Halo 4

Short version:

Warning: most of that was totally inaccurate :)

Halo 1 is a really good game right up until the Flood.

Personally, I liked the change in the combat mechanics and enemy types. It actually brought back some of Doom's spirit after so many years and was a nice challenge in itself with CE's additions to the genre like weapon limitations, the energy shield and grenades - ooooh how much fun it was to watch all those secondary explosions from grenades left on the floor :)

I like how Cortana was initially not supposed to be hyper-sexualized, and then they said, "Screw it, let's give her enormous breasts and a perfect butt!"

Which is also kinda strange, because they actually talked about how they wanted to keep their relationship with the Chief ambivalent, one that could also be interpreted as a mother-son or brother-sister version.
I guess it's to sell it to the adolescent audience who's not interested in the multiplayer...
My least favorite anything in FPSes is swarms of tiny things, and the Flood missions are chock-full of them.

But yeah, you really don't need to know a whole lot more than it being Resident Doom: Rise of the Religious Aliens. Also, there is a whole cult of Halo nerds who are into the expanded universe stuff and write wiki articles speculating about the Forerunners and the Precursors and all that, much like Star Wars nerds who insist that the reason you didn't enjoy Phantom Menace is that you didn't study hard enough before going. The important thing to know is:

1. There are galaxy-eating zombies that only Master Chief can stop.
2. There are galaxy-conquering religious aliens that only Master Chief can stop.
3. There is a sentient computer program that a lot of the Halo nerds are totally obsessed with because it projects a hologram of a sexy, naked woman in cutscenes (and she gets sexier and nakeder in every game).
4. If you get bored after fighting off the zombies for a couple hours, don't worry, so do a lot of other people.
5. They're pretty fun games.
Halo 1 is a really good game right up until the Flood.

I won't go into whether I like fighting/shooting the Flood, but I will say that their introduction scene in the first game must be one of the absolute, scratch that, it is the absolute nr. 1 gaming moment for me, just how totally unprepared I was what was to come. Just loved it...
I loved The Flood in the first Halo game. It goes all serious sam for a while with shotguns and grenades. The Flood raising the dead, swarming and exploding. It might go one a little too long, but it's a lot of fun on the higher difficlulties, where you really have to keep moving.
I really enjoy fighting the Flood, particularly in the first game.

The Library was rubbish first time through, but on Legendary and when I understood the weapons, it became fantastic and one of my favourite FPS bits of all time. Keep moving, keep shooting, and use asplosions to wipe out waves of flood spores. The 60 round assault rifle is still one of the best weapons ever to grace a video game.

1. There are galaxy-eating zombies that only Master Chief can stop.


2. There are galaxy-conquering religious aliens that only Master Chief can stop.


3. There is a sentient computer program that a lot of the Halo nerds are totally obsessed with because it projects a hologram of a sexy, naked woman in cutscenes (and she gets sexier and nakeder in every game).

Nope, Halo 2 Cortana was sexiest Cortana.

4. If you get bored after fighting off the zombies for a couple hours, don't worry, so do a lot of other people.

Some people should stick to The Sims.

5. They're pretty fun games.

Best FPSers ever*. Especially for people with friends. Co-op elevates the games way beyond anything else.

*Except Reach.
I'm playing through Halo:CE right now and count me in as another who actually likes combat against the flood.
function said:
Haha, hardcore Halo fans are so funny! It's totally about space zombies and space Mormons. YOOOOOOO WIIIIIIILLLLL BEEEEEE FOOOOOOOOOOOD. The writers should really use a dictionary, though. They kept having the Space Popes (burning question: do you have to be a space virgin to be a space pope?) say "heresy" when they meant "sacrelige," and it was like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Some people should stick to The Sims.
True, compared to the the Library, most of the Arbiter levels, and the Giant Space Rectum of Dreams, the Sims is one of the most dynamic action games ever made.

Teh Haloz is srz bznz!
Maybe you should stop now.

You don't like the games' story, I think everyone gets it by now - no need to start offending people.
Actually, I enjoyed the story. It is a fun, campy sci-fi story that mixed elements of zombie movies, the Heaven's Gate cult, and a variety of classic sci-fi tropes in a good way. I really enjoy the blend of camp and horror, too, sort of reminiscent of Army of Darkness, but in space (and the main hero plays the straight man).

What I don't like is how people get obsessed with fictional universes to the point where it really bothers them that I called reanimated corpses in outer space as "space zombies." It can be super heroes, Star Wars, Star Trek, anything. Like if it upsets you that someone called Cyclops' "concussive energy" beams "eye lasers, and you feel the need to "correct" them, time to re-evaluate some things.

I'm perfectly capable of enjoying sci-fi and fantasy without treating it like real science or real history. I do enough real science as it is.
You did far more than what you list as a example. Read your own posts again, or function's reply if you still don't get it.
I get it, and I read function's reply. You both are apparently offended that I didn't describe the richness of the tapestry of lore that is the Halo universe with the reverence you believe a game with cute, silly-voiced beetle men in purple space ships deserves. And somehow, you find that personally offensive.

The first three games (haven't played Reach or ODST) ultimately boil down to Master Chief defeating the space zombies and the space cultists. If it really bothers you when I describe it like that, just remember...it's all pretend.
What I don't like is how people get obsessed with fictional universes to the point where it really bothers them that I called reanimated corpses in outer space as "space zombies." It can be super heroes, Star Wars, Star Trek, anything. Like if it upsets you that someone called Cyclops' "concussive energy" beams "eye lasers, and you feel the need to "correct" them, time to re-evaluate some things.

What you describe here and blatantly insulting a fanbase are two different things:

But yeah, you really don't need to know a whole lot more than it being Resident Doom: Rise of the Religious Aliens. Also, there is a whole cult of Halo nerds who are into the expanded universe stuff and write wiki articles speculating about the Forerunners and the Precursors and all that, much like Star Wars nerds who insist that the reason you didn't enjoy Phantom Menace is that you didn't study hard enough before going. The important thing to know is:


3. There is a sentient computer program that a lot of the Halo nerds are totally obsessed with because it projects a hologram of a sexy, naked woman in cutscenes (and she gets sexier and nakeder in every game).

Haha, hardcore Halo fans are so funny! It's totally about space zombies and space Mormons. YOOOOOOO WIIIIIIILLLLL BEEEEEE FOOOOOOOOOOOD. The writers should really use a dictionary, though. They kept having the Space Popes (burning question: do you have to be a space virgin to be a space pope?) say "heresy" when they meant "sacrelige," and it was like nails on a chalkboard to me.

True, compared to the the Library, most of the Arbiter levels, and the Giant Space Rectum of Dreams, the Sims is one of the most dynamic action games ever made.

Teh Haloz is srz bznz!

Halo has a great universe, with at least some thought put into it unlike most shooters, so I see nothing wrong with people reading books or other material based on it.

You rarely (maybe never?) post in this thread yet, and you start off with these....posts and expect us to think you're doing nothing wrong? Stealth trolling a game and it's fans aren't really necessary.
I get it, and I read function's reply. You both are apparently offended that I didn't describe the richness of the tapestry of lore that is the Halo universe with the reverence you believe a game with cute, silly-voiced beetle men in purple space ships deserves. And somehow, you find that personally offensive.

The first three games (haven't played Reach or ODST) ultimately boil down to Master Chief defeating the space zombies and the space cultists. If it really bothers you when I describe it like that, just remember...it's all pretend.
It does seem to bother you more that people like those aspects of the game. Ridicule and misrepresentation does nothing for them.

Maybe they don't take it as seriously as you do, just remember... it's all pretend.
Except everything I said are things I've observed. Look, expanded universe nerdery can be really fun (I used to be really into Star Trek). But sometimes, the fun turns into obsession, at which point you become annoying and/or creepy. Like the sexualization of the Cortana AI, which is both annoying and creepy, and which is definitely in response a pretty large contingent of the fan base that openly salivates over it.

If you're just reading the books and whatever, and just enjoying it, fine. You know how I'm aware of all the expanded universe stuff? Because I've read almost the entirety of halo.wikia.com. It was fun. Just like Star Trek is fun. I was just warning RudeCurve that there are people who are obsessed with it to the point of pretty much ruining it, like people who get angry when you say "space zombies" or fantasize about sleeping with a fictional hologram.

And yes, the Cortana AI thing is pretty disturbing. I have a friend I can't play Halo with because he's so obsessed with it.
All I'm angry about is that you seem to think that trolling and insults are OK here...
It's totally about space zombies and space Mormons.
Not sure who should be more offended: Mormons or Covenant.

The writers should really use a dictionary, though. They (...) say "heresy" when they meant "sacrelige,"
Classic. ;)

Nice trolling though. I find it amusing that people who tend to assign certain traits to other people/groups fail to recognize that they reveal more about themselves than the groups they are trying to portray. :)