First Ghost Recon: Advance Warfighter Single Player Footage (X360)

[maven] said:
People have to understand that developers generally patch bugs and mistakes, not design decisions. I know there are counter examples, and I know there is more of that on PCs, but I am just bloody sick of people wishing / hoping / proclaiming, "it'll be fixed / changed in a patch".

Incidentally, the same is true for gameplay observations from near final code (cf. Oblivion). It is simply not very likely that 2 weeks from the mastering date (while the game is already in certification) the developers will rewrite the shadowing or LOD-systems. Of course, then someone will argue that the built was old etc. But then, why would you bother organizing a huge press event, only to show off an version of the game that was current half a year ago? Might as well have shown it earlier then...

/rant off
I was half-joking. I've never even played a game that had it's gameplay patched.
[maven] said:
People have to understand that developers generally patch bugs and mistakes, not design decisions. I know there are counter examples, and I know there is more of that on PCs, but I am just bloody sick of people wishing / hoping / proclaiming, "it'll be fixed / changed in a patch".

Incidentally, the same is true for gameplay observations from near final code (cf. Oblivion). It is simply not very likely that 2 weeks from the mastering date (while the game is already in certification) the developers will rewrite the shadowing or LOD-systems. Of course, then someone will argue that the built was old etc. But then, why would you bother organizing a huge press event, only to show off an version of the game that was current half a year ago? Might as well have shown it earlier then...

/rant off

pretty sure it was confirmed as a week old build
GRAW EGMs game of the month. They declare GRAW is "a next-gen masterpiece".

Review Score

Brimstone said:
GRAW EGMs game of the month. They declare GRAW is "a next-gen masterpiece".

Review Score


I still say that the MP jungle scene in nicaragua looks a mess... the graphics in Mexico City are oh so sweet!
I just read this pdf file and it lists the 10 biggest changes that impact GRAW.

Number 6 is "Enchanced multiplayer engine to reduce lag"

Number 7 is "Enchanced multiplayer graphics".

Sure the single player graphics engine offers more eyecandy, but Red Storm built a second engine for online play. Having a less laggy game is more fun, than one with slightly fancier graphics with more lag.
Brimstone said:
I just read this pdf file and it lists the 10 biggest changes that impact GRAW.

Number 6 is "Enchanced multiplayer engine to reduce lag"

Number 7 is "Enchanced multiplayer graphics".

Sure the single player graphics engine offers more eyecandy, but Red Storm built a second engine for online play. Having a less laggy game is more fun, than one with slightly fancier graphics with more lag.

I dont doubt that. I just think that the difference is larger than you would hope... from what i've seen.
blakjedi said:
I dont doubt that. I just think that the difference is larger than you would hope... from what i've seen.

direct screen grab

photo from mp presentation

pgr3 photomode

direct grab

photo from tv
blakjedi said:
yep the top screen was what i was referring to... I have no idea why there are differnet screens presented here so please elaborate if possible. If the game looks like the bottom screen... whoa! Scratch my sentiments.

the bottom image is from a different map, with more light and in the moment when HDR is at max
Griffith said:
the bottom image is from a different map, with more light and in the moment when HDR is at max
NO. First is taken directly from x360 gpu frame buffer (or fom x360 hard drive), I think pc graphics card deteriorate pixels. Check pgr3 comparision! Same goes with N3 pics.
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Lysander That CANNOT be it. The textures and art assets used in the top picture are not used in the bottom one at all. Those are two different models/builds/systems. hopefully the top is PC and the bottom is x360 (for MS' sake). In truth the bottom pic looks like x360 because the filters, art and character model, matches exactly what is seen the X360 mexico city screens.

The two "grabs" arent even in the same solar system graphically.
They look pretty similar to me, one is in bright sunlight, the other is in a foggy/clouded setting.

The textures look excellent in the top pic, except the dirt wall looks sorta crappy, but I have a feeling it would look a lot better in full resolution with no compression.
I'm sorry When I refer to "top pic" I'm referring to the picture called "direct grab" by Lysander.

I consider the "mp presentation" pic as one pic although it is really a composite..

the difference between "direct grab" and "MP presentation" are night and day