L233 said:
Nice try. Don't you think it's a fair bit easier to hide a single man in a city of millions than hundreds of tons of WMD loaded ammunition, storage facilities for these WMD, production facilities and the scores of people who must know about them?
L233, I realize that you probobly believe this - but do you have any idea how small the actual weaponry is? This is the corrent problem with WMD - which stands for
Weapons of Mass Destruction and although people like yourself use it as a catch-phrase, it's aptly named.
One million tons of TNT is more powerful than most contemporary nuclear yeilds. Yet, a true WMD device (as opposed to a Mton of tangible TNT) is small, easy to conceil, and has a conventional effect thats orders of magnitude greater than a conventional weapon - pound per pound.
I'm guessing you don't realize just how easy it would be to hide a few hundred 55 gallon barrels of Anthrax in a country the size of California. Hell, try to find those barrels out of the millions in many industrial parks in any first world country. This is the core fear concerning WMD, it's the nexus linking the US and this crusade for self-preservation in the comming century that you just seem incabable to comprehend. Hell, I don't want to be part of that
fL variable in the Drake Equation. Yet, I'll credit this descrepency upto sheer ignorance on your part and not political motivation. I'm sorry, but I see no other cause.
Underrated? Your administration has failed at almost everything they tried to achieve.
You've got to be kidding me.

Yet, I'll go threw this for ya:
Osama? Still heading Al Qaeda.
Al Qaeda? Still intact and bombing
Oh yeah, Al Qaeda is definatly still launching large scale attacks...

Still bombing? Setting off a car bomb in an Islamist fundimentalist state isn't exactly that difficult to do, although people like yourself will claim it is. Then again, I never did think much of some.
On last count, over half of Al-Qaeda's high level leadership has been killed or taken prisoner with no major terrorist attacks domestically. Oh yes, we're loosing this one....
Afghanistan? Let's call it Kabulistan cuz that's pretty much the only part of the country contolled by the peace keepers. The rest of the country is in a pre-Taliban state of anarchy with warlords murdering and shipping drugs.
Oh yes, and Al-Qaeda is still running camps unapposed and using the country as a base of operation for overseas operations. You amaze me.
Iraq? Still in chaos, the US utterly failed to pacify the country, looters are still on the loose and there are daily riots and sniper attacks against US troops while your administration is obviously too busy handing out construction contracts in Iraq to their campaign contributors.
Riots and attacks on the American forces acting as police?
Let me tell you something, name me a country in the world in which hostile actions don't happen on a daily basis against the indiginous police forces (which the US forces are acting as). Maybe a country in African...
Democracy in Iraq? Plan shelved until further notice.
This is just classic. The US will do in Iraq concerning the democratizing of the country what the UN has yet to be able to do in any comperable state. Just sit back, shut your mouth and watch.
Tax cuts to revitalize the economy? The first tax cut evaporated without any tangible effect.
Name me a prominent economist that has stated this and showed concurrent estimates of the Pre-Bush recession without the cut... Because you're obvious ignorant or atleast not versed in the least in macroeconomic theory.
Come back in a year and a half and then tell me tax-cut don't work.
Wow, that oh-so-great administration of yours has really a great track record. Touting the defeat of two militarily totally insignificant 3rd world countries as great victories while not even beginning to resolve the actual problems and threats. WTG Dubya!
Wow... just wow. Hey, so how does it feel to live in a delusional world where you pass judgement without substantiatied proof. I can turn to the history books and point out that in the past two years we've ended the reign of terror in two of the most oppressive regimes known to modern civilization. We've neutered Al-Qaeda and have them on the run, Osama is way too afraid of a Special Operator busting down the door and putting a .40 round into him within the next minute to even attempt to have the prominent organization he once did.
He's [Bush] passed two tax cuts; the economy is recovering and the DOW/NASDAQ is finally back up in what appears to be a fundimentally sustainable rally. Manufacturing and Productivity is also very strong. Consumer confidence is rising, Volatility is down, and it's off to the races. So, what are you going to complain about next?