Also, something else to add
@orangpelupa , if you want to understand more of what's going on, the audio logs go into some of the things that happened between Halo V and Halo: Infinite. They also explain to an extent why the Banished are doing what they are. I think one of the logs also had the name that the Forerunners had given to what was mentioned in the spoiler before.
Basically to get a grasp of what's going on, you'll need to find all of the audio logs as well as the Forerunner artifacts.
Something I'm realizing as I play.
If you want something close to a traditional Halo experience, you should focus mostly on the main mission. This preserves some of the difficulty and streamlined storytelling. Unfortunately the game becomes pretty short if you do that. Alternatively don't upgrade any armor abilities other than maybe the cooldown for grappleshot (because it's too fun) and don't use any unlocked weapons.
If you explore and do everything as I'm doing, it's fun but it does make the game a fair bit easier. Weapons dropped by the Banished Targets as well as ones unlocked at later levels of the FOB are more powerful (sometimes significantly so) compared to the base version of the weapons. The only drawback is that you can only refill their ammo at ammo stations. You cannot pick up ammo for a special version of a weapon from its base weapon. So if you have the homing rockets version of the rocket launcher, you cannot get ammo for it from regular rocket launchers.
On top of that, some of the armor upgrades pretty much turn you into an almost unstoppable god. Max level grappleshot is basically a cheat code for the game and most enemies cease to be a threat after you get it.
Also, if you are only getting Spartan Cores because you want to upgrade all armor abilities, you don't have to go out of the way to get remote ones. There are FAR more Spartan Cores that you can get than you need to upgrade everything. I think I currently have something like 6 or 7 extra Spartan Cores and there's still more I can get.
For funsies load up 5 marines with homing rocket launchers into a Razorback and pretty much nothing on the map lives for very long as you drive around.

Be careful though, as if you drive too close to an enemy next to a rock as they fire, they can blow themselves and you up.