Halo 4

This actually looked as good as any sci-fi TV show in the past few years.

Story looks kinda obvious so far
- Lasky soon decides to quit the academy
- the Covenant invade, they kill all teachers and grownup marines
- when the surviving cadets are about to be killed, Master Chief saves them
- they run for some evac ship, fight some Covenant
- eventually Lasky is inspired by Chief's heroism and rejoins the academy with newly found determination

I wonder if they manage to get something unexpected in there. Still undecided about the acting...

Also, I personally can't wait to see creature VFX, Game of Thrones has managed to get some movie-quality CG dragons out of TV-level studios, and they also have Legacy Effects (formerly Stan Winston) on board already...
Yeah, I cannot wait to play in a Mantis (the only way I can kill NRP!)

And Dominion (and kill cam!) look like nice twists/additions from other games.

that's more like it!
Is that from the older footage or is it recent?

If I'm following well, dispart the different light conditions, that your name old footage is campaign footage (shown in first) and new footage is come for multiplayer (so later).
And for multiplayer many visuals effect have to be take down to have a long session playable with high speed move in a high intense concentration due to intenses fights, is not a technical limitation but player limitations. More high speed quick move with example shining material, equal more quick visual tire.
Already the same on Halo 3 you have less HDR and bloom on multiplayer map. On Reach all the game are less shiny, due to gray tone of the game, so multiplayer map from campaign don't have to be less shiny.
Probably not, with everyone spawning with a plasma pistol. On the other hand it will take teamwork to maintain control of it.
Holy crap that looks awesome! Gonna take some teamwork to bring that thing down.

I could see a juggernaut/king of the hill variant game where 7 v Mantis where foot soldiers, aka cannon fodder, only get frag grenades. Coordinate to take down the Mantis which is both the hill and 'naut. Could be a blast!
I could see a juggernaut/king of the hill variant game where 7 v Mantis where foot soldiers, aka cannon fodder, only get frag grenades. Coordinate to take down the Mantis which is both the hill and 'naut. Could be a blast!
Or not. :D

Teamwork is basically non-existent in online MP, so I could see whoever gets this mech just wreaking havoc. I really hope we start with plasma grenades just to give foot soldiers a chance.

Looks fun though. I actually prefer it when there are super powerful weapons/vehicles in MP, as long as there are effective countermeasures.
The Mantis is pretty cool though I expect the developers will try to balance it out a little by giving foot soldiers opportunity for more powerful weapons like armor piercing mini cannon and/or some type of EMP grenade.
I typically hate Mech play. Hope we don't have Mech sections in the campaign! Vehicle parts in FPS are typically ultra lame...
I typically hate Mech play. Hope we don't have Mech sections in the campaign! Vehicle parts in FPS are typically ultra lame...

Halo CE made a big push to include vehicular combat into SP and subsequent Halos have followed ... and there is already SP footage that should make you cry. Cancel your preorder now. ;)
Halo standard gunplay is good enough such that I can stand the pain, just hoping for less of those flying thingies sections ;-)

PS: never ever recommend me again to cancel a game preorder
That sounds cool! I typically only play SP, so I have to check if I like the online modes.

Its hard to not watch all the vids available, but I don't want to spoil myself to much with the new great graphics, story and new weapons...must be strong! I am thus thinking about buying the remake to prepare for Halo 4. Still get goose bumps from this classic...is the remake worth buying?
Billy you do have the option to use a different vehicle in the mech section of the campaign, at least a dev promised so. Also, they're balancing it out in multiplayer by a slow turning speed, and the plasma pistol EMP shot stops it completely too.

As for the remake, I never really liked the art direction. The more realistic Reach character models, the new but still highly stylized Chief character model, and the overly saturated environments didn't really mix together well. I can honestly say that I prefer the 10-year old graphics, they fit better altogether - although I'm sure there's some nostalgia involved somewhere, too ;)
Gameplay is 100% the same though, the rest of the engine is practically the same.
We need more people for Spartan Ops so don't cancel.

I'm down for some 4 player Spartan Ops missions and im pretty damn good at Halo mp as well.btw, have any of you guys checked out the new mp maps called Meltdown and Solace as they appear to be very well done symmetrical maps..
Billy you do have the option to use a different vehicle in the mech section of the campaign, at least a dev promised so. Also, they're balancing it out in multiplayer by a slow turning speed, and the plasma pistol EMP shot stops it completely too.

As for the remake, I never really liked the art direction. The more realistic Reach character models, the new but still highly stylized Chief character model, and the overly saturated environments didn't really mix together well. I can honestly say that I prefer the 10-year old graphics, they fit better altogether - although I'm sure there's some nostalgia involved somewhere, too ;)
Gameplay is 100% the same though, the rest of the engine is practically the same.

Ah, good to know thanks. Do you know if the soundtrack is the same? It's one of my favorite game soundtracks (the other one being Halo 2;-)).

I guess I have to look around if I can find it cheap somewhere...
The soundtrack might have been remastered, not sure about that, but all in all it's the same as far as I know.
Yeah, new recording of the music and re-mastered sound effects. You can switch between classic and anniversary - can't remember if you could do it while in-game or not (otherwise just in the main menu). The graphics can be switched on-the-fly with the select button.

It's probably best to install the game btw. While in Anniversary mode, be on the look out for Terminals that they've added. I suppose you could just youtube them, but they're a good watch for more backstory, plus they're not too badly compressed. :p