Doom 4 Announced

I doubt that's going to be particularly high on the list, unfortunately. :p We certainly didn't see split-screen for Rage PC when the console versions had it.
I doubt that's going to be particularly high on the list, unfortunately. :p We certainly didn't see split-screen for Rage PC when the console versions had it.

id still hasn't mastered that magical art.

And yes, everything needs COOP. Also split-screen COOP.
id still hasn't mastered that magical art.

The Xbox version of Doom 3 had co-op over live, albeit they remade the entire game and shortened it to fit the hardware. Still, I found it very enjoyable, especially since one of us would hold the flashlight >_> *cough* It was just fun really. I can't remember if it was Vicarious Visions who remade the levels or not, probably though... :(

Pretty sad that id is behind in Co-op features. I'd hate to bring out the comparisons, but I mean, Gears 3 not only has co-op, but it's up to 4 players over the network and people can join/leave at any time the host is in-game. Hell, you can join random people's games if you wanted to. Certainly a step up from Bungie's efforts with 4p co-op in the Halo series lately.

The Xbox version of Doom 3 had co-op over live, albeit they remade the entire game and shortened it to fit the hardware. Still, I found it very enjoyable, especially since one of us would hold the flashlight >_> *cough* It was just fun really. I can't remember if it was Vicarious Visions who remade the levels or not, probably though... :(

Yeah, I meant split-screen COOP on PC but even on the Xbox, the port and COOP gameplay was VV.

Pretty sad that id is behind in Co-op features. I'd hate to bring out the comparisons, but I mean, Gears 3 not only has co-op, but it's up to 4 players over the network and people can join/leave at any time the host is in-game. Hell, you can join random people's games if you wanted to. Certainly a step up from Bungie's efforts with 4p co-op in the Halo series lately.

What gets me is that "oh, but the story doesn't work in coop" argument that sometimes gets thrown around. WTF? Play the single player for a coherent story, plot and dialogue, play with your friends for a good time. Aren't games supposed to be entertaining? Who cares that an NPC says "you are the sole survivor" to 4 guys pressing B to skip dialogue?
What gets me is that "oh, but the story doesn't work in coop" argument that sometimes gets thrown around. WTF? Play the single player for a coherent story, plot and dialogue, play with your friends for a good time. Aren't games supposed to be entertaining? Who cares that an NPC says "you are the sole survivor" to 4 guys pressing B to skip dialogue?

Worked for Halo 1. :p :(
Splitscreen co-op (or even co-op at all) is just such a hot feature.. everyone seems to want it.. is it really that hard to do? You're almost guaranteed sales. Why aren't they listening!! :p
Splitscreen co-op (or even co-op at all) is just such a hot feature.. everyone seems to want it.. is it really that hard to do? You're almost guaranteed sales. Why aren't they listening!! :p

They don't give splitscreen co-op to PC games for this two reasons, first to give a advantage to their console version, second because they think PC gamers only like to play solo on their PC.

But they are wrong how many times i would love to play my games with my friends in splitscreen co-op when they come to my house. :cry:
Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 can apparently enable splitscreen through the console..I don't get why such games can't add "proper" splitscreen support

Splitscreen is one of the big things console has over PC
How can game developers be so out of touch with this one? At what point do they say "ooh hang on, don't include split-screen on the PC version" and for god's sake why? Please, someone who has been privy to one of these discussions fill us in.
The gaming industry is full of ass clownery
some people commit it, while others condone it
for example Humus who flat out refused to beat the just cause 2 input programmer with a rubber chicken
hence it continues....
The gaming industry is full of ass clownery
some people commit it, while others condone it
for example Humus who flat out refused to beat the just cause 2 input programmer with a rubber chicken
hence it continues....

I've only played it a bit, but I didn't notice any input lag... I used keyboard/mouse.
You know what they should actually do?

They should make a story mode and a chaos mode.

Story is regular way, chaos is made for play with coop and/or just tons of enemies. It is extremely easy to throw a ton of enemies into a simplistic level. It takes way less resources than a AAA game. Thus it should just be a free game type or something like that. Painkiller's story and locations were random and disconnected, but they were fun. They could do the same thing on Doom4. If it is on earth they could literally do the same thing in the chaos mode.

Just random locations.
Whatever you get the idea
Painkiller enemies just spawned in waves which nowdays people pan games for but if people will actually allow it think how easy it could be done.

Look a teleporter on top of generic temple/pagoda/skyscraper whatever. You have to go up and destroy it while demons pour out the whole way up...
What about input buffers? Controllers are designed to work separate, but keyboards?

Smae screen co-op with keyboard and mouse is going to be a difficult prospect at best. Probably best to keep it controller only to keep things fair and make the controller issue simpler. Now that all games support the 360 pad it should be very straight forward to implement.
Dump Doom 4 and instead work on Hexen III Coop.

No dumping DOOM!

But Hexen III would be sweet also. TBH, I'd rather have that than the rumoured Quake reboot. I wonder if id has full ownership of the Heretic/Hexen IPs.