Doom 4 Announced

If iD games stopped trying to take themselves so seriously and they did a technologically superb Painkiller a-like with all the features people love like drop in/out co-op, online leaderboards and some sort of objective based multiplayer (anything where good tactics would help a bit to negate a lack of twitch skills) it would be win win win all the way to the bank. They know good fast paced core shooting mechanics and their obviously talented artists could go nuts designing differently themed levels.

Seems like Croteam is making the games that iD should be making. Both in terms of gameplay and technology.
I have high regard for Croteam, but what I really want is Painkiller 2. If People Can Fly aren't going to make it (god knows why not), then iD are well poised for a spritual successor IMO.
Seems like Croteam is making the games that iD should be making. Both in terms of gameplay and technology.

Despite Croteam mastering the mystical art of split-screen COOP on PC that neither id, nor Epic, nor Capcom can do with all their carmacks and sweenies :rolleyes: :rolleyes:, Serious Sam 2 was very far off the mark. Let's see what SS3 brings.
off topic!

It's hard to know just how far to derail a discussion, because my following statement and question have no relevance to the thread but doesn't really deserve it's own one, as I'm hoping for a quick answer then back to normal programming... I'll just go for it:

/edit okay in the time it took me to write this post other people have also gone for it.. :p

Personally I loved SS2 when playing with friends, some of the levels at the time just blew me away with the excellent visuals, such as the witches flying about on that dark level with the swamp; it was like playing a cartoon (and not just QT events). I remember being on teamspeak with a mate and we were all 'oooh! aaah!', and 'Look at that!' as we hit the new levels for the first time. I confess to never playing the predecessors, but what did you find wrong with it?
I always just found them boring. Painkiller was way more fun for me. I can't really point to what my problem was with them, but they just weren't that fun. I actually do agree that Doom should have more enemies though. Some of the best parts in rage were when the mutants started swarming like in the subway level.
Hard Reset is basically Painkiller, btw. They just pulled the baddies and locales out of scifi and scifi horror (like Screamers). The gameplay is extremely similar right down to the giant bosses and wacky weapons.

Doom3 to me felt like a hybrid of Quake 1 and Doom. They went really deep into gothic / scifi horror. But it was too repetitive and claustrophobic maybe. I feel that the artists and audio guys seriously delivered but the game designers didn't know what to do. Maybe it was because of how restrictive Doom3's engine was. Still I would be OK with more of id's horror style instead of any funnies ala Serious Sam and Painkiller.
I'm just not getting anywhere near the same enjoyment out of Hard Reset as I did with Painkiller. You can't stake people to walls for a start, and the locales and enemies are fairly boring. The music is crap too(is there even any? I don't remember), at least compared to the awesome (and memorable) PK soundtrack.
I'm just not getting anywhere near the same enjoyment out of Hard Reset as I did with Painkiller. You can't stake people to walls for a start, and the locales and enemies are fairly boring. The music is crap too(is there even any? I don't remember), at least compared to the awesome (and memorable) PK soundtrack.

Painkiller was first and it was better so that's probably why.

Just like how Doom3 would have been better off if Half Life 2 and System Shock 2 didn't exist. ;)
I'm just not getting anywhere near the same enjoyment out of Hard Reset as I did with Painkiller. You can't stake people to walls for a start, and the locales and enemies are fairly boring. The music is crap too(is there even any? I don't remember), at least compared to the awesome (and memorable) PK soundtrack.

The stake gun was pretty much the best part of painkiller :) I hate to say it. Anyway good guns are critical to these things and reactions from the baddies. I actually liked very much how Rage did that compared to D3 so I hope the awesome reactions carry over.
God how I loved Painkiller! Everything about that game just felt right. It did mindless shooting very well, with swarms of enemies and over-the-top bosses. Good memories.
Only thing that wasn't very good about Painkiller was the disjointed levels that had nothing to do with each other or the overall story, except sometimes being mentioned in the CG cut-scenes inbetween levels, like with the train station.

Music was awesome, the overall mood was awesome, the engine was awesome for its time (today it runs ludicrously fast even at super high resolutions and framerates), and the modeling, design and textures are top-notch even by today's standards.

Does anyone have a save file with all the tarot cards and levels unlocked by any chance...? I always get pissed off that my original Painkiller progress gets reset to zero every time I want to play Battle Out of Hell. That is THE major irritation with that game... :(
Yeah the story was pants, though I was rather taken with the CGI Eve at the time, although her damned hair got in the way. I really liked the disjointed levels though. Kept the game fresh and gave the artists free reign to go nuts, which they did admirably.

I'm sure you could download a 100% save from somewhere. My polish is not so good, but maybe here?
Yeah the story was pants, though I was rather taken with the CGI Eve at the time, although her damned hair got in the way. I really liked the disjointed levels though. Kept the game fresh and gave the artists free reign to go nuts, which they did admirably.

I'm sure you could download a 100% save from somewhere. My polish is not so good, but maybe here?

This is the direct link to the save file And yes, its a 100% finished game save on highest diff lvl.
painkiller was a bit annoying for the slow down effect, time slows down when your computer is not up to par hence the big battles were made easier - I would have prefered lower framerate.
painkiller was a bit annoying for the slow down effect, time slows down when your computer is not up to par hence the big battles were made easier - I would have prefered lower framerate.
Nope, it was just a bug on CPUs with non-constant RDTSC timer. I had this slowdown a couple times, just restarting the game fixed it (though disabling Cool & Quiet or similar features would be the most secure way to fix it).
lots of games have issues with such CPUs.
I remember that. The culprit for me at the time was dynamic shadows.

PK was the game that really sold stereo vision to me way back when. I still play it in 3D today. The texture work was fantastic and holds up pretty well too.