Formal complaint on moderator behavior.

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I stated in the post it was based on this thread. I stated I did not know the history of the situation. And its funny that even though I stated this you seem to think I know about everything else that happend. Am i supposed to take 2 days of my life to look through thread to see what has happend and what was said? I dont think so.

So like I said. I don't know the history of this. So don't talk down to me. You could have just said that this thread didnt represent how things are and that there was more to it that i didnt know about. That would have caused less problems.
Chris123234 said:
I stated in the post it was based on this thread. I stated I did not know the history of the situation. And its funny that even though I stated this you seem to think I know about everything else that happend. Am i supposed to take 2 days of my life to look through thread to see what has happend and what was said? I dont think so.

So like I said. I don't know the history of this. So don't talk down to me. You could have just said that this thread didnt represent how things are and that there was more to it that i didnt know about. That would have cause less problems.

If you don't know the history which you clearly admit then don't post. Since your post is based on one instance and you try to make it into fact. All it does is cause problems . Once again if you don't know what your talking about then don't post. It causes less problems.
jvd said:
If you don't know the history which you clearly admit then don't post. Since your post is based on one instance and you try to make it into fact. All it does is cause problems . Once again if you don't know what your talking about then don't post. It causes less problems.

I clearly stated it the first time I posted that i didnt know the history. I based it on one instance and clearly said its based on one instance. Obviously you are unable to just straighten things out without insulting someone. And its also obviously that you are unable to admit you are wrong about anything. So its pointless to even post to you.
Chris123234 said:
jvd said:
If you don't know the history which you clearly admit then don't post. Since your post is based on one instance and you try to make it into fact. All it does is cause problems . Once again if you don't know what your talking about then don't post. It causes less problems.

I clearly stated it the first time I posted that i didnt know the history. I based it on one instance and clearly said its based on one instance. Obviously you are unable to just straighten things out without insulting someone. And its also obviously that you are unable to admit you are wrong about anything. So its pointless to even post to you.

If i was wrong about something i would admit it .

Say i treat someone like a teachers pet would imply that i treat them better than everyone else all the time . By posting that about this one istance you are wrong . How can he be a teachers pet if i haven't even sided with him . I have pointed out that he is one of the 6 that i have asked to be baned. I have closed many of his threads. I even tell him to use correct language . From grade school the teachers pets were the ones that would allways answer the questions and get good grades and be able to get away with murder. While i would get introuble for any little thing . Its not based on one instance .
jvd said:
Chris123234 said:
I clearly stated it the first time I posted that i didnt know the history. I based it on one instance and clearly said its based on one instance. Obviously you are unable to just straighten things out without insulting someone. And its also obviously that you are unable to admit you are wrong about anything. So its pointless to even post to you.

If i was wrong about something i would admit it .

Say i treat someone like a teachers pet would imply that i treat them better than everyone else all the time . By posting that about this one istance you are wrong . How can he be a teachers pet if i haven't even sided with him . I have pointed out that he is one of the 6 that i have asked to be baned. I have closed many of his threads. I even tell him to use correct language . From grade school the teachers pets were the ones that would allways answer the questions and get good grades and be able to get away with murder. While i would get introuble for any little thing . Its not based on one instance .

I formed my opinion on one isntance and I told you that so I'm not wrong.

Thx for clearing up the situation with Chap. did you even bring that into this.... :?
Holy crap, I should be crying at how terrible this board has turned out... Just because I don't post here often doesn't mean I can't see it.

I'm going to throw in my two cents for whatever anyone cares... its not like much dignity is left on this board to lose anyway.

Grall: Your thread header should not have included the term "Xbotz". It's just really not necessary at all, regardless of what your intentions are in saying it, you just can't express yourself as casually as you can in real life since everything that is read can be interpreted in many differenent ways depending on the point of view. Yeah, only chap reacted, but it doesn't change the fact that the term shouldn't have been there in the first place.

However, with that said, I agree completely with Grall that if a problem was had with the thread title, then someone could have easily and MATURELY requested that it be changed. Simple as that... the entire thread didn't need to be degraded like that at all. So chap, your actions are inexcusable, especially with the reputation you now have to live with. Even if you you have improved (and yeah, I think you have in some regards), you can't just shrug off the fact that you were far FAR worse before than anything Grall has posted. Especially one term. If you asked to have the thread title changed, that would have been perfectly reasonable for everybody.

Moving on from that, I can't help but notice how much London Boy instigates this behaviour from chap.... chap lights a fire, and then London Boy you seem to throw a can of gasoline onto that fire. Like people have said, just don't bother replying if it bothers you that much. I know, and I think the majority here knows, that you have a problem with chap... but for the sake of everybody else, you have to restrain yourself. If you think he's acting badly, there's no reason for you to sink to that level as well.

The thread has already ran its course....although it could have been corrected easily with a few posts here and there, it wasn't. So because of that, the lock was probably for the best. Live and learn.....everybody.
LogisticX said:
Moving on from that, I can't help but notice how much London Boy instigates this behaviour from chap.... chap lights a fire, and then London Boy you seem to throw a can of gasoline onto that fire. Like people have said, just don't bother replying if it bothers you that much. I know, and I think the majority here knows, that you have a problem with chap... but for the sake of everybody else, you have to restrain yourself. If you think he's acting badly, there's no reason for you to sink to that level as well.

what have i done now? i'm only saying what the majority of people here are thinking. and i do not reply to chap's posts all the time. in fact, this was the only time in like weeks i replied to him. i only do it when he gets REALLY REALLY frustrating. i'm sorry i cant help it, i think this board should be a serious place to discuss about things, and it was much better before Chap came in.

what do u want me to do? if people dont say anything about Chap then he'll just keep doing what he always does!

and if u read one of the latest posts i have made u'll see that i replied to Chap (in some lame PS3 threads) in a completely civilised way, trying to make him understand things better, only to have him thowing one of his "JO GOT OWNEDZZ" kind of posts....

i'm sorry, must be the italian in me. if there's something wrong, i make it clear.
jvd said:
its funny because up until recently it was grall that was hiding behind me

HIDING BEHIND YOU??? I don't know wtf you're talking about, I've never ever hidden behind you OR ANYONE ELSE. I stand up for my own opinions and I dare anyone to say otherwise.

Hide behind you...! *snort* That's the most rediculous thing I ever heard since chap's last post! ;)

Why should I need to hide behind you anyway? It's not as if you actually DO anything to try and clean up the messes chap creates (other than to lock threads left and right I mean, threads that Chap was instrumental in derailing in the first place). :?

and to make things clear, people here know that when i'm serious (and not talking about sex :LOL: ) i make admittedly really good posts, so i don't think the whole encouraging crap is necessary. i only reply to him when things get really out of hand, AFTER he makes LOADS of unnecessary posts. please do check if u want. the trend is always:
-topic opened
-discussion starts
-chap continues with this crap
-if i feel connected to the whole subject (which to be honest doesnt happen very often), then i step in. sometimes i'm in a good mood, sometimes i'm in a bad mood. but comparing me to chap is ridiculous. i think i've made it clear with some of my latest posts that the chap-bashing is the last thing in my agenda here.
So it seems like this thread has gotten attention from more than just a few members of the console forum community. I have faith that we can turn this board around to make it a quality board once again. I am going to ask each member that has a problem abotu a thread or member to pm ME and we can discuss a solution to the problem.

It's clear to me that chap posts a whole lot of flame inciting posts that add nothing to the overall discussion of any particular thread in which he posts in. I do not know if he has been banned or not, but chap, this is for you. The next thread you post in and make a flame incited post and it turns into a flamefest you will be dealt with. That kind of behavior will not be tolerated on this forum any more. Either post in a mature manner or don't post at all.

Grall, I see your complaints but I must ask this. Please refrain from using profanity as many people take offense to the smallest word. PM me with your complaints and we will discuss them in private.
Few things:

1) The general forum is SO NOT the place to flame each other, as jvd suggested. There's enough hated being flung around there anyways (love you Vince, hetero way and all). Someone actually already complained to Dave about that comment:

2) Everyone's had a say in the situation, but I'll just add that majority rules, not jvd (sorry buddy) or any other mod. That is to say that whether it be an insistence that Chap be banned, or even a mod vote of no-confidence, no single person can control this board except the obvious (DaveB, JohnR, etc). If people have issues with the way the board is running as of late, I suggest we have a 're-election' then, and this term state the # of months their mod term will be for.

*sees it now* "If you elect me, I vow to ban Chap!" :LOL: :LOL:

3) I forget what #3 was.
<reads all of this in one sitting and gets all woozy>

... ....... .................ugh

<hands around a giant bottle of asprin again>
zurich said:
Few things:

1) The general forum is SO NOT the place to flame each other, as jvd suggested. There's enough hated being flung around there anyways (love you Vince, hetero way and all). Someone actually already complained to Dave about that comment:

2) Everyone's had a say in the situation, but I'll just add that majority rules, not jvd (sorry buddy) or any other mod. That is to say that whether it be an insistence that Chap be banned, or even a mod vote of no-confidence, no single person can control this board except the obvious (DaveB, JohnR, etc). If people have issues with the way the board is running as of late, I suggest we have a 're-election' then, and this term state the # of months their mod term will be for.

*sees it now* "If you elect me, I vow to ban Chap!" :LOL: :LOL:

3) I forget what #3 was.

Sorry buddy don't make false statments that you can't do if you become a mod. I.e banning. A mod can not ban someone . Second of all the desicion comes down to sonic and I .

The problem is chap may cause a problem. But the people who respond to him make it worse. So in my opinion I would have to ban both the person who started the flame and the one that added to it. Or in some cases cause the flame. If you feel someone should be baned type a nice letter and pm a copy to both sonic and i. We can discuss it . See if it warrents being past up to the higher ups. That is the best sonic and I can do .
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