We'll see. I'm still not convinced. Madden Wii sales were nothing to write home about.
Take all the big PC franchises that generated huge amount of hype, sales and critical reviews to the point they have become the standard of highend gaming of their time. Now compare their sales to The Sims with its 16 million units moved of its base game alone and 70 million+ with the inclusion of its expansion pack. Now add the numbers of The Sims 2 units moved and you see numbers that dwarf the numbers produced by Half-Life2, FarCry, Doom and just about any hardcore PC game.
While that is the PC realm and not the console realm, I think you'll find that not having GTA, Halo, MGS, FF or any other popular well known/well hyped titles/defacto standard game is not a great impediment to capturing the market. Hardcore gaming is driven by graphics, while the mainstream is driven by gameplay, fun and crap at times if its tied in to block buster movie or popular cartoon or TV show.
Nooone is expecting MGS, FF, Halo, GT, GTA, KZ2 or other big name next gen titles to appear on the Wii but the Wii still continues to sale at a pace that outstrips supply even though the before mentioned titles have been hyped for the last three years and dominate gaming forums' discussions.
All Nintendo has to do is to continue to grow the library of the Wii and stock it with sufficient quality and the Wii will continue to sales even in the face of the top PS3 and 360 games.
The PS1 was able to sell despite the popularity of top franchises of Nintendo and Sega, so there is no reason the Wii can't do the same.