Halo 4

I might be a dick for saying this, but I think 343i as a studio just beat the living crap out of Bungie at their own game.

If the plot and gameplay hold up as well as the music and presentation thus far have.. Then, well..

*I have been an avid halo player (and all things Halo) since 2001 when I first grabbed Fall of Reach and realized on the final page the book was connected to an Xbox game. Which I read up on and a friend happened to get and I was addicted. Hard.

I mean no disrespect to Bungie.
I might be a dick for saying this, but I think 343i as a studio just beat the living crap out of Bungie at their own game.

If the plot and gameplay hold up as well as the music and presentation thus far have.. Then, well..

*I have been an avid halo player (and all things Halo) since 2001 when I first grabbed Fall of Reach and realized on the final page the book was connected to an Xbox game. Which I read up on and a friend happened to get and I was addicted. Hard.

I mean no disrespect to Bungie.

There are ex-Bungie in 343 Industry.
I might be a dick for saying this, but I think 343i as a studio just beat the living crap out of Bungie at their own game.

If the plot and gameplay hold up as well as the music and presentation thus far have.. Then, well..

*I have been an avid halo player (and all things Halo) since 2001 when I first grabbed Fall of Reach and realized on the final page the book was connected to an Xbox game. Which I read up on and a friend happened to get and I was addicted. Hard.

I mean no disrespect to Bungie.

With this kind of hype I think that a lot of people will be disappointed in the game, talking about Bungie like it's some third rate developer is ridiculous.

As great as Halo 4 looks the real test for 343i is the gameplay, enemy placement/encounters and level design and in that department Bungie was top tier and people should stop using words like Bungie destroyed! because there is a big chance that they'll regret saying such hyperbolic things in a few days.

*I am also a big Halo fan and Halo 4 is my most anticipated game this year by far btw.
Agreed. Let's play Halo 4 first. 343i has proven nothing yet.

Bungie built this house.

Halo 4 looks awesome graphics wise and especially art direction wise from what I've seen that's for sure but until we see a better level than The Covenant, The Silent Cartographer or New Alexandria from 343i let's be more careful with what we're saying, it's still very early to declare winners and losers IMO.
Personally I was not too surprised by the overall improvement in presentation, because at least to me, bungie's always felt lackluster in that department given the caliber of their franchise. They still did a great job, technically and artistically, but the end result always felt short of the potential of such a flagship franchise.
As is being said, this is all regarding presentaion though. Gameplay has always set the bar, and halo 4 could very well disapoint in that department.
With this kind of hype I think that a lot of people will be disappointed in the game, talking about Bungie like it's some third rate developer is ridiculous.

As great as Halo 4 looks the real test for 343i is the gameplay, enemy placement/encounters and level design and in that department Bungie was top tier and people should stop using words like Bungie destroyed! because there is a big chance that they'll regret saying such hyperbolic things in a few days.

*I am also a big Halo fan and Halo 4 is my most anticipated game this year by far btw.

I'm also a big Halo fan and know I will not be disappointed with Halo 4.Everything I've seen of the campaign and mp leads me to believe its going to be an excellent game.In regards to mp, Halo Reach had medicore map design and the maps from Halo 4 easily destroy Reach.
Someone at 343i really, really likes the Magnum.

Ep. 4 of FUD was very good. The Covenant look scary and are brutally efficient.

Maybe there should be a FUD dedicated thread... of course FUD is a Halo 4 advert, so maybe not.
Did anyone at 343i not cringe when they read/heard the script/lines? :rolleyes:

Chief's lines were atrocious. :p
That part I agree with. And they were not very well delivered, either, imo. The other characters seemed more TV quality but all in all MC's character when delivering lines (or even when he finally pops up) is stiff. Him kicking butt made up for it though. The Covenant, imo, and the props/CGI are what really steal the show though.
I just saw FUD last night , all the episodes together for the first time , got to say it was much better that what i was expecting .
I suppose all the episodes will be released as movie in dvd/BD or am i wrong ?
Yes, there'll be a BR release with behind the scenes stuff and all, AFAIK it's already available for preorder at Amazon.
I didn't like episode 4 as much. This was the first episode where it looked kind of low budget. The Chief looked like a tall dude in a cheap Halloween costume, and as mentioned, his dialog was cringe-worthy. Why not just use Steve Downe's voice for continuity's sake?

And there wasn't enough violence. The entire plant has just been depopulated for christ sakes. When he stabbed the Elite, it looked like the Chief just walked up and tapped it on the shoulder. That should have been a much more viscerally violent scene, to leave no doubt who the Chief is, what he is capable of, and what is at stake.
I agree that a Halo Reach style assassination would have been much more enjoyable and fit the scene (the Elite was lethal looking and that sword looked menacing) I think 343i was paying "homage" to the Halo "gun/elbow back to the head" melee. Quick, efficient, anti-climatic and lacking any drama. I was pretty happy to see how Bungie added a ton of specialized melees in Reach but I think here in FUD, like the pistol scene, were paying "homage."

I watched again and they really missed opportunities for some bad ass lines. The games and books have a LOT of great material. John 117 doesn't say much, but when and what he says always fits in well. The wikia on MC is really cool so there is no excuse for the poor writing. I thought the abandoned movie did it right: if you cannot get good words in MC's mouth then don't have him say anything (in that draft he spend a quarter of the movie being the ultimate hyper-lethal killing machine and when he finally says one small sentence it really resonates that he will back up anything he says). Here, in FUD, he is more of a lumbering robot on a first aid baby sitting mission.

If they ever do make a movie they need to get away from some of the nastalgia and play to the strengths. The pistol scene was fine as it wasn't overt (MC just mowing down peeps with the mag) but the melee on the Elite lacked power. This Elite had just wiped out the base. A better scene would have been this HUGE Elite with a death dripping plasma sword having his head complete wrenched around effortlessly and the lifeless body being tossed to the side to reveal the massive Spartan behind him or something akin to the sword being wrenched backwards and stolen, arm being broken, and then plunged into the back of the Elite upward, lifting it off the ground, and then violently tossed just like the games. Instead MC punches a locked locker. Ho hum.

That said the Elites in FUD are what the games should be striving for. I already said the weapons (sword, needlers, carbines, etc) all look really cool but the Covenant look great:





They look strong, muscular, but agile. They also look completely menacing and not goofy. MC in some shots also looks good, like this but other times he looks like a guy walking on stilts in a foam suit. The ODSTs look very good as well.

I personally liked the episode, it reminded me a little of Battlestar Galatactica. I thought the action was good and the young actors OK but I think the script and lines remains stilted. And as good as the props are it seems fairly sterile at times and the world very sparse. But that is what you get from trying to make an action filled made for TV movie. But I like scifi and it scratches the itch for me.
Yeah baby! Fired up Anniversary in preperation for HALO4. Cool, this is a real HD remake. Nice...will play more and if I have time left until release I will fire up Reach again...HALO weeks started!!!
On Halo 3's launch time frame, Bungie announced their separation from the evil Microsoft. It is no secret they hated each other and they were simply stockpiling to reach their independence. They put their contractual obligations on auto-pilot and set their sites and true talent on the greatest thing ever they're creating right now with probably PS4 as the lead platform. For the Bungie folk not affected by "executive meddling" http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ProtectionFromEditors, they remained with Microsoft to set a strong foundation for 343. Naturally that talent attracted more talent. It could have all fallen apart though because you can have all the right pieces and still fail. But 343 seems to have done the franchise right with Halo 4 across the board.

I just updated the companion app on my Focus (yes, the original running 7.5) to SmartGlass. Very nice. Can't wait to see what this actually does in Halo 4. Will it incorporate ATLAS from waypoint for example? Will it do anything remotely like the concept video? http://youtu.be/SeGVEAiqVL0 Not long now.

The game that Bungie is working on isn't even coming out on PS3.
I don't think that's true. For quite a while, Bungie's job opening page wanted people with PS3 dev experience.
I don't think that's true. For quite a while, Bungie's job opening page wanted people with PS3 dev experience.

I heard something about the first game being exclusive and the second game would go multiplat or it was the first game had 1 year exclusive contract.