Fight Night Champion

You can hold the trigger and weave in Round 4 exactly the same way.

But was not near as fluid or as good IMHO.The parry was fine to me as its just a game.It was as good of of system your gonna get I think,just speed up the delay if anything. Haymaker is no problem too. If your good enough your not gonna be throwing many because you can see the wind up to parry.
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But was not near as fluid or as good IMHO.

I guess it's just been a long time since I played 3, but I remember the entire game feeling delayed, like it had a huge amount of inherent input lag. Round 4 was a rock solid 60fps title and was incredibly responsive. I'm pretty sure in round 4 one of your stats determined your range of movement for torso, so until you trained your boxer, your leaning/weaving was a small arc.
But was not near as fluid or as good IMHO.The parry was fine to me as its just a game.It was as good of of system your gonna get I think,just speed up the delay if anything. Haymaker is no problem too. If your good enough your not gonna be throwing many because you can see the wind up to parry.

The only problem with haymakers was how often you could throw them by setting up the parry. It was basically a free haymaker. I could sit back and parry every single punch and just take free shots until the opponent dropped.
The only problem with haymakers was how often you could throw them by setting up the parry. It was basically a free haymaker. I could sit back and parry every single punch and just take free shots until the opponent dropped.

That is really only if you parry a haymaker not a regular punch,unless your amazingly fast.
That is really only if you parry a haymaker not a regular punch,unless your amazingly fast.

I guess I'm amazingly fast, because I'd literally parry 80% of all the punches thrown at me, even jabs to the head and body. I basically stopped using the torso movement, for the most part. Fight Night Round 2 was even worse, because the parry gave you a window to throw a 3 punch haymaker combo.
I guess I'm amazingly fast, because I'd literally parry 80% of all the punches thrown at me, even jabs to the head and body. I basically stopped using the torso movement, for the most part. Fight Night Round 2 was even worse, because the parry gave you a window to throw a 3 punch haymaker combo.

You must be:oops: But I can say for sure that is not the norm at all from my thousands of games experience.

I mean just think about it, you have to direct your block with the stick first,then have a split second to pull the haymaker with the same stick..not a easy task considering more than half the players cant even pull off a haymaker at will in the first place.
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I think a move/kinect game mode would be cool. Make it a semi-sim, so if the player gets tired then they are tired. Make then do training etc ala some fitness program. Then its up to the player if they want to add extra weight/resistance, but it has no impact if you do extra weights or not. Except for your own health.

Then the fights would be on technique,skill and the game stamina. Your personal fitness would only affect your own abilities/skills to play the game.
You must be:oops: But I can say for sure that is not the norm at all from my thousands of games experience.

I mean just think about it, you have to direct your block with the stick first,then have a split second to pull the haymaker with the same stick..not a easy task considering more than half the players cant even pull off a haymaker at will in the first place.

Well, to be fair I'd parry most of the punches thrown at me, but I wouldn't necessarily counter every one of them if I didn't feel I'd be able to pull it off in time.
I think a move/kinect game mode would be cool. Make it a semi-sim, so if the player gets tired then they are tired. Make then do training etc ala some fitness program. Then its up to the player if they want to add extra weight/resistance, but it has no impact if you do extra weights or not. Except for your own health.

Then the fights would be on technique,skill and the game stamina. Your personal fitness would only affect your own abilities/skills to play the game.

Even if it were a separate game mode with limited function compared to the normal game, I still think it would be fun. Even if it was similar to Wii Sports Boxing, it would be cool, as long as it did a better job of recognizing the punches.
FNR4 is the only game I ever traded in within a week because the controls sucked so bad!!
FNR3 was far away better and I still own it:eek: Seriously , if they don't bring back the control from FNR3 with the same weave and haymaker stick control, I'm not buying.:devilish:

If you would have taken the time to learn it, you would have experienced a far far superior game to FNR3. Seriously, the amount of people I know who didn't give the game a chance because of the analog sticks blew me away. It was absolutely fantastic and felt great.
If you would have taken the time to learn it, you would have experienced a far far superior game to FNR3. Seriously, the amount of people I know who didn't give the game a chance because of the analog sticks blew me away. It was absolutely fantastic and felt great.

I think it was the best in the series.

Round 4 > Round 2 > Round 3 > Round 1

Round 1 was amazing when it came out, but it is fairly primitive compared to the others. You could block and dodge at the same time, and you couldn't punch while moving. It was the most innovative in the series, and the amount of control you had over your character was unmatched by other fighting games.

What I'm hoping for with Champion is different game modes for different types of players. They can have a normal or casual mode for people that want slugfests where you have arcade style haymakers etc. They can have a sim mode where the game is more about technique and timing, where a big mistake leads to big trouble in the ring. NHL has something like this, where you can adjust the opponent AI independently from the simulation aspect of the game (manual vs assisted passing etc).
I think it was the best in the series.

Round 4 > Round 2 > Round 3 > Round 1

Round 1 was amazing when it came out, but it is fairly primitive compared to the others. You could block and dodge at the same time, and you couldn't punch while moving. It was the most innovative in the series, and the amount of control you had over your character was unmatched by other fighting games.

What I'm hoping for with Champion is different game modes for different types of players. They can have a normal or casual mode for people that want slugfests where you have arcade style haymakers etc. They can have a sim mode where the game is more about technique and timing, where a big mistake leads to big trouble in the ring. NHL has something like this, where you can adjust the opponent AI independently from the simulation aspect of the game (manual vs assisted passing etc).

I'd definitely support different game modes for different players. I wish I could play you in FNR4, not that I'm anything to write home about, but I have no friends on PS3 to play it with (they all whined about the controls...QQ).
I'd definitely support different game modes for different players. I wish I could play you in FNR4, not that I'm anything to write home about, but I have no friends on PS3 to play it with (they all whined about the controls...QQ).

Well, if it supports move on PS3 and no kinect on 360, I might be tempted to jump platforms for that title.

Oh, and I hope the punches look a bit snappier in this one. Some of the punches looked like they had good impact, like the right cross, but the straight right looked weak as hell. Jabs were ok, and hooks with the inside hand looked pretty good. Mostly it was just the straight with the power hand that looked like a love tap.
Well, if it supports move on PS3 and no kinect on 360, I might be tempted to jump platforms for that title.

Oh, and I hope the punches look a bit snappier in this one. Some of the punches looked like they had good impact, like the right cross, but the straight right looked weak as hell. Jabs were ok, and hooks with the inside hand looked pretty good. Mostly it was just the straight with the power hand that looked like a love tap.

Not only the look of straights, but the sound, they just had no 'umph' to really sell it like you'd see / hear on TV. I certainly don't want bone cracking sound effects, but some more love in the audio department would be awesome, lol.

Sadly, I don't think this game will support either of those controllers, but you never know. I think if it did, it would have to be a 1st or 3rd person behind the back camera, which may be odd. I didn't like the 1st person camera in FNR3, lol.
Not only the look of straights, but the sound, they just had no 'umph' to really sell it like you'd see / hear on TV. I certainly don't want bone cracking sound effects, but some more love in the audio department would be awesome, lol.

Sadly, I don't think this game will support either of those controllers, but you never know. I think if it did, it would have to be a 1st or 3rd person behind the back camera, which may be odd. I didn't like the 1st person camera in FNR3, lol.

I never tried FNR3 on PS3, so I've never experienced the first person view. I think it would be a little weird. The games do support multiple camera angles, even though no one uses them. I'm sure they could add an over-the-shoulder view pretty easily. Maybe they'd have to add some transparency to your fighter, just to have a better view of what's going on. I kind of doubt it'll support Kinect or Move, but you never know. Seems like it would be the kind of thing they'd hype really early. They mentioned a new control scheme, so maybe that refers to those, or maybe just an entirely revamped right stick control for punching.
FNR4 is the only game I ever traded in within a week because the controls sucked so bad!!
FNR3 was far away better and I still own it:eek: Seriously , if they don't bring back the control from FNR3 with the same weave and haymaker stick control, I'm not buying.:devilish:

Yeah, it is the same for me, although I did not trade FNR4 but I just stopped playing it....controlls in FNR3 for the win!!
I was always shocked that people found the controls in round 3 better, and it just keeps coming up. I can understand the guys that wanted the buttons instead of the stick punching, but I wouldn't have thought anything else could possibly be inferior to 3.

I know one of the things people complained about is something that's actually good. In round 4, the punches will be directed towards the opponents face or body, no matter which way they're moving. So you actually have to slip the punches, where in round 3 you could duck and it was impossible to be hit in the face. The punches always went to exactly the same place, they weren't directed. And with the new physics system you could stand much closer together. The game didn't force the gap between the fighters, the fighters actually had to try to control it. That way you couldn't just lean back constantly to stay out of range of punches. The only problem with that was with the stamina being broken, people could just stay inside and punch all day. Hopefully that is fixed and there are better tools for controlling distance.
Even if it were a separate game mode with limited function compared to the normal game, I still think it would be fun. Even if it was similar to Wii Sports Boxing, it would be cool, as long as it did a better job of recognizing the punches.

I do hope that the move / kinect is more precise than the wii boxing. But I am sceptic, but hopefull.
Yeah, it is the same for me, although I did not trade FNR4 but I just stopped playing it....controlls in FNR3 for the win!!

I urge you to go back, put it in, and play through the training a few times, maybe even do the heavy bag combo mini-game with the analog sticks. It is a considerable improvement over FNR4 for fluid fighting.

Scott - Here's that first person view I was telling you about. It starts around 1:19ish