Doom 4 Announced

I wouldn't force controller only, but definitely let everyone play with their choice of input device. Let people in the same room work out what's fair for themselves, no need for the dev to get involved in that, besides, lots of PC owners don't have multiple controllers (as there are so few games that will let you take advantage of them).
If there were lots of PC games that let you do splitscreen with multiple controllers, I would have multiple controllers. Chicken and egg etc.

And since the functionality already exists on the console versions I don't see it being a huge hurdle for them to include it on the PC. If it's a DirectInput issue the Microsoft should fix it.
direct input does support multiple controllers (possibly 16)
when playing Enemy Engaged Comanche vs Hokum I use a hotas with god knows how many buttons, sliders, 8way hat switches and even a mouse on it, also a logitech g25 steering wheel (to use the pedals) and a track-ir
Yeah, I have a couple controllers, and I wasn't suggesting don't support them, just don't force people to by banning the kb+m from the mix. The dev making a balance decision makes sense for online, but certainly not when someone is in the same room.
I think you greatly overestimate the number of people wanting to play split screen coop on PC. But maybe that is just me. Should be pretty easy to do now with so many CPU cores :)
I don't think tons of people will use it, although many more PCs are finding their way into the livingroom nowadays... just that a vocal minority want it, and there's no good reason not to impliment it that I can see.
direct input does support multiple controllers (possibly 16)
when playing Enemy Engaged Comanche vs Hokum I use a hotas with god knows how many buttons, sliders, 8way hat switches and even a mouse on it, also a logitech g25 steering wheel (to use the pedals) and a track-ir
That must have been a sight to behold. :LOL:

Got any pics of you playing with all that stuff?
Haha, you should see me playing NFS Shift (the first one) with 3Dvision glasses, TrackIR and massive 5.1 Zalman headphones all strapped to my head and a momo+pedals. I had to draw the curtains lest the neighbours fear the invasion of the Borg.
No dumping DOOM!

But Hexen III would be sweet also. TBH, I'd rather have that than the rumoured Quake reboot. I wonder if id has full ownership of the Heretic/Hexen IPs.

That's hard to say. Raven developed them, but had iD Software and GT Interactive publish them. But I believe Raven is still on good terms with iD so I don't think that'd be a problem. Unless it's GT Interactive that had the rights to the game, in which case I have no clue who would have it now as I don't know who bought out GTI's IP portfolio.

I'd also love to see another Heretic/Hexen.

Singularity did wow. The game was like a collection of lost Wolfenstein ideas so I figured Idtech4.
My biggest concern with another Doom (hell, another id) game is archaic gameplay design. I feel they a behind other devs in this area.
random 4chan poster says these are Doom 4 screenshots and claims Doom 4 is canceled.. but Bethesda denies it, no comments about screens though, i thought it is good to post here






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Yes, lots of texture detail and high fidelity lighting, but texture resolution and poly counts are constrained by console hardware; also, no HDR and very nice and detailed skyboxes.

Apparent lack of characters is interesting, too.