Halo 4

Yeah, I guess we'll see, only I'm in Europe so I can only see it in the morning. There'll also be a gameplay trailer and then the third episode of Forward Unto Dawn where - hopefully - the s*** will finally hit the fan and the
Covenant invasion
finally begins.

I wonder what else the marketing team has lined up, although this much is already kinda impressive ;)
At some point, one would hope that a story revolving around Cortana/Chief would actually involve Cortana in the mass marketing somewhere. :oops:
Well, that could end up good...

...or not so good.
(search for yourself)
Yeah, I guess we'll see, only I'm in Europe so I can only see it in the morning. There'll also be a gameplay trailer and then the third episode of Forward Unto Dawn where - hopefully - the s*** will finally hit the fan and the
Covenant invasion
finally begins.

I wonder what else the marketing team has lined up, although this much is already kinda impressive ;)

I know they will have another, more traditional, launch trailer produced using in game scenes. :smile:

Well, that could end up good...

...or not so good.
(search for yourself)

What the...
Lots of people like to dress up as Cortana.

In case of this certain picture though, she was undressing as Cortana. As in body paint.
I have no idea, it was just a picture I've seen somewhere a while ago :)

There are a lot of people making video game related costumes and stuff, and some if it is really exceptionally good. And it's getting kinda offtopic but there are some who are absolutely insane.
I don't really understand 343 here...

(following things are really spoilerish)
Showing the Didact weakens his reveal in the campaign

Most of the trailer is a live action version of what's already done for the CG prologue...
... Meh. Much prefer the ODST induction/training as far as showing origins go.

I think they tried to cram too much into this. Should have focused on one thing instead of the clusterfuck memory probe.

I can see what they were trying to convey, but maybe it would have been better as separate trailers. As I saw it, there were two main things going on here. One was the main women in his life leading to something about Cortana, and second was his training that led him to this point.

I would have done it like this (mostly different :p) :

Trailer A: John’s memory of abduction/induction/training while fighting prometheans

John is fighting the Prometheans (as above). He’s running towards something. He gets thrown into that wall (as above) and blacks out.

Upon “waking” we see little John and Halsey meeting for the first time. The coin toss, "Eagle!" scene from Fall of Reach. Make sure we can hear the clink of the metal ringing. End it with him catching the coin. Hold that shot.

Cut to a hand reaching out quickly to grab onto a rope. Do a quick camera change to the obstacle training course with the bell at the end. Fans should see the number designations (on the shirts) of John (117), Kelly (087), and Sam (034) as a group doing various things (other kids too) - there are quick cuts to emphasize the difficult nature of the race. Last bit is a shot of the bell on its own. The rope moves and the bell is rung once. The rope is left to swing. Hold that shot.

Now, zoom out of the bell, and we see a minefield being set off with John (in-armour) running towards the bell. There’s the Pelican bearing down on him and it fires the missile. Have Cortana echo her FoR lines. Slo-mo as John deflects the missile with his arm. There’s the explosion, but now there’s a glitchy black out with Cortana lines echoing.

And of course, that leads back to him waking up fighting the Prometheans again. Finish off the trailer with John reaching the giant sphere (there’s that poster they showed before). Something is about to happen (ominous sound/visual effect). Cut to black. Sound the ringing of the bell from his training course as the Halo 4 title appears.

This is all about John reaching out for the next level, to take fate into his own hands. Each scene is connected beginning & end, each time he has won, but then is reaching for a higher goal the next time.

Trailer B: John's relationship with a mother/protector figure leading up to "there's something clearly wrong".

Start the trailer with Forward Unto Dawn powered down. Pan over to the obviously occupied cryotube. During the slow camera pan, we hear a faint version of Cortana's last line from Halo 3 with a slight echo. Perhaps have a second woman's voice saying the same thing but sadder.

It goes quiet as the camera stops beside the tube.

Switch to the beach scene. It's obviously a dream. Was the second voice this woman? His real mother? Halsey's younger voice? :p Wtf knows.

Old Halsey (in a lab coat) then overwrites the first person, and the scene switches to putting Mark V on for the first time (Fall of Reach) with echoed quotes from the book in the background as she walks up to him.

Then the Cortana image overwrites Halsey. This image transition blitz continues far longer as we hear additional quotation of her insane mutterings from Halo 3. There's some more glitch/noise sounds, and then signalling the end of that sequence is her shouting "John!" with the fade-out echo.

Cut to black. When the echo stops, dramatic stomp sound.

When it's quiet again, we then hear, John's last line from Halo 3. Insert Halo 4 title (and maybe the classic Halo monk chant or some gloomier rendition :p).
Basically, a dream sequence between H3/H4. It focuses on the women in his life who served as motherly or protective figures. And 3 seemed to be it, or at least, there are 3 inflection points as I see it - the last memory of the woman before he was kidnapped, the last encounter with Halsey as Reach fell, and what he has seen of Cortana after rescuing her and before being put into stasis. If you think about it, there's no actual closure each time (especially if you think of the first person as his real mother). "Wake me, when you need me," gives John that chance. Halo 4 is going to be about John and Cortana.

I really liked the idea of Cortana's image overwriting the early memory of this woman (whom I think is supposed to be young Halsey pre-induction. It could be the real mother, up to the viewer). It's confusion.

I need to sleep.
Yeah, that was some nice CG chief in action at the end, but it was a pretty meh trailer.
With this and the Forward Unto Dawn I feel the media are starting to get too cheesy and melodramatic.

I much prefer Neil Blokamps 'Landfall' short for Halo 3.
It really is a crying shame that the Halo movie fell through and he didn't get to direct, District 9 was probably the best sci fi movie of the 2000s.
Trailer was ok, but the editing didn't flow well IMO.

Also part 3 of FUD is up:


I don't really understand 343 here...

(following things are really spoilerish)
Showing the Didact weakens his reveal in the campaign

Most of the trailer is a live action version of what's already done for the CG prologue...

I wouldn't consider it a spoiler since we already knew
was going to be in the campaign.
Well, the fact wasn't a spoiler if
you recognized his symbol that appeared in the E3 trailer
but most people aren't that familiar with the games or the extended fiction.

But even for those who expected it, the
looks and characteristics of this person were still completely unknown, and the reveal in this trailer isn't as dramatic as it should be, especially without his musical motif from the track Revival
, at least IMHO.

I was thinking about it some more, and I forgot about the harshness of the training and augmentation. I guess I just glossed over it in the trailer because it was so quick, and some of it was first person in the flash back, so I dunno. I don't care if it's 1st or 3rd person, but I think for narrative purposes, it's better to stick to just one point of view and craft the experience around that. Not a fan of switching back and forth like that (and I wonder how I'll feel about more Chief-speak during gameplay).

There's already some great material to use from the novels if they want to show the dark side of the program from the point of view of the child.

Trailer C: Bittersweet Sacrifice

The Chief is captured. Unable to budge his alien restraints. His armour is all but ruined. He is electrified. Darkness.

The kidnapping as a child (as in the actual trailer).

Induction into the UNSC amongst 74 other children. As in the Fall of Reach novel, there are soldiers behind each and every one of them. The atmosphere must be grey, desaturated. This is not black and white, although there are heavy shadows around the room. A woman's voice (Halsey) can be heard giving voice to a seemingly noble speech (bits of it) made perverse by the innocents present in this dark room. Big sleepy eyes, some trying to clutch a non-existent stuffed toy. Pause on the stoic boy, which blends into the next scene.

He is alone with 034 and 087 (contempt in their eyes, indifference in his own) consuming their water and bread rations in the dark of their bunk beds. Camera switches and pans across the other children, seen in slow motion as they eat hearty and well, their last exuberant meal. Fade to black.

Cut to the woods, late afternoon. Lush green and vibrant. Children are scattered, ragged, and eyes full of vicious intent - they are hunting and co-operating. They converge on a group of soldiers as the trap is sprung. A child singing "Oly Oly Oxen Free" can be heard in the background.

Noon. Spartans are seen sparring with one another at the base. John is overseeing one pair - a dark skinned child, 084 (Fhajad) handily beats a fellow classmate who is much larger. The fallen classmate is Sam-034. 084 still has his guard up, and throws a couple faux punches, but he points to his head as he looks down at Sam. Their friendship is apparent as they all share a smile. (made this one up, doesn't seem too outlandish). Slow fade to black as the background noises of the sparring trainees deadens.

Cut to a teenage John in military dress. There are coffins in the loading bay, each marked with the Eagle holding two lightning bolts, the Spartan II shield. The funeral is at an end. Survivors of the augmentation move past John as they exit - unbalanced, limping movements with exaggerated steps. There is no sound. Several spartans are seen off to the side, the horrors of their augmentation procedure unmistakable. A spartan is shown with malformed limbs, shame and despair written on his face - the scars run deep for Kirk-018. A girl, Cassandra-075 is made prisoner in her bandages, her joints are at odd angles. And now there's a close-up shot of John's eyes, realization dawning upon him as another spartan catches his attention. Spartan 084 is now wheelchair-bound, his spasms reducing his body to inutility. An orderly wheels him out. 117 steels his eyes, unblinking and contemplating this latest trial for his Spartans, his family. Fade to black.

Quick cut to the interior of an alien ship. Covenant. John, Sam, and Kelly are in a gunfight. They are in their prototype Mark IV suits. The tall one is hit right as the shooting stops. The extent of the damage is readily apparent as we see 3rd degree burns through the black smoke. There is brief unheard dialogue as they nod to one another. 117 is about to hand a detonator device to the injured Spartan, who can now be identified as 034 as the smoke clears. 087 grabs 117's wrist, her other hand tries to take the detonator, but stops mid-way as she comes to grips with the situation. There is a final nod between the three, and then 117 and 087 leave 034 behind. He leans against the nuclear device to sit down. 117 and 084 are running through a corridor. A last shot of Sam holding his head high, as the bomb explodes. Electrical arcing is everywhere as the EMP blast reaches out from the nuke.

And we are brought to the present with John still in captivity. His whereabouts are unknown, and his future is bleak. Ominous music plays as something heavy approaches him step by step, cut to black (ala the actual trailer).

The child singing oly oly oxen free can be heard as the Halo 4 title appears.


Anyone know wtf oly oly oxen free actually sounds like? :p Gotta get Nylund in the choir.

Anyhoo... so much potential than cramming shit into a 2 min trailer, but I guess we haven't seen everything yet from their marketing... I hope. :p

I believe 343 is not going to stick to the books 100%, and I can understand some of the reasons why.

For a start, the entire traditional XX. century military training methods and environments are both anachronistic and silly. The UNSC spend a lot on screening and abducting these kids and then they keep them in barracks with bunk beds under a drill sergeant's watch? Every single one of them is a huge investment so it'd make sense to use highly advanced training methods and keep them under constant medical and psychological supervision and calibrate their food and training and such... Even in Ender's Game the military was watching the kids in every possible way.

The list could go on and on but I think you should get my point. The books were fine in what they were trying to depict - the military indoctrination vs. the naivety of the kids, the harshness of the training, the way they're conditioned to work together and so on. It's just that the writers were neither too good nor too creative in how they told these stories.

So 343 should stick to the spirit of the backstory and the extended fiction, but they shouldn't hesitate to change the details. Same goes for the art design, I've seen a lot of fans crying out about 'retconning' the Spartan's armor or the aliens' looks, but I'm totally fine with that.
Can't say I really have complaints about armours or retcons they've done so far in particular.

I mostly stuck to the novel particulars just to set the scene up (and it's familiar), but it's what's going on besides that that I think is more important. Reaching for the coin, the end goal of the course etc. It's just a single theme so that by the end of it, you're supposed to be the hero to do what's coming. Because that's what the game is about.

My Part B is more abstract.

And Part C is again just connecting events to better convey the downsides of the program for John himself. We see friendship between three particular children, and as time goes on, John sees what happens to them. It's not just, oh we go into surgery, this dude in front of me smiles at the camera, it looks like he dies, I should care lots because a human is in pain - pretty hollow/out of context. Otherwise, why was it so bad that their childhood is stolen? In the trailer, they get kidnapped, and then we see the one bloke in the trailer even smiling happily. There's the aspect of them growing up together that needs to be seen. There's the eventual losses that he cannot avoid, and yet in spite of that there are chances to win, and I end it with the player being able to escape that seemingly no-win scenario (the children's tune is the narrative clue). There's the tie-in to the game for the player, but now you know his background is more than just some random guy dying. The scars run deeper than skin.

It's rather different if someone you don't know dies than if your childhood friend does. *ahem* :p

Anyways, I'm just annoyed at their seeming lack of focus in the trailer in trying to tell me what the story is supposed to be. Resorting to the spoilered stuff is unnecessary if they have something with substance to convey.

Like I said, there's too much for a short trailer. :)

And... I'm done with what I think about the trailer. *ahem* :p