Halo 4

Prefer the video without the dubstep, what the hell were 343 thinking?

Also, I've read a few times that the weapons sound good in person, but I can't say the same for any video I've watched, including this one.

If you pause the video at the 0:48 mark, you'll see the Promethean Pistol...:D
If you pause the video at the 0:48 mark, you'll see the Promethean Pistol...:D

Nice good catch. :smile:

Also, are we sure they are still using a deferred lighting model? In Reach it was very apparent, but not so much in Halo 4 IMO. Projectiles from the needler and such illuminated the environment very clearly, but I don't see the same effect in the videos. Ever since we've seen the first gameplay footage, it's been bugging me. Maybe I'm just not paying attention or flat out wrong on this. Haven't spent any real time going over the videos, so maybe I'm off.
IGN has samples from the music (couple other websites too, but I think this is the most complete version)


Instead of trying to imitate Marty O'Donnell's style, they've gone in a completely different direction. Doesn't sound bad at first and on its own, but we'll have to see how well it works in the game. And if any of it can become as memorable as the original Halo's main theme.

Also, they have remixes of the OST tracks. But they're not bad either...


texture filtering and grass draw distance sure are pretty awful... again. :[

Sounds like they're gonna kill off Cortana. Al and fearsomepirate are gonna be despondent.

Option A: Corjohna.
Option B: Chief leaves her for someone younger.
Option C: Norton Anti-Rampant 2558.