Crackdown features advanced physics, AI, very beautiful explosion, good texture work, nice all around effects, a 10 sq. mile city with 8 miles of highways and a verticle limit that hasnt even been attempted on other sandbox titles all fit into less than 2GB of game data with the rest being audio etc. (oh and what little is needed for the Halo beta).GTA-SA is a previous-gen game with pretty lame gfx compared to this trailer. Everything will get bigger, sharper and better. Sound, gfx, assets, textures, AI. Don't be too sure everything will fit within the 7.8GB limits a DVD9-disc presents for the 360. 3GB of extra space is not much at all for such a big leap in all elements of a game. We all know that the beautifull Gears also fits on DVD9, but we also now it's pretty damn short in gameplay with it's 8 hours and not freeroaming, so that's not comparable. Neither is Oblivion. It has huge (but pretty empty in terms of NPC's) maps and lot's of quests, but compared to what is going on onscreen in this GTA, one can easily understand that this is not a honest comparison.
Oblivion features vast varying environments, hundreds of weapon and armor configurations, massive hours of story and spoken dialogue as well as music. Oblivion is a massive title discrediting it because its not in a city environment simply doenst hold.
I thinks right now its a good bit of a stretch to assume that DVD9 is limiting for this title.
Don't get me wrong, more space never hurts, but you said what I wanted to say as well.
I very much agree but I have been through this so many times on different forums and I simply dont see how all of a suddern the next GTA is going to be so massive that it wont be comparable to other titles in its genre.