There seems to be a lot of consumer backlash against 3D in all it's forms, though. You often hear the new 3D phones being derided as gimmicks, 3DS already has a feeling of failure to it, etc. And I believe 3D is beginning to struggle in the movie theater as well.
I'm not sure what the final outcome is. If they can get glassesless big screens going that could help a lot, but OTOH if it creates all the same vision problems as glassesless 3DS seems to, I'm not sure even that would be bulletproof.
For me though as soon as 3DTV's hit the same price as regular, why wouldn't I want that, I suppose?
What 3d misses at the moment is killer app. How about next gen games both in party and hardcore flavor built around 3d. By the end of 2013 hardcore audience who buys expensive new consoles probably is 3d ready enough just in time for next gen launch. Next gen spans towards 2018-2020 which is so far away from today that we even might have the glasses free big screens before next-next gen.
I would be completely sold for MGS or splinter sell made to use 3d+kinect+move+head tracking(eye tracking) from the beginning.
As for 3ds, small screen+3d not a good idea. Especially not good idea with the graphics fidelity 3ds has. And to make matters worse 3ds doesn't look very desirable next to some fancy shiny all screen phones.