DW, it's pretty obvious to me you don't like me and that's fine but turning an honest thread like this into a "Rev is against B3D" (and don't deny it; that's basically your intention, and not just with the above quoted comments but elsewhere, undeservedly so IMO) just makes things worse.
There's a difference between my expecting more/better from the mods here (which is basically what I said), and my saying the mods here "aren't up to snuff" (which I NEVER said). There's a big difference in the tones of delivery and I am fairly certain of the reason why you chosed those words to twist things wickedly (see my first sentence in this post).
You already posted a comment in
my thread (where, FYI, K.I.L.E.R posted the only response I was looking for, which is to say "being on topic", in a forum where OT posts are tolerated to the largest degree here... pretty impressive of K.I.L.E.R, huh?) that most probably made it get locked (I never intended to sound like I'm "
more popular/well known/betterer than Dave Baumann" (your rather immature words IMO, DW); more folks know of a Kyle Bennett than they do a Dave Baumann but does that mean Mr Bennett is "more popular/well known/betterer" than Mr Baumann?; that's just fact due to certain websites appealing to a larger audience than the other; and all I did was convey my experience with folks I meet in my city in my country), probably because the mods can see a flame war coming (unless they think the same as you, of course, i.e. the mods think all I wanted to do with my thread was to say I think I'm "more popular/well known/betterer than Dave Baumann") due to your comment, when my thread really was about whether/how often you guys recommend to people to visit this site (which surely qualifies as a decent topic of discussion and must surely be something Dave would have some passing interest in).
It is extremely frustrating to see comments that basically accuse me of ulterior motives the minute I post anything that can possibly be seen as critical of this site or of its staff (and even if I was being honestly critical about something about this site, what on earth is wrong with that unless it is downright ludicrous or without reason to begin with?).
Maybe it's better if you just included the following in your sig, which is something I can say and admit truthfully :
I think there's no better 3D hardware reviewer than Dave Baumann, period. No one in the 3D hardware reviewing business knows or understands more about 3D than Dave. For that reason Beyond3D.com is THE site when it comes to looking for 3D hardware reviews that place an emphasis on understanding 3D architectures.
That way, you can just post "Rev, please remember what you posted as per my sig" everytime you think I'm "against B3D".
And of course, contrary to my recommendation in this thread, I have gone OT. For this particular instance, I sure hope the mods won't edit/delete this post!