A lot of the review sounds like "Well, this feature or lack of one sounds like it might suck ass, but let me explain why it doesn't"
I mean, nothing in this review really sounds innovative and the control system for strafing and up/down look sounds like it sucks ass.
Qroach said:Actually, demo isn't saying anything about the game itself, he's analyzing the revew at game spot. I think Demo's point is that when they say there's drawbacks to the game and then come up with a reason why is shouldn't be penalized for it, then something in the review is slightly off.
The thing i consistently see with reviews is that other games get penalized for these drawbacks and the reviewers don't come up with reasons on why it's better. They just give the game a lower score. NHL2K3 is a eprfect example. read the review at IGn and the person doesn't copmpare it to the cmopetition at all, and goes on to say the game isn't as polished as other sega sports games, yet even though the game is MORE polished then the copeting hockey games.
let me put it this way. if this was any other game without the Metroid license, you just know it wouldn't have gotten a score so high. I'm sure many people would not admit that... so feel free to NOT reply teasy, because I'm not talking directly to you anyway.
I know one of the programers still left (out of the 32 people Retro still have) and he actually said that the score IGN gave it for graphics was BS. It got a 9.7 out of 10 if I remember correct, and he though that should be lower.
cybamerc said:Goldni:
> IGN's 9.7/10 for graphics is about right.
IGN gave the gfx 9 out 10, overall score was 9.7/10. Anyway, you should just ignore Quincy's flame bait. He's a troll who hides behind his developer status. Him and his imaginary friends at Retro are getting rather old indeed.
that was the most fanboyish pile of horseshit I have ever heard.......
three reviews now, only one from a cube site, IGN is the one who gave it the lowest graphics score out of the three, [.quote]
Am i complaining about all the reviews? Am I complaining about the scores? NO, I'm only question the practices of some of the reviewers out there. Mainly that they aren't consistent... Also, by the way you're acting, you know I'm correct in that if this wasn't a game withthe metroid franchise, or nintendo name on it, it wouldn't get rated nearly as high. That's just a fact in the reviewing community.
your BUDDY sounds like a jealous POS who missed out on a great success, obviously he couldnt handle living up to Nintendos standards, so he bailed to make crappy games somewhere.
What the hell are you talking about. You didn't read a single thing I wrote before you went in to fanboy mode. I'm talking about one of the people that still works there!! Not the person that left a year ago. Stop jumping to conclusions and pay attention!!
so thats a total of 8 people so far, one of which one of the biggest cube haters out there(read his editorial on PS2.ign.com). You can cry foul all you want, but in the end, its just that, Crying...
You are completely incapable of looking objectively at anything. you AND cybermerc for that matter.
that would explain his distaste for Metroid Prime, its kind of a
Penis Envy scenario...
He's a troll who hides behind his developer status. Him and his imaginary friends at Retro are getting rather old indeed.
zurich said:that would explain his distaste for Metroid Prime, its kind of a
Penis Envy scenario...
What envy? Quincy owns a Game Cube, thus he can play it, thus there's no bias or envy here.
He's a troll who hides behind his developer status. Him and his imaginary friends at Retro are getting rather old indeed.
Your needless, incessent flaming is getting rather old.
I was talking about the success of the game, havent seen one to his credit that anyone gave a rats arse about, yet he thinks himself an expert on whats good and bad.
Qroach said:I was talking about the success of the game, havent seen one to his credit that anyone gave a rats arse about, yet he thinks himself an expert on whats good and bad.
This shows how much blind fanboism there is around. You say something and don't even critize the game, and people resort to flames like this. next time actually read what's written before responding.
...and for your information, I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE SUCCESS OF THE GAME!
your trying to find every little subtle way of saying there is something wrong with the reviews out there, because YOUR A TrOLL!!!!
, face it your as much an anti-Nintendo troll as I am an anti Xbox troll, actually moreso,
because when Xbox has a AAA game, I at least can say, yup, thats a darn good game(ala Mech Assault, Splinter Cell, Rallisport).
and your remarks about "my friend works for Retro, and he says the graphics dont deserve that score", man that is just plain utter BS, you always know someone with some BS remarks against Nintendo.
and you can talk all day because I dont like it, whats even funnier, is its the first Rare game you ever praised, why is that?
last time I checked EGM was a magazine, and it gave Metroid Prime 10-10-10...
whats your excuse now?(and what does you bitching about a hockey game have to do with your bitching about a Metroid score)...
I read what you said, and no matter how much you want to deny or hide it, your an Anti-Nintendo Zeolot, and owning a Nintendo system doesnt change that as long as you constantly bash anything thats not on Xbox, People in the south owned slaves, didnt make them any less racist.
and yes, I am calling you a liar about this GUY YOU KNOW, I hear that every time you want to back up some BS.
If anyone would work so hard and so long on something, then gripe about the people who praise the product of all that labor, that only reflects badly on themselves, because they are responsible for how that product turned out.
ha, this shows babdly on you. Unless retro has one of the lead programmers cleaning floors...I dont believe Retros Janitor would associate with you much less one of the Devs.