Best would be Tommy Vercetti
I found TV to be a bit characterless tbh... I felt CJ was a much stronger character, however I do think the story in Vice City was overall slightly better than San Andreas.
CJ was my most likeable GTA protagonist. But then perhaps that's cuz I'm black and I found it much easier to releate to him?
We do need some crazy ass characters in the story again. And not super annoying ones like Niko's brother.
TBoGT had a fantastic cast, with Yusuf being the absolute funniest GTA character since OG loke for me
Hopefully Rockstar can continue with GTA in the vein of TBoGT, rather than GTAVI's "trying to be too serious and meaningful for its own good" feel. TBoGT had a great balance of relatable realism and all the crazy zany stuff that makes GTA GTA