Gears of War 3: Brofisting to the End

What I didn't like though, was the 8 from Eurogamer which, as usual lately, are full of themselves -giving 10s to some almost irrelevant games, Halo 3, GTA IV- and giving an 8 to a game with such longevity and value. They try to be hip and cool, or what? In trying to stand out and make a spectacle of themselves they forget to laud the game for it's value. If you want to strike a sour note do it with style at least. The review doesn't say clearly why they scored it with an 8 instead of a 9 or so, and the negative comments don't hint at it.

Yep, Halo3 and GTA IV (with its 22 million sold units) are indeed completely irrelevant and devoid of longevity, especially Halo3 with its non-existing multi-player mode.:rolleyes:
my gamestop called me yesterday evening!! I have my gears xbox and gears 3!!

man, this game is so good! graphics are superb often breath taking (lightning is ultra top notch), gameplay is great, combat is a sensation..the action settings are super varied...phantastic game so far!! campaign seems to have a good length too! All that was subpar for me in Gears 2 (to many rail shooter sections!!) compared to Gears seems to be ultra improved! Just WOW, what a game! AAA!

damn, now I need a cheap gold account to fight my ol gears buddies and show them a real shotgun monkey :mrgreen:
yep, looks good
it's a shame it has no AA because the game is seriously buttery smooth and fxaa is very cheap after all

I'm definitely not watching any SP videos so I have to ask: is the lack of AA that much of a problem? beta was very good IQ-wise especially for a game with no AA solution at all - still interested to see why they didn't add FXAA...maybe they wanted to save all the performance they could for certain moments? maybe Arkham City will be the first UE3 game with FXAA (still doubt it though).

My Limited Edition will arrive in Tuesday, can't wait to play the SP more than anything mainly because all impressions that I've seen talk about a campaign that is closer to the freakin' amazing first game which means less "epic" fillers/BS and more cover/shotty action. :D
mm.. would be nice if the gears 2 remakes were free. So this is on the disc already? Bungie did something similar for the glacier map in Reach, unlocking it in the playlists after a few months (still can't figure that one out).
Hard to say without knowing how they were doing the performance tweaking and profiling. 1 ms average out of 33ms seems small but not unless they were already pushing close to it.

Yep that's one possible reason or maybe the improvement in IQ wasn't worth the loss of 1ms? If DF can have a tech interview about the game with more details on certain decisions it will be great - DF's Gears 3 article was very good (as usual actually) I must say, though after reading it the wait is even harder.

The most impressive thing about the game in the DF article is Epic going crazy with alphas/particles and DF comparing it with Killzone 3 and Resistance 3 while maintaining a better than Gears 2 frame-rate overall...that's really impressive - can't wait to see the game in action.

BTW is installing the game a benefit this time? because IIRC the streaming technique of the previous installments didn't go along that well with installing into the HDD.
That probably has a lot to do with the fact that installs were introduced just when Gears 2 released (2008 fall dashboard update), so there was probably no time for them to optimize for it.
mm.. would be nice if the gears 2 remakes were free. So this is on the disc already? Bungie did something similar for the glacier map in Reach, unlocking it in the playlists after a few months (still can't figure that one out).

From what I can tell... Someone from Epic internally leaked this.
Gamersyde posted High Quality direct feed footage of the campaign!

It looks absolutely amazing.

No crappy youtube compression (Looks about as good as it would look if you were playing it on your HDTV)

Spoilers Ahoy! (From Act 1. First 10 minutes)

A couple of days ago, a few cutscene videos were posted which looked to be running at 60 FPS, but in this video the very same cutscenes look to be 24-30 FPS.

I guess the earlier videos were recorded with some sort of frame interpolation. Either way, if it was frame interpolation, it was definitely the best I've ever seen.
Hard to say without knowing how they were doing the performance tweaking and profiling. 1 ms average out of 33ms seems small but not unless they were already pushing close to it.

What I don’t really understand is that they could always disable the FXAA when they go over budget right? In most case when the framerate goes down is when you have a lot of explosions so it would not even be noticeable if they disable the AA during that time.
What I don’t really understand is that they could always disable the FXAA when they go over budget right? In most case when the framerate goes down is when you have a lot of explosions so it would not even be noticeable if they disable the AA during that time.

The FXAA are probably come to late in the dev of Gears 3, so don't have time to check if there no problem this it in all the game?
A couple of days ago, a few cutscene videos were posted which looked to be running at 60 FPS, but in this video the very same cutscenes look to be 24-30 FPS.

I guess the earlier videos were recorded with some sort of frame interpolation. Either way, if it was frame interpolation, it was definitely the best I've ever seen.

It was native 60fps. Not even the best scripts with frame interpolation could replicate that. I tried with the best available.
Played co-op until 3am, was pretty good. No longer can you stay behind your chest high wall and just pick enemies off at your leisure. Now the lambent enemies attack in different ways and do a decent job at keeping you on your toes. Happy the friendly AI is much improved since there were a few firefights where we were getting our asses handed to us. Not sure how I feel about the game carrying on even after both players are downed, allowing the AI to revive you, since it makes the game easier. Will have to wait and see if the game continues to hold your hand in later Acts.​
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I've had the game for a few days now and am nearing the end of the SP campaign, so I think I have a fairly good idea of what this game offers. Though I'm probably one of the last people who should be talking about a Gear game, I'll try to answer any questions you folks may have.

As for my overall opinion, here's the short of it:

Mechanically the game feels great. Guns have about the right amount of kick, and there are a ton of weapon-types to use too. I think I've sunk about 10 hours into the SP game so far, so it's pretty substantial in terms of content.

It's a gorgeous looking game on a technical level, but I have to admit that I'm just not a big fan of what they're doing with that tech. To me the Gears series has always looked too drab with textures' ham-fisted use of greys and browns caked onto every surface. It's just not my thing.

Marcus's gravely voice has always bothered me, but it seems like the voice actor has dialed up the angst for the role which reduces this character to an even more absurd level of unbelievable--even in this fiction.

However, overall, I think if someone was a fan of the original two, they will find this to be the best in the series. It really is a fun video game, and the amount of content is fantastic between SP and MP (the coop is really really well done).

I think it says something that though I'm not a big fan of the fiction, I'd still buy this game for all the gameplay/content the Gears package has to offers.