and that all the genres will just be vehicles for the same mindset.
BTW, those that say that game x is not innovative should really check when they really saw a innovative game. I always remember a great joke moment from 3rd Rock from the Sun where the John Lithgow character says that the book is a plagiatory because it stole everything from.... a dictionary...
Hello! You can find my opinion of Heavy Rain earlier in the thread.
Even though I agree with many of your points (just as the story is bad, the ego of Mr. Cage seems as gigantic and sometimes I fear that the success of Heavy Rain will give us another bad story game from Quantic Dream), I disagree that the game is bad. Why?
Because people, IMO, get constantly mixed up into peripheral things like QTEs! But, IMO, it is all about these things:
a) immersion (how many times, especially us who played hundreds of games (me since playing H.E.R.O. as a kid in 198x, have started to loose the immersion many times and play mechanically; same thing with movies where you often know all the tricks of the screenwriters etc.), in my case the QTEs were great for being immersed and "forgetting the controls" and finally not thinking about playing part/level xy perfectly; also for a newbie in video games I do not see ANY game that is better than Heavy Rain
b) No "normal" ending/branching (as I see you mentioned the masterpiece and "more than a game" Planescape: Torment you maybe also remember e.g. Wing Commander etc. who all had branchings and changing storylines, but in time because of cost issues and "designer decisions" it was used more and more seldomly)
c) feelings, yes games should give you and leave you with feelings; we can forget about a new "What can change the nature of man?", but Heavy Rain has some fantastic moments, some hyped up games left me really cold (ok, maybe that's a feeling too
b is the best thing for me, because finally replays are not only disencouraged, but also you have your personal story (strangely I love Demon's Souls with a "bit" different approach
BTW, those that say that game x is not innovative should really check when they really saw a innovative game. I always remember a great joke moment from 3rd Rock from the Sun where the John Lithgow character says that the book is a plagiatory because it stole everything from.... a dictionary...