Gears of War 3: Brofisting to the End

Finally boss is hella easy with super-reload and instagib-melee on Insane. Though it's always easier with more people.

What were you insta-gibbing on? I don't think it's possible to hit the Tempest with melee.
Final boss is hella easy with super-reload and instagib-melee on Insane. Though it's always easier with more people.

I find it tougher with people. On solo, it was a lot easier for me because the other 3 bots will occupy the palace guard and shriekers, and the squad bots have a shit ton of health compared to real players.
I find it tougher with people. On solo, it was a lot easier for me because the other 3 bots will occupy the palace guard and shriekers, and the squad bots have a shit ton of health compared to real players.

Only played it about 2X plays, so I could be wrong, but I thought it was the reverse. The AI didnt seem to do much to keep the guards off, but with a human partner one of you can focus on keeping the guards off and one on the queen, makes it easy, because solo the guards were the biggest problem.
I guess I got lucky. ;) The three of the bots occupied all the enemies for me, so it was not a huge issue.

Are you doing arcade or story mode? Story mode, you can just have the others on casual, but arcade forces everyone to be on insane, so...
I've been trying to do horde mode on insane ( I want that ribbon dammit ) I got to level 30 with a buddy but it's impossible without 3-5 people equal to my skill past that. I got all the important mutators on too: Infinite ammo, instagib-melee and super-reload.

I've been using the hammy, it's a god weapon with super-reload. Maybe I should try lancer, as it does have the forever-clip.
Lancer with the forever-clip on active-reload is amazing.

Insane mode with 5 players is doable with those 3 mutators if you happen to get the right boss spawns. It may be easiest if you occupy the OneShot base on Trenches and setup Lazer wire at the very bottom to control the flow of enemies and hang back in the top trench.
Come to think of it, we didn't really try trenches...we've been doing the overpass because it has that choke-point were you can man two turrets but we spend way too much cash keeping the lasers maintained. On trenches, at the hill, there's only two right? On the overpass there's four.
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Yeah, on trenches you only need to bother with the front laser wires, you don't need to bother with the one leading underneath as the enemies always run forward enough from there so your active-reloaded weapons kill them fast. They usually run out the sides and come around front through.
I've been trying to do horde mode on insane ( I want that ribbon dammit ) I got to level 30 with a buddy but it's impossible without 3-5 people equal to my skill past that. I got all the important mutators on too: Infinite ammo, instagib-melee and super-reload.

I've been using the hammy, it's a god weapon with super-reload. Maybe I should try lancer, as it does have the forever-clip.

I thought I read on gamefaqs there was sort of a cheat where you're nigh indestructible in horde with a Gorgon pistol and shield and maybe turtling? Hmmm :p

I hope it's not true as I hate stuff like that.
infinite ammo only affects the base weapons, so not sure how the gorgon pistol would carry you through.
I'm noticing there's a major drop-off in the number of players playing Gears now. A bit disappointing. All the noobs gibbing me with sawed-off at gnasher range have went away. All weekend I don't think I've been hit once with somebody waiting around a corner to one shot me with sawed-off. But what is it about Gears that makes people quit it in a month? Is it the skill curve to learning the game? Or is Battlefield really that much more fun to play?

I know I ****ed at people a few times in games about carrying a team full a new players in ranked matches....but that can't be the reason that's scaring them off.
With Gears it was, is and always will be the skill curve.
Its one of the hardest MP games out there when played against decent/good players.
Man, I dunno how you're supposed to complete 50 waves of horde on insane without mutators. :p