Halo Infinite [Fall 2021] [XO, XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

I play Halo Infinite on my Xbox One via Cloud.

What I don't understand: The game supports keyboard&mouse, but not my Chatpad? Or is it cloud limitation?
I'm pretty sure on cloud they only support gamepads. Even if you stream a console game to PC that supports mouse and keyboard I believe you are still required to use a gamepad.
If you explore and do everything as I'm doing, it's fun but it does make the game a fair bit easier. Weapons dropped by the Banished Targets as well as ones unlocked at later levels of the FOB are more powerful (sometimes significantly so) compared to the base version of the weapons. The only drawback is that you can only refill their ammo at ammo stations. You cannot pick up ammo for a special version of a weapon from its base weapon. So if you have the homing rockets version of the rocket launcher, you cannot get ammo for it from regular rocket launchers.

On top of that, some of the armor upgrades pretty much turn you into an almost unstoppable god. Max level grappleshot is basically a cheat code for the game and most enemies cease to be a threat after you get it.

Also, if you are only getting Spartan Cores because you want to upgrade all armor abilities, you don't have to go out of the way to get remote ones. There are FAR more Spartan Cores that you can get than you need to upgrade everything. I think I currently have something like 6 or 7 extra Spartan Cores and there's still more I can get.

That seems... broken.
That seems... broken.

Which part? :)

The over abundance of spartan cores (valor points as well) is nice, because it doesn't mean that someone playing Halo: Infinite needs to grind out every little collectable in order to unlock everything. The weapon variations are also nice, although the power of a few of them could be bumped down a little, IMO. But overall not so bad considering at higher difficulties you are likely to run out of ammo for it and have to swap to a different weapon anyway.

The max level grappleshot, however, I think is way too powerful. In that sense it's broken, but it's probably either intended to be overpowered or the developers didn't think players would potentially abuse the shite out of it.

Overall, this being 343i's first open world game (it's only not fully open in ~the first half of the game, sort of like Days Gone) and the development troubles that the game went through I'm willing to excuse the relatively unbalanced effect that the open world stuff brings to a Halo game.

After how they managed to finally understand what a Halo game is, even if it isn't perfect, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they'll get the balance (power level of the player) right the next time.

Unlike Halo 4 and 5, this actually feels like a Halo game ... but with an open world added to it. And unlike the open exploration area's of Gears 5, there's actually meaningful things to do in the open world exploration areas.

If I have time, I'll probably replay it again without leveling up anything other than the cooldown for grappleshot. And I'll avoid using any unlocked weapons. Also, avoid taking Marines (they are freaking OP as hell with the right weapons) with me in the open world.

I only played a bit, but it certainly does feel more like Halo than 4 or 5 did that I didn't even really play too much. Too much weird nonsense happening, I felt lost like I was playing CoD maybe or something. Felt a lot different jumping into Infinite and kicking ass without worrying too much about this or that.
Which part? :)

The over abundance of spartan cores (valor points as well) is nice, because it doesn't mean that someone playing Halo: Infinite needs to grind out every little collectable in order to unlock everything. The weapon variations are also nice, although the power of a few of them could be bumped down a little, IMO. But overall not so bad considering at higher difficulties you are likely to run out of ammo for it and have to swap to a different weapon anyway.

The max level grappleshot, however, I think is way too powerful. In that sense it's broken, but it's probably either intended to be overpowered or the developers didn't think players would potentially abuse the shite out of it.

Overall, this being 343i's first open world game (it's only not fully open in ~the first half of the game, sort of like Days Gone) and the development troubles that the game went through I'm willing to excuse the relatively unbalanced effect that the open world stuff brings to a Halo game.

After how they managed to finally understand what a Halo game is, even if it isn't perfect, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they'll get the balance (power level of the player) right the next time.

Unlike Halo 4 and 5, this actually feels like a Halo game ... but with an open world added to it. And unlike the open exploration area's of Gears 5, there's actually meaningful things to do in the open world exploration areas.

If I have time, I'll probably replay it again without leveling up anything other than the cooldown for grappleshot. And I'll avoid using any unlocked weapons. Also, avoid taking Marines (they are freaking OP as hell with the right weapons) with me in the open world.


Yeah it definitely more Halo than last two previous iterations and I love the open world bit.

You are especially right about the grapple shot and Marines. I found myself running around with two low ammo heavy weapons because I can literally grapple shot + melee until I run into a boss.

A marine with a rocket launcher is stronger than Master Chief. They have infinite ammo so I usually take one along in a warthog and destroy everything in his path. I'm less Master Chief and more Master Chauffeur in those cases. LOL
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How to kill

the large enemy with shield all over their body and have a gun in their right hand and a shield on their left hand


I've thrown explosive, I've spend 1 hour shooting at their hand (its the only thing that's glowing and shows red cross hair).

But I don't seem to have damaged them at all.


the red crosshair on their hand-gun is a fake-out. Simply keeps shooting their head and they'll die.

Their exposed body parts are the weak points. Just above the knee, their sides, elbows and back.
OK, so, I think I'm starting to get towards the end of the game. And it's interesting to see the story play out through the missions and logs. I've heard some people say wonder why wasn't this called Halo 6? Well...

Halo first trilogy story arc - Covenant and Flood
  • Halo 1
  • Halo 2
  • Halo 3
Halo second trilogy story arc - Forerunners, Cortana Rampancy, and blah no-one cares or liked it
  • Halo 4
    • Lukewarm reception by fans
  • Halo 5
    • Despised by fans
  • Halo 6
    • Never made
      • Perhaps cancelled?
    • Story of Halo 6 is told via audio logs and cut-scenes (sorta kinda flashbacks) in Halo: Infinite
      • These are likely all that remains from Halo 6 story boards and pre-production
Halo third story arc - New enemies and story focus that I won't go into to avoid potential spoilers
  • Halo: Infinite - 1st Campaign DLC
  • Halo: ???
    • Probably Halo: Infinite some X number of Campaign DLCs
Halo: Infinite is basically 343i wiping the slate clean and starting over. Basically a reboot of 343i's Halo games, but without removing the Forerunner/Cortana Rampancy story arc from Halo Lore.

I, personally, applaud them for not making Halo 6 to complete the 2nd story arc and instead starting over with a new story arc. Almost no-one liked the 2nd story arc and if they had made Halo 6 to finish that arc, then there's a good chance that Halo as a franchise would have died.

itmeJP made an interesting comment when he finished the campaign. He basically said that he could imagine that at some point Phil probably sat down with 343i and basically said, "This is your last chance, don't fuck it up." That probably never happened and if it did, it probably didn't quite go like that. But I'd like to think that Phil lit a fire under 343i's arses. :)

Regardless, whatever happened to get 343i to finally "get it", I'm glad they did. Also, I'm not sure if it's intentional or they ran out of time and had to rush the 2nd half of the game, but the 2nd half of the game so far feels different from the 1st half. The 2nd half so far is playing out more like Bungie's Halo without open world stuff. I say it might be intentional because what's happening makes sense WRT to the story that's being told in Halo: Infinite. But at the same time, it might have been driven by running out of time to add more open world stuff.

Then again, I'm not finished yet, so it might still go back to open world stuff after this bit that I'm doing.

Great game so far. I'm not sure that I'd agree with itmeJP or CohhCarnage that this is the best Halo Campaign (better than the Bungie ones), but it definitely holds its own against the Bungie Halos. High praise coming from me considering I absolutely did not like 4 and actively hated 5.

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Finally had some time to play it, i am not very far in game but so far i really like it. To me personally so far its the best Halo in the series but i reserver mu judgement until i finish the game. Graphics and sound are better than i expected, specially all the alien installations, really really good, very atmospheric and i get the same feeling when i got when i first time played Halo CE. Love it!
The combat is not only the best in the series but one of the best in any fps games IMO. Interesting encounters when you can play clever with your equipment and weapons, and have many oh shit situations ( flash back to halo CE when i first time saw cloacked elite!) , i also love how the enemies react to taking damage, brutes trip when you shot them in the leg, grunts fly away when hit in the tank at their back and explode. So much fun, makes every encounter enjoyable and somewhat unique.
Really glad that it tour out to be as good as it is keeping in mind that it went thru development hell. I was listening to podcast last week and Jez Corden from Windows Central said that it was so painfull that many poeple not only left 343 but they were done with the whole game industry, that had to be brutal!
The few one hit kill in the normal mode is super annoying tho. Dunno it was intended or it was due to the wonky physics that's seem inherent in the engine (although way better than destiny series where you can instantly die when you stub your toe on a rock or something)
Can you fast travel to a FOB? I got stuck halfway down a cliff and couldn't get back up, kept respawning there and had to fast travel.

I think I can. I totally forgot there's a fast travel because

the 2nd half or the 3rd quarter of the game disabled fast travel
isn't that's only for the blue ones?

I am not absolutely sure, but I think I've killed the red ones that way too. My preferred strategy is to throw up a shield and knee cap them while its up. The Myriad Brothers is the one I just chucked whatever I could until they went down. I didn't bother with precise aiming and did mostly AOE or lucky shots