Been playing the crap out of Doom Eternal on Nintendo Switch for the past week. I absolutely adored Doom 2016. It had a singular focus on fantastic gameplay that really got the adrenaline pumping. Doom 2016 certainly ranks up top as my favorite Switch games. So when Eternal was announced, I was super excited to play it. My faith in a Switch port was starting to buckle after months of silence, but then bam, release date announced and two weeks later it was out on Switch. Eternal expands so much on Doom 2016. New gameplay mechanics are injected that truly do change the approach to battles. I think I like the simplicity of Doom 2016 a bit more, but its close, the dash mechanic does feel great to use. The in increased focus on story, platforming and exploration are going to be hit and miss for people. If you loved the non stop action of Doom 2016 with nothing getting in the way, Eternal might feel like it has some lulls in the game. I liked it though, had a lot of Metroid Prime feels to it platforming.
Panic Button did a good job of porting Eternal to Switch. The gameplay is intact. The sense of speed and controller response is great. Other than Doom 2016 on Switch, no other 30fps game feels this responsive. The framerate holds tight to 30fps most of the time, more so than Doom 2016 did, but the visuals have taken a bigger hit with the conversion of Eternal. LOD's pop in at extremely close range, and many of the textures look like they are two steps away from being fully loaded. It just isnt a very good looking game on Switch. The red haze of Mars in Doom 2016 with the smaller environments hid a lot of the cut backs made to get it onto Switch. Eternal isnt just a blurry version of the game, texture decals literally pop in within 25 feet of the player at times. The environments similar to Doom 2016 look decent enough, but all the new more organic and grander environments just don't look very good at all on Switch. So Panic Button did a good job or porting the game and retaining the excellent gameplay, but they didnt have any miracles up their sleeve to preserve the excellent visuals from other consoles, even when targeting a much lower resolution.
For me, its still a blast to play it on Switch, but for many, the visual compromises will be too much to stomach.